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Programme Advisory Committee Meeting (2010-11) District Institute of Education and Training Sector 7, R K Puram, New Delhi 23.2.10.

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Presentation on theme: "Programme Advisory Committee Meeting (2010-11) District Institute of Education and Training Sector 7, R K Puram, New Delhi 23.2.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programme Advisory Committee Meeting (2010-11) District Institute of Education and Training Sector 7, R K Puram, New Delhi 23.2.10

2 Educational Scenario of the District Zone Type of School Sr. sec.Sec.MiddlePrimaryNurseryTotal I9323320 II7122113 III6123315 IV8116218 V6125317 VI9114520 VII7356425 VIII83---------11 Total6014152921139

3 Pre-Service Training Programme Elementary Teacher Education Enrolment of ETE trainees (2009-11) GENSCSTOBCWDSTWDDSPHNCCW-ExTotal 228462311148

4 Result of ETE Trainees Batch Trainees appeared Trainees passed Trainees reappeared I Division II Division III Division 2007-09 II Year 4240------2 2008-10 I Year 51472---2

5 Activities Performed Preparation of TLM in EVS Teaching of English Theatre in Education Wall decoration and Puppetry Action Research Constructivist approach to teaching Micro teaching Traffic Rules and Road Safety Flower making Gender Sensitization Performing Art Environmental Care YUVA- life Skills Education IEDC Special workshops were organized for ETE trainees on

6 Poster making /Slogan writing Poster making /Slogan writing Essay writing Essay writing Folk Dance Folk Dance Folk Song Folk Song Preparation of Rakhi/ Kites Preparation of Rakhi/ Kites Display of Bulletin boards Display of Bulletin boards BALA BALA Diagnostic test Diagnostic test TLM in EVSS TLM in EVSS Inter House Competitions were organized for ETE trainees:

7 Deepalaya Deepalaya Navjoyti Navjoyti AADI, Hauz Khas AADI, Hauz Khas Dilli Haat Dilli Haat Manikaran, Kullu and Manali Manikaran, Kullu and Manali Visits and Excursions were organized for ETE trainees to

8 Wall Quiz has been initiated for trainees in Mathematics and Science. Answering such questions involves the feeling of Joy, Excitement, Thrill, Logical Thinking and Competition. Above all it inculcates the reading interest and trainees are spending free time purposefully. Questions are of general nature or up to the level of class VIII. Every Monday 2-3 questions in both the subjects are displayed and trainees answer them by Wednesday. Another sets of questions are being displayed on Wednesday, which are to be answered by Friday. On an average 50-60% trainees drop their attempts on every question in a box kept specifically for the purpose. Correct answers along with names of successful trainees are being displayed. Wall Quiz has been initiated for trainees in Mathematics and Science. Answering such questions involves the feeling of Joy, Excitement, Thrill, Logical Thinking and Competition. Above all it inculcates the reading interest and trainees are spending free time purposefully. Questions are of general nature or up to the level of class VIII. Every Monday 2-3 questions in both the subjects are displayed and trainees answer them by Wednesday. Another sets of questions are being displayed on Wednesday, which are to be answered by Friday. On an average 50-60% trainees drop their attempts on every question in a box kept specifically for the purpose. Correct answers along with names of successful trainees are being displayed. New Activities introduced in 2009-10 Wall Quiz

9 The Mental Maths Project was started as a pilot project for classes IV and V in Sarvodaya Schools of District South in the year 2004-05 and was later extended to classes VI and X in all Govt. schools of Delhi. The activity is meant to enhance and sharpen the calculation skills. Mental Maths Quiz aims at removing Maths phobia from the minds of students. Mental Maths Quiz is held at School, Cluster, Zonal, District, Region and State level. As Mental Maths has been introduced in all schools of Directorate of Education, it was included in the course content of INSET Programmes organised by SCERT/ DIETs. Teachers were given orientation irrespective of their subject area. It has been felt essential that DIET trainees be induced to the activity. Mental Maths Quiz is being organised as Inter House activity. The Mental Maths Project was started as a pilot project for classes IV and V in Sarvodaya Schools of District South in the year 2004-05 and was later extended to classes VI and X in all Govt. schools of Delhi. The activity is meant to enhance and sharpen the calculation skills. Mental Maths Quiz aims at removing Maths phobia from the minds of students. Mental Maths Quiz is held at School, Cluster, Zonal, District, Region and State level. As Mental Maths has been introduced in all schools of Directorate of Education, it was included in the course content of INSET Programmes organised by SCERT/ DIETs. Teachers were given orientation irrespective of their subject area. It has been felt essential that DIET trainees be induced to the activity. Mental Maths Quiz is being organised as Inter House activity. New Activities introduced in 2009-10 Mental Maths Quiz

10 Master Trainer Programmes were organised from 11-5-09 to 15-5-09 and 1.6.09 to 5.6.09 Master Trainer Programmes were organised from 11-5-09 to 15-5-09 and 1.6.09 to 5.6.09 INSET Programmes Programmes for TGTs on YUVA-SLP was organised at 6 centres from 18.5.09 to 29.5.09 and 1507 teachers were trained. Programmes for Primary Teachers was organized at 11 centres from 16.6.09 to 27.6.09 and 1900 teachers were trained. Subject specific Prog for TGTs/ PRTs was organized at 3 centres from 2.7.09 to 7.7.09 and 656 teachers were trained. Programme of English Teachers under Cascade Model was organized at 3 centres in (10.9.09-15.9.09) and (26.10.09-30.10.09) and 325 and 387 teachers were trained Community Leaders were trained in 5 phases in Oct – Dec 09 and 405 community leaders were trained.

11 Research Projects A Study of Un-recognized Schools in District New Delhi of NCT of Delhi - in Progress A Study of Un-recognized Schools in District New Delhi of NCT of Delhi - in Progress A Study of Drop-out rate of Girls in NDMC Schools - in Progress A Study of Drop-out rate of Girls in NDMC Schools - in Progress Evaluation Study on School Libraries - completed Evaluation Study on School Libraries - completed A Study on Management of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in New Delhi District of NCT of Delhi - in Progress A Study on Management of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in New Delhi District of NCT of Delhi - in Progress A Study of Present Status of Work Experience in NDMC A Study of Present Status of Work Experience in NDMC Schools - completed Schools - completed

12 Compilation and Printing of Action Research by trainees - in progress Production of Video Programme on Constructivism Learner Centered Approaches for ETE trainees of New Delhi District Teachers - dropped Publication of News Letter-cum-Journal - in progress Compilation and Up dation of District Data - in progress Compendium of School Profile - in progress Compilation of Prayers and Motivational Songs - new activity initiated and will be completed in the coming year Compilation of Stories with Moral Values - new activity initiated and will be completed in the coming year Material Development Projects

13 Proposed Programmes (2010-11)

14 Pre Service Teacher Education ThemeBudget 1 Orientation Programme for New Entrants 14,000/- 2 Workshop on Teaching of English for ETE trainees 27,000/- 3 Inclusive Education ETE I Year trainees 10,000/- 4 Orientation cum Workshop on Microteaching ---------- 5 Work Experience Activities 15,000/- 6 Workshop on First Aid ETE I Year trainees 5,000/- 7 Workshop on Gender Sensitization 2,000/- 8 Workshop on Action Research 10,000/- 9 Extension Lectures 1,00,000/- 10 Literacy Day Celebration 15,000/- 11 Educational Visit (Local) – Dilli Hatt Educational Visit (Local) – Suraj Kund Educational Excursion (outstation) 4,900/- 20,200/- 1,50,000/-

15 Pre Service Teacher Education ThemeBudget 12 Visit to an NGO working in the field of Education 1,600/- 13 Workshop on Personality Development 10,000/- 14 Workshop on Theater in Education 43,000/- 15 Workshop on Story Telling 31,200/- 16 Workshop for Development and Use of Teaching- Learning Material in Maths 37,000/- 17 School Experience Programme 10,000/- 18 Workshop on Folk Art 12,000/- 19 Orientation on Yoga 2,000/- 20 Mental Maths Quiz 21,250/- 21 Wall Quiz 5,000/- 22 Alumni Meet 80,000/- Total5,46,150/-

16 INSET Programmes DurationTheme No. of Prog Total No. of Trs. Budget 5 days For PRTs on Teaching of Maths 4 (100) 4001,80,000/- 5 days For PRTs on Teaching of EVS 4 (100) 4001,80,000/- 5 days For PRTs on Teaching of Hindi 4 (100) 4001,80,000/- 5 days For PRTs on Teaching of English 4 (100) 4001,80,000/- 5 days Programme for Nursery Teachers 2 (50) 10060,000/- 10 days Programme for Newly Recruited Teachers 1 (50) 5050,000/- 3 days Sensitizing Teachers about the Social problems of Children 4 (40) 16057,000/- 5 days Programme for Heads of Primary Schools 2 (35) 7031,500/- 5 days Development and Use of TLM in Maths 2 (35) 7050,000/- Total2519809,68,500/-

17 Research Projects Sr. No. Title of the ProjectBudget 1A Study of Un-recognized Schools in District New Delhi of NCT of Delhi30,000/- 2A Study of Drop-out rate of Girls from in NDMC Schools68,400/- 3A Study on Management of Mid-Day Meal scheme in New Delhi District30,000/- 4Case Study of Learning Centre29,500/- Total1,57,900/-

18 Material Development Projects Sr. No. Title of the ProjectBudget 1Compilation of Abstracts of ‘ Action Research Projects ’ undertaken during the session (2008- 09) and (2009-10) in SEP by ETE trainees75,000/- 2Publication of News Letter50,000/- 3Compilation and Up dation of District Data10,000/- 4Compendium of School Profile10,000/- 5Textual and Pictorial Presentation of Theatrical activities 27,500/- 6Ganit mein Khel ya Khel mein Ganit50,000/- 7Development of Maths Kit35,000/- Total2,57,500/-

19 Other Activities Organization of Mathematics Fair Just like organization of Science fair, Mathematics fair will be organized at District level. This will include display and competition of Teaching – Learning Material in Mathematics up to Upper Primary level. Competition can be held at two levels – TLM prepared by school students and TLM prepared by school teachers. Material will be invited from Schools of New Delhi District and DIET R K Puram trainees. Publishers, organizations and firms working in the area will be invited for display and sale of publication and other material. Some of the organizations so identified are as SARD, BGVS, Jodo Gyan, Mohit publishers etc. Delhi Association of mathematics Teachers will also be consulted and involved in the activity. Activity will be conducted with the support of NDMC. Budget: App 70,000/-

20 Faculty Development Programme Orientation-cum-workshops on following themes Strategies for organizing teaching learning for students of different abilities and different ages in the class room Principles of flexible classroom organisation and experimenting in classrooms Scientific method for assessing training needs of teachers Identifying strengths and weaknesses of students and organizing supportive learning experiences Techniques for observing and assessing classroom teaching learning processes Budget: Rs. 5,000/- Visits to some of following places of educational excellence Bodh Shiksha Samiti, Jaipur; Aga Khan Education Service (AKES), Mumbai; Rishi Valley School, Hyderabad; Shanti Niketan, Kolkata; SERVE, Kolkata Eklavya, Bhopal; Digantar, Jaipur; Vidya Bhawan Society, Udaipur Budget: Rs. 55, 000/- Total Budget: Rs. 60,000/-

21 Special Area Work Plan  Learning Mathematics through Activity Based Teaching  Sensitizing Teachers about the Social Problems of Children  Alumni Meet

22 Learning Mathematics through Activity Based Teaching Math phobia, or the fear of Mathematics is very common. We are not aware of any other academic subject in elementary school that instills the same degree of dislike, disinterest and fear as Mathematics does. This is why we need to ask: how can we remove Math phobia? During a survey on Maths teachers while reflecting on their childhood experiences with Maths they said that they did not like the subject because of rote learning, lack of learning activities and unattractive teaching methods. Many people suggest that Mathematics should be taught through experiments in a laboratory.

23 (1) (1)Title: Mental Maths Quiz Mental Maths Quiz is held at School level, Cluster level, Zonal level, District level, Region level and State level. As Mental Maths has been introduced in all schools of Directorate of Education, it was included in the course content of INSET Programmes organised by SCERT/ DIETs. Teachers were given orientation irrespective of their subject area. It has been felt essential that DIET trainees be induced to the activity. Mental Maths Quiz will be organised as Inter House activity. Later on it will be conducted as Inter DIET Competition. Budget: 21250/- included in PSTE activities

24 (2) Title: Wall Quiz Wall Quiz in Maths will be organised for ETE trainees. Answering such questions will involve the feeling of Joy, Excitement, Thrill, Logical Thinking and Competition. Above all it will inculcate the reading interest. Questions will be of general nature or upto the level of class VIII content. 2-3 questions each will be displayed twice a week and trainees will be answering them within 2 days. Correct answers along with names of successful trainees will be displayed. Alternative methods of solving questions or alternative correct answers will also be discussed. This would motivate trainees to think divergently. Activity can be extended to a larger group by placing such questions on web site and receiving answers through email. Budget: Rs. 5000/- included in PSTE activities

25 (3)Title: Ganit mein Khel ya Khel mein Ganit Mathematics is considered as tough, dry and uninteresting subject by most of the teachers and students. It has been felt that a sourcebook for primary teachers will be helpful in making the classroom teaching easy to comprehend, activity based, joyful, and interesting. This source book will also encourage students for self-study. Material will be identified separately for primary and upper primary classes. The material will be tried out in five schools in District New Delhi. After language editing revised material will be published for use of primary teachers under the jurisdiction of DIET R. K. Puram and Teacher Trainees of all DIETs in Delhi. Budget: Rs. 50,000/- included in Material Development Projects

26 (4) Title: Mathematics Fair Mathematics fair will be organized at District level. This will include display and competition of Teaching – Learning Material in Mathematics up to Upper Primary level. Competition will be held at two levels – school students and school teachers. Material will be invited from Schools of New Delhi District and DIET R K Puram trainees. Publishers, organizations and firms working in the area will be invited for display and sale of publication and other material. Some of the organizations so identified are as SARD, BGVS, Jodo Gyan, Mohit publishers etc. Delhi Association of mathematics Teachers will also be consulted and involved in the activity. Activity will be conducted with the support of NDMC. Budget: Rs. 70,000/- booked under other activities

27 (5) Title: Development of Maths Kit As on date there is no Maths Kit available either with NCERT or SCERT Delhi. DIET trainees prepare TLM during School Experience Programme as well as part of assignments in Teaching of Mathematics. They also prepare write ups for their use. Five-day workshops will be organized for ETE trainees as well as school teachers separately for Development and Use of TLM. It is proposed to develop a prototype Kit by involving trainees and working teachers, trying out the material in say 10 schools, revising and displaying the material along with the User manual. After receiving orders from schools, kit can be multiplied with the support of professionals. It will be priced and will bring income to SCERT. Total budget: 1, 20,000/- only

28 Sensitizing Teachers about the Social Problems of Children Children in the school come from various psychosocial environments. The social context of a classroom situation of any school presents a number of challenges, which must be addressed by the teacher. The role of teachers is to provide a safe space for children to express themselves and simultaneously to build in certain forms of interactions. They need to step out of the role of ‘ moral authority ’ and learn to listen with empathy and without judgment, and to enable children to listen to each other. While consolidating and constructively stretching the limits of the learner ’ s understanding they need to be conscious of how differences are expressed. Therefore it is proposed to organize a workshop for teachers to sensitize teachers about the Social Problems of Children to develop child friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

29 Methodology: Programme will be carried out in a participatory mode, which will give space for Presentation of case studies, Discussion on the need of building a fear free learning environment, Interactive session on the influence of unidentified and unanswered socio- emotional problems on learning achievements of the children, Provision of guided and structured group work 4 programmes, each of 3 days duration will be organized. Total: Rs. 57,000/-

30 Alumni Meet There are approximately 250 ETE trained persons from DIET R K Puram who have entered the teaching profession. It is proposed to organize an Alumni Meet of these teachers and another batch who is going to pass in 2010. Meet is proposed to be organized in September 2010. Objectives: To develop profiles of ETE pass outs To identify the gaps between training imparted by DIET and Professional needs of Teachers To know how can DIET support them in growing professionally To provide information on sources for their professional growth Budget: Rs. 80,000/-

31 BUDGET Proposal under Programme Head (2010-11) Sr. No. ProgrammeBudget in Rs. 1Pre Service Teacher Education Programmes5,46,150/- 2INSET Programmes9,68,500/- 3Research Projects1,57,900/- 4Material Development Projects2,57,500/- 5Other Activities70,000/- 6Faculty Development Programme60,000/- Total20,60,050/-


33 Thanks

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