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Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Generous Stewardship Saturday 18 th October Parish Officers Training Day.

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1 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Generous Stewardship Saturday 18 th October Parish Officers Training Day

2 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Supporting your Clergy: ‘Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors’ by Kenneth MacMorran and Timothy Briden; Mowbray, ISBN 978-1-4411-5474-3 This handbook has become the standard guide for churchwardens and members of PCC, helping with an understanding of church law and also the extent of their responsibilities as elected Church officers. ‘Practical Church Management – A Guide for Every Parish’ by James Behrens; Gracewing, ISBN 0 85244 602 0 This book is a fuller volume providing essential information on all aspects of modern church life, covering responsibilities of all those involved with church management, both at the parish level and at diocesan level. It is well worth each parish having an available copy for reference. Church Representation Rules: Church House Publishing, ISBN 978 0 7151 1041 6 rules/church-representation-rules-online.aspx Diocese of Bristol Clergy Handbook – This handbook provides full information on clergy holiday entitlement and policies to support clergy and their families.

3 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Finance and buildings: Effective giving campaigns Giving in Grace – ‘These comprehensive resources will enable clergy and lay leaders to create over time a culture of stewardship in the local church and release Christians to "excel in the grace of giving" (2 Corinthians 8:7).’ Giving for Life – Church of England resources for parishes to help with the practical side of stewardship and giving. John Truscott – Resources and articles relating to different areas of church management, including stewardship.

4 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Giving to a need or needing to give? The Purpose for Christian Giving…

5 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Christians don’t just give to a need, we need to give. Why? Because our giving is the overflow of God’s gift to us in Jesus: ‘... you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich’ (2 Cor. 8:9).

6 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins The question is NOT: ‘how much I should give?’ The question IS: How much of me, my life in Christ and all that God has entrusted to me is reflected in my giving?

7 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Generous giving is born of obedient, grateful response to God's gift in creation and in Christ, and to the commands of Scripture.

8 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins So… Generous Giving is a regular feature of the rhythms of Christian life Yours Lord is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour and the majesty; for everything in heaven and earth is yours. All thing come from you and of your own do we give you.

9 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins What happens when we freely give?

10 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins We are transformed by the unconditional act of love for one another and for the world. JOY

11 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins Others are transformed by the unconditional act of love for one another and for the world. FRUIT

12 Diocese of Bristol | Generous Stewardship Derek Chedzey & Ian Tomkins The challenge to church leaders To give generously is to be caught up in the overflow of God’s grace, for when we give, we reflect the nature of God himself. For church leaders the goal of stewardship is not simply to obtain the gift, but to nurture the giver.

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