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Published byHaleigh Toop Modified over 10 years ago
1 District Level Workshop Capacity Building of Panchayat Raj Institutions Dhalai District Administration
2 Backward Region Grant Fund Earlier Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana [RSVY] Objectives –To redress regional imbalances in development –Bridge Critical Gaps –Support to PRIs for planning, implementation and monitoring –Strengthen Panchayat and Municipal Governance
3 RSVY Funding YearComponentYearly Entitlement Fund Received Expenditure Incurred UC Position Balance UC 2003-04 to 2007-08 RSVY4500 00 Total4500 00
4 Fund Received and Utilized YearYearly Entitlement Fund Received Expenditure Incurred UC Position Balance UC 2006-071221.000.00 2007-081221.0010.00 0.00 2008-091221.001098.00 0.00 2009-101221.00769.00 0.00 2010-111221.001096.00 0.00 1096.00 Total6105.002973.001877.00 1096.00
5 Fund Received and Utilized YearYearly Entitlement Fund Received Expenditure Incurred UC Position Balance UC 2006-07100.000.00 2007-08100.000.00 2008-09100.0083.61 0.00 2009-10100.0088.8480.37 8.46 2010-11100.0055.000.00 55.00 Total:-500.00227.45163.98 63.46
6 SL. NO. Project item Name of Block Total ABSSLMDBNMNUCMN 1Power 186.68 0.00 117.87 34.1059.40 398.05 2Education 17.2616.36 56.19 44.48 54.26188.55 3Medical 15.5510.00 55.55 4PGP0.00 5.0020.000.0025.00 5Fisheries 3.0012.0016.000.00 31.00 6Nagar Panchayat, KMP 60.00 7Nagar Panchayat, ABS 10.85 Total :222.4938.36205.06108.58123.66769.00 Sector-Wise Allocation 2009-10
7 SL. NO. Project item Name of Block Total ABSSLMDBNMNUCMN 1Power74.8846.0023.3518.7544.95207.93 2PWD232.50035.0000267.50 3DWS28.328.3421.530.3228.3136.76 4Water Resources112.000000 5Medical24.0030.0010.00 20.0094.00 6S&T17.25 86.25 7TTAADC6.50 13.0039.00 8PGP38.09041.258.55087.89 9ARDD10.045.0000015.04 10Horticulture0.0011.00000 11Fisheries6. 12Forest10.005.0000015.00 13Agriculture006.6410.00016.64 14 Nagar Panchayat, ABS 109.99 Total :-559.56149.09167.49101.37133.501221.00 Sector-Wise Allocation 2010-11
8 Major Works 2009-10 11 KV LT Line at ABS/DBN/MNU/CMN: Rs. 398.05 Lakhs Teacher Accomodation : Rs. 77.00 Lakhs Class Room Furniture: Rs. 61.30 Lakhs Infrastructure Dev. at KMP. NP: Rs. 60.00 Lakhs Market Stall at DBN/MNU: Rs. 25.00 Lakhs Health Sub-Centre (5 Nos.): Rs. 50.00 Lakhs
9 Major Works 2010-11 11 KV LT Line & LT Line Extension: Rs. 207 Lakhs Deep Tube Wells and IRPs: Rs. 175 Lakhs Improvement of Ampi-Dangabari Road: Rs. 137 Lakhs Prevention of River Erosion at Kulai etc: Rs. 112 Lakhs Health Sub-Centers: Rs. 94 Lakhs Solar Home Lighting Systems: Rs. 86 Lakhs Infra. Dev of ARDD, Fisheries, Agri. Forest:Rs. 68 Lakhs Roads and Drains in Ambassa NP :Rs. 109Lakhs
10 Capacity Building - Infrastructure Construction/ Extension of Panchayat Ghar Computers, Printers, UPS to GPs/ ADC Villages Telephone and Internet Connections Establishment of Training Center in DZP Building. Establishment of Computer Lab at Ambassa & SIPARD. Setting-up of Planning Cell at Block Level. Three Storied Panchayat Training Center
11 Capacity Building- Training 1. Trainers Training Program: –30 Trainers –2 weeks Course at SIPARD 2. Foundation Course for Elected Representatives –1320 Elected Representatives –6 days course –50 Batches of 30 each at DZP Training Center & SIPARD 3. Basic Functional Course for Elected Representatives –300 Elected Representatives –6 days course –10 Batches of 20 each.
12 Capacity Building - Training 4. Accounting and Auditing: –300 officials from all GP/ADC village –6 days course –10 batches of 30 each 5. Basic Computer Training: –Elected Representatives and Officials –6 days course –35 batches of 20 each at DZP and SIPARD
13 Name of Block Total No. of Computers, UPS, Printer available at Block Level Total No. of GP/ ADC Villages Total No. of computers, UPS, Printer Sanctioned at Block/GP/ADC Village Level Total No. of computers, UPS, Printer Supplied at Block/GP/ADC Village Level No. GP/ADC villages having Internet connectivity Ambassa828C-29, UPS-29, P-29C-23, UPS-23, P-232 Chawmanu1014C-15, UPS-15, P-15C-5, UPS-5, P-51 Dumburnagar719C-20, UPS-20, P-20C-7, UPS-7, P-73 Manu926C-27, UPS-27, P-27C-25, UPS-25, P-251 Salema743C-44, UPS-44, P-44C-0, UPS-0, P-01 TOTAL :41130C-135, UPS-135, P-135C-60, UPS-60, P-608 ICT Infrastructure with PRIs upto Sep 2010
14 Labour Budget for 2010-11 Target of Employment Generation : 71.49 Lakhs Mandays. Estimated Amount for Wage Payments: Rs. 71.49 Crores. Administrative and Contingency Expenditure: Rs. 7.58 Crores Material Component as per Labour Budget: Rs. 47.23 Crores. Total Labour Budget for 2010-11: Rs. 126.30 Crores Fund Availability in 2010-11 Opening balance as on 31.03.2010: Rs. 49.77 Lakhs. Central Share : Rs. 4698.08 Lakhs State Share: Rs. 202.57 Lakhs Misc. receipt (Bank Interest): Rs. 5.17 Lakhs Total fund available during 2010-11 : Rs. 4955.59 Lakhs. Fund Utilization in 2010-11 Utilised on wages component : Rs. 2380.00 Lakhs (62%) Utilised on pure Material component : Rs. 1458.16 Lakhs (38%) Utilised on Admn. Expenditure : Rs. 133.65 Lakhs (3%) Status on utilization of fund (as on 30-09-2010) : Rs. 3971.81 Lakhs.
15 Expenditure & Mandays Generation upto Sep 2010 Name of Block Total fund received Expenditure (In Lakhs)Manday Generated (In Lakhs) Target as per LB Actual Exp. Upto Sep ‘09 in 2009-10 As per MIS Target as per LB Actual MD genera ted Upto Sep ‘09 in 2009-10 As per MIS Ambassa841.02788.10757.33 279.62 628.824.464.12 1.65 3.73 Chawmanu602.68435.51495.00 201.45 424.062.472.75 1.52 2.57 Dumburnagar824.54786.50681.98 302.15 486.114.454.43 2.7 2.95 Manu1033.151100.48998.37 415.2 647.046.236.17 3.16 4.72 Salema1304.371144.821039.13 455.47 862.846.486.33 3.66 4.96 TOTAL4605.764255.413971.81 1653.89 3048.8724.0923.80 12.69 18.93
16 Name of Block Total No. of Job Card Holders No. of Job card Holders Demanded Employment No. of Job Card Holders Provided Employment Average mandays generated Upto Sep’ 09 (2009- 10) Mandays generated (in lakhs) Average (as per demand) Average (as per total J/Cards) Ambassa118269198 4.12413119 Chawmanu70126761 2.75413922 Dumburnag ar 120569145 4.43483822 Manu1705116012 6.17383618 Salema2465015674 6.33402616 TOTAL :7259556790 23.80423319 Demand and Provision of Mandays upto Sep 2010
17 Name of Block Total Fund available Total Expenditure Expenditure on wages Expenditure on materials Wage - Material ratio Ambassa841.02757.33 412.00345.33 56:44 Chawmanu602.68495.00 275.00220.0056.44 DBN824.54681.98 443.00238.98 65:35 Manu1033.15998.37 617.00381.37 62:38 Salema1304.371039.13 633.00406.13 61:39 TOTAL : 4605.763971.812380.001591.81 60:40 Wage Material Ratio upto Sep 2010
18 Name of Block Water harvesting (in nos. & Ha) Formation of road (in nos. & KM) Brick Soling road (in nos. & Km) Culvert Irrigati on facilitie s (in ha) Extensio n of irrigation channel (in Km) Plantati on (in ha) No.Ha.No.KmNo.Km Ambassa5426.458521131742 Chawmanu167.5751371410.2630063 DBN6717.257932.75129.75017.52.7594 Manu72.01728722.25074150 Salema5333.5931152638.83079 26.4 TOTAL :19786.66377423.755562.096187.596.75225.4 Assets Created upto Sep 2010
19 Name of Block Water harvesting (20 - 25%) Drought Proofing (Plantation) (15 - 20%) Irrigation facilities (20 - 25%) Road Connectivity (15 - 20%) Others (0- 5%) Ambassa2722143010 Chawmanu7160781 Dumburnagar371310318 Manu5037214 Salema201525205 TOTAL :191310468 Sector-wise Expenditure upto Sep 2010
20 Name of Block Fund Agri/ Fishery HH & ForestARDDADCothersTOTAL HortiSericulture Ambassa Requirement of fund 92.0958.4945.5491.7915.06106.9995.87 505.83 Fund placed 45.6058.4714.7057.5810.9823.5758.55 269.45 Fund utilized 2.5051. 104.18 Chawmanu Requirement of fund 53.6133.0811.5899.909.8616.3173.43 297.78 Fund placed 10.0033.087.5548.081.5016.3166.70 183.23 Fund utilized 2.9119.554.2023.230.005.2927.09 82.27 Dumburnagar Requirement of fund 96.0091.5311.580.00 95.4054.79 349.30 Fund placed 6.5425.503.380.00 28.6229.35 93.38 Fund utilized 0.0022.290.00 22.6627.09 72.04 Manu Requirement of fund 78.0577.3711.6896.823.3378.58116.36 462.19 Fund placed 12.2821.167.0080.261.0029.9971.70 223.39 Fund utilized 0.0012.690.0010.460.0015.4254.67 93.23 Salema Requirement of fund 43.4370.2944.7957.0324.6076.1262.33 378.60 Fund placed 6.9029.8413.4425.007.3815.0848.77 146.41 Fund utilized 1.7523.734.237.425.0610.9238.52 91.62 TOTAL : Requirement of fund 363.18330.76125.18345.5452.86373.40402.781993.70 Fund placed81.31168.0546.06210.9220.86113.57275.08915.86 Fund utilized7.16129.268.4344.267.7261.08185.45443.34 Convergence with Line Depts. upto Sep 2010
21 District No. of job card holder No. of Accounts opened in Banks No. of Account s opened in Post Office Total no. of account opened % of Job card holders having account % Job card holders getting wages through A/c % of Job card holders getting wages by cash Ambassa11826107910 91%87%0 Chawmanu701269450 99%100%0 DBN12056 0 100% 0 Manu170511374820171576592%88%0 Salema246501756258182338098% 0 TOTAL :725956110278356893795% 0 Bank and Post Office Accounts upto Sep 2010
22 Name of Block No. of Block level officers engaged for inspection of MGNREGA works No. of works inspected by them Block Level % of inspection Dist. level % of inspecti on Ambassa780393518 Chawmanu2988583.5 Dumburnagar12144893311 Manu7352500 Salema141503900 TOTAL :42507517633 Inspection of Works in Sep 2010
23 Name of Block Total No. of Job card holders No. of uncovered job card holders No. of job card holders taken into B.C. Model Ambassa1182655186308 Chawmanu7012 0 Dumburnagar120560 Manu17051 0 Salema24650 0 TOTAL :725955423118364 Extension of BC Model upto Sep 2010
24 Panchayat Development Fund 2009-10 Sl. No BlockPanchayat Samiti / BAC ShareGP/Village ShareTotal Received Total Expenditure ReceivedExpenditureReceivedExpenditure 1ABS 17.77402 56.34221 74.11623 2CMN 12.37410 12.1550030.9524427.7441943.3265439.89919 3DBN 19.38160 12.2682050.06143 69.4430362.32963 4MNU 29.68430 90.18819 119.87249 5SLM 39.41257 68.9942651.87049108.4068391.28306 6DZP 22.86169 7Total 118.62659 111.29409296.53853276.20651438.02681410.36229
25 Panchayat Development Fund 2010-11 Sl. No Name of Block Panchayat Samiti / BAC Share GP/Village ShareTotal Received Total Expenditure ReceivedExpenditureReceivedExpenditure 1ABS 5.85077 0.0000015.296378.8189821.147148.81898 2CMN 4.10522 0.000009.589270.0000013.694490.00000 3DBN 6.43003 0.0000015.019670.0000021.449700.00000 4MNU 36.1815 28.9101826.10420 62.2857055.01438 5SLM 11.88436 2.8613521.8526713.8877233.7370316.74907 6 DZP7.600000.60000 7 Total 64.45188 31.7715387.8621848.81090159.9140681.18243
26 12 th Finance Commission 2009-10 Sl. No Name of Block Panchayat Samiti / BAC ShareGP/Village ShareTotal Received Total Expenditure ReceivedExpenditureReceivedExpenditure 1ABS 0.00000 47.1827036.2851047.1827036.28510 2CMN 37.18270 35.3000028.0000023.6000065.1827058.90000 3DBN 0.18250 39.0000033.9000039.1825034.08250 4MNU 0.00000 60.18270 5SLM 0.00000 64.5000044.4712364.5000044.47123 6 DZP1.830000.00000 7 Total 37.36520 35.48250238.86540198.43903278.06060233.92153
27 12 th Finance Commission 2010-11 Sl. No Name of Block Panchayat Samiti / BAC ShareGP/Village ShareTotal Received Total Expenditure ReceivedExpenditureReceivedExpenditure 1ABS0.00000 2CMN0.00000 6.805000.000006.805000.00000 3DBN0.00000 10.658670.2000010.658670.20000 4MNU0.00000 16.324570.0000016.324570.00000 5SLM0.00000 23.376770.0000023.376770.00000 6DZP0.00000 7Total0.00000 57.165010.2000057.165010.20000
28 13 th Finance Commission 2010-11 Sl. No Name of Block Panchayat Samiti / BAC ShareGP/Village ShareTotal Received Total Expenditure ReceivedExpenditureReceivedExpenditure 1ABS7.65294 0.00000 12.754190.0000020.407130.00000 2CMN4.96161 0.00000 8.269460.0000013.231070.00000 3DBN8.26057 0.00000 13.767790.0000022.028360.00000 4MNU12.14720 0.00000 20.245560.0000032.392760.00000 5SLM16.04668 0.00000 26.738520.0000042.785200.00000 6 DZP8.736050.00000 Total49.06900 0.00000 81.775520.00000 139.5806 0 0.00000
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