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Published byAri Master Modified over 9 years ago
When can creative ideas solve problems? Click to listen to story.
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Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword
Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City-Voc Spelling City-Amazing Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Fill-in-the Blank
Rosa & Blanca Amazing Words Vocabulary Words assist generous luckiest
abundant assist generous dismay efficient beam forever situation Vocabulary Words tortillas luckiest chiles
Rosa & Blanca High-Frequency Words many buy their daughters youngest
alone many buy their daughters youngest half
Rosa & Blanca Spelling Words find spider Word Wall Words child cry but
sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
Big Question: When can creative ideas solve problems?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Rosa & Blanca Monday Morning Warm-Up
Believe it or not, every problem has a solution. If you think of a creative idea today, you can solve a problem tomorrow! When can creative ideas solve problems?
Rosa & Blanca Monday Morning Warm-Up
Believe it or not, every problem has a solution. If you think of a creative idea today, you can solve a problem tomorrow! When can creative ideas solve problems?
Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Long i: i, ie, igh, y Theme and Plot Verbs
Rosa and Blanca Amazing Words
abundant a – bun – dant Abundant means more than enough or plenty.
If you have more food than you need, you have an abundant amount of food. We found an abundant supply of wood for the campfire.
assist as -sist If you assist someone, you help him or her do something. Our teacher likes us to assist him in passing out papers. We always assist the coach after the games by bringing all the balls and bats and other equipment to him.
generous gen – er – ous A generous person shares with other people and is unselfish. It was generous of you to give so much time to the project. People were very generous to those who lost their homes in the flood.
Click to listen to a song about friends that share with one another.
Long i: i, ie, igh, y bike hide
What do you know about reading these words? When you see i-consonant-e, the i says its name, and the e is silent. Today we’ll learn about other spellings for long i.
When y ends a single-syllable word, it usually has the long i sound.
ice cream CVCe-When a word has a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, the vowel usually stands for its long sound. mice pile When y ends a single-syllable word, it usually has the long i sound. sky my CV,CV/C- When a single vowel ends a word or a syllable, it usually has the long sound. Final wild CVVC – When two vowels are together in a word or syllable the first usually has the long sound and the second is silent. tie dried When i is followed by gh, the i usually has the long sound and the gh is silent. high night
Long i: i, ie, igh, y wild Sometimes i stands for long i. spider tie
fly high
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find pilot title die lie shy sly tight might
Long i: i, ie, igh, y bright child why die sigh cry lie lilac
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i think
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild think
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly think
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly think pitcher
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly think pitcher mint
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries think pitcher mint
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight think pitcher mint
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight kind think pitcher mint
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight kind think pitcher mint stick
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight kind tried think pitcher mint stick
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight kind tried nylon think pitcher mint stick
Long and Short i think, mild, fly, pitcher, mint, fries, flight, kind, stick, tried, nylon, thigh
Long i Short i mild fly fries flight kind tried nylon thigh think pitcher mint stick
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i fries, mild, flight, thigh, fly, kind, nylon, tried
Long i find squint dirt wild spin dried kind chime whirl writing trick
why cycle spine birth
Rosa & Blanca Spelling Words find spider Word Wall Words child cry but
sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
Word Family Rhymes - but
Consonants Digraphs Blends cut gut hut jut nut put rut shut
Word Family Rhymes - but
cut gut gut jut hut nut rut
Word Family Rhymes - paid
Consonants Digraphs Blends laid maid raid braid
Word Family Rhymes - paid
maid braid raid
Let’s Talk About Creative Ideas
Theme and Plot What happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story is the plot. Every story has one big idea which is the theme. Good readers pay attention to what happens and the order in which it happens. (plot) Then they think what they learned to help them understand the big idea of a story. (theme)
Read-Aloud The Heavy Cart
there is a speider in a web
Daily Fix-It there is a speider in a web There is a spider in a web. did you friten it Did you frighten it?
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future
A verb tells what someone or something does. A verb can show something that happens now, in the past, or in the future.
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future
Today Chris plays the piano. Today Chris plays the piano. (present) Yesterday Chris played the piano. Yesterday Chris played the piano. (past) Tomorrow Chris will play the piano. Tomorrow Chris will play the piano. (future)
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future
Chris started piano lesson three years ago. Chris started piano lessons three years ago. Today he practices all morning.
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future
His sister dances to the music. Their mother smiles at her children. Next year they will attend music camp.
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future started
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future practices started
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future practices dances started
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future practices dances smiles started
Grammar: Verbs for the Past, Present, and the Future started, practices, dances, smiles, will attend
Now Past Future practices dances smiles started will attend
Wrap Up the Day! Long I words Theme and Plot Let’s Talk About It!
Tomorrow we will read about two sisters who find creative ways to show how much they care about each other.
Rosa & Blanca Monday Journal Topic Write about a time when
you were generous.
Rosa & Blanca Tuesday Morning Warm-Up
Friends can have a problem today that might be solved tomorrow. Do you believe that can be true?
Rosa & Blanca Tuesday Morning Warm-Up
Friends can have a problem today that might be solved tomorrow. Do you believe that can be true?
Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Long i: i, ie, igh, y Theme and Plot Predict High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Verbs for present, past, and future
Rosa and Blanca Amazing Words
dismay dis – may Dismay is a feeling of deep disappointment and fear.
The three farmers felt great dismay when they realized the mice were eating their corn. I felt dismay when I was afraid I didn’t pass the test.
efficient ef – fic – ient
An efficient person gets things done without wasting time or energy. In the story, the fat cat was the most efficient mouse catcher of all. You can be efficient when you do your homework if you have everything you need before you start.
beam beam When you beam, you smile in a very happy way.
Jill beamed when she won the contest. The first snowfall of the year had all the kids beaming.
The Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat
Read-Aloud The Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat
Rosa & Blanca Spelling Words find spider Word Wall Words child cry but
sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
Word Family Rhymes - bread
Consonants Digraphs Blends dead head lead read dread stead tread
Word Family Rhymes - bread
lead tread head homestead
Long i: i, ie, igh, y highlight
You can read this word because you know how to read words with long i spelled igh. When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word.
Long i: i, ie, igh, y myself died tigers remind lied firefly upright
grind tied reply delight
Click to listen to “So Much Pie!”
Long i: i, ie, igh, y Find the words with a long i in “So Much Pie!”
my high lie find child mind
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find bright
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find bright spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find pie bright spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find pie lie bright spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild pie lie bright spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger pie lie bright spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger pie lie bright flight spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger pie lie bright flight right spy
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger pie lie bright flight right spy July
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie bright flight right spy July
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie bright flight right high spy July
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie bright flight right high spy July hydrant
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie bright flight right high spy July hydrant cycle
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie die bright flight right high spy July hydrant cycle
Long i: i, ie, igh, y find, bright, spy, pie, lie, wild, tiger, flight, right, July, cider, high, hydrant, cycle, die, tie i ie igh y find wild tiger cider pie lie die tie bright flight right high spy July hydrant cycle
Long i: i, ie, igh, y I saw the birds fly in the bright sky.
Can you identify the right spider? The child wanted to see the arrival of the flight.
Theme and Plot The theme of a story is the big idea behind the story.
You can think about what you learned from a story to figure out the big idea. The plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. As you read, think about the big idea of the story. Keep track of the order of events as they happen in a story.
Predict We can tell what we think will happen next in a story based on what has already happened and what we know about life. When you read a story, think about the characters in the story. Use what you know about them to guess what they might do next. Use what you know about life to predict what they might do next.
Rosa & Blanca High-Frequency Words many buy their daughters youngest
alone many buy their daughters youngest half
High-Frequency Words Review
their whole alone laughed half poor many loved buy another daughters were youngest house
Rosa & Blanca Amazing Words Vocabulary Words assist generous luckiest
abundant assist generous dismay efficient beam forever situation Vocabulary Words tortillas luckiest chiles
Vocabulary Words luckiest – having more luck and good fortune than anyone else tortillas – thin, round cakes made of corn meal that are served hot chiles – a hot pepper that is used as seasoning (picture)
tortillas & chiles
Vocabulary Words chilies, tortillas, luckiest
Mama made a plate of ____ for lunch. Mama made a plate of tortillas for lunch. I am the _____ boy alive to have so many! I am the luckiest boy alive to have so many!
Vocabulary Words chilies, tortillas, luckiest
I like to eat the hot ____ too. I like to eat the hot chiles too.
A small child looked at the sky. tomorrow the day be brite.
Daily Fix-It a small childe look at the sky A small child looked at the sky. tomorrow the day be brite. Tomorrow the day will be bright.
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs are words that show action. Verbs change when we talk about now, the past, or the future. We plant the tomatoes. What endings do we use when we talk about the past? We planted the tomatoes. What verb do we add when we talk about the future? We will plant the tomatoes.
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Tomorrow I will pick out vegetables at the market. Yesterday I _____ out vegetables at the market. Today I ____ vegetables at the market.
Wrap Up Your Day! High-Frequency Words Predict Let’s Talk About It!
Tomorrow we will hear a read aloud about how other characters use creative ideas to solve problems.
Rosa & Blanca Tuesday Journal Topic
Write about a problem you have at school and describe an unusual way to solve it.
Rosa & Blanca Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Farmer Smart sighed. “At night the mice eat my corn. Then they hide. It’s time to teach them that the corn is mine!” What are some ways we can teach each other things?
Rosa & Blanca Wednesday
Morning Warm-Up Farmer Smart sighed. “At night the mice eat my corn. Then they hide. It’s time to teach them that the corn is mine!” What are some ways we can teach each other things?
Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Compound Words Long i High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Verbs for present, past, and future
Rosa and Blanca Amazing Words
forever for – ever Forever means never ending or always.
Sometimes I feel like we’ve lived here forever. Nobody can be young forever.
situation sit – u – a – tion
A situation is an act or happening or condition. When you study a situation, you try to figure out what is going on. The car accident was a dangerous situation.
The Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat
Read-Aloud The Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat
Compound Words driveway
Compound words are made up of two smaller words. What words make up driveway? schoolyard everything bathtub raindrop
Rosa & Blanca High-Frequency Words many buy their daughters youngest
alone many buy their daughters youngest half
High-Frequency Words many, half, buy, daughters, youngest, alone, their
I like to sit all ____ in my bedroom and read. alone We will go over to ___ house after school. their We will ___ milk at the store. buy
High-Frequency Words many, half, buy, daughters, youngest, alone, their
I am the ___ of three children. youngest They have one son and two ____. daughters Dad cut my sandwich in ____. half How ___ cats do you have? many
Rosa & Blanca Spelling Words Word Wall Words find spider child cry but
sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
Word Family Rhymes - fried
Consonants Digraphs Blends tied cried dried pried spied tried
Word Family Rhymes - fried
cried pried tied dried
i wants to finde the right seeds I want to find the right seeds.
Daily Fix-It i wants to finde the right seeds I want to find the right seeds. me sister wi’ll plant them My sister will plant them.
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs are words that show action. Verbs change when we talk about now, the past, or the future. last year – played tag now – play softball next year – will learn to swim
Wrap Up Your Day! Theme and Plot Fluency Let’s Talk About It!
Tomorrow we will read a story about a thirsty crow with a creative idea.
Rosa & Blanca Wednesday
Journal Topic Use at least one word from another language in sentences about Rosa and Blanca.
Rosa & Blanca Thursday Morning Warm-Up
Today we will read about a thirsty crow. She must find water to consume. But it is hard for her to reach the water in the pitcher. She has a shrewd idea. What do you think she will do?
Rosa & Blanca Thursday Morning Warm-Up
Today we will read about a thirsty crow. She must find water to consume. But it is hard for her to reach the water in the pitcher. She has a shrewd idea. What do you think she will do?
Today we will learn about:
Long i Verbs for present, past, and future
Rosa & Blanca Amazing Words Vocabulary Words assist generous luckiest
abundant assist generous dismay efficient beam forever situation Vocabulary Words tortillas luckiest chiles
Read-Aloud Wiley and the Hairy Man
Sentence Reading It has been a mild winter with light snow and no ice.
Did you finally locate the bright white tile at the store today? I believe it is time to donate rice to the food drive.
Sentence Reading The child cried when he caught a cold and had a high fever. I don’t know whatever happened to the spider that tried to catch the fly. Mike might have time tomorrow to fix my broken boat.
Rosa & Blanca Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
Spelling Words find spider child cry sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight
Word Family Rhymes - street
Consonants Digraphs Blends beet feet meet sheet fleet greet sleet sweet
Word Family Rhymes - street
feet greet sweet beet bed sheets fleet sleet sheet music sheet
The Crow and the Pitcher
hour yard has a birdbath Our yard has a birdbath.
Daily Fix-It hour yard has a birdbath Our yard has a birdbath. now Birds stopped to drink Now birds stop to drink.
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Verbs are words that show action. Verbs change when we talk about now, the past, or the future. I whirled across the stage. (past) I whirl across the stage. (present) I will whirl across the stage. (future)
Wrap Up Your Day! Making Connections Let’s Talk About It!
Today you heard a story about a boy who overcomes his fear. Tomorrow we will hear about Wiley and the Hairy Man again.
Rosa & Blanca Thursday Journal Topic List ways you can assist someone.
Rosa & Blanca Friday Morning Warm-Up
This week we read about Wiley, Rosa and Blanca, and Farmer Smart. They all had problems to solve. When can a creative idea solve a problem?
Today we will learn about:
Amazing Words Long i: i, ie, igh, y High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Verbs for present, past, and future
Read-Aloud Wiley and the Hairy Man
Long i: i, ie, igh, y The child flies the kite high in the sky.
Dad ate a slice of pie.
Long i: i, ie, igh, y Why did you park your bike by the hydrant?
He tried to run a mile twice last week.
Rosa & Blanca Amazing Words Vocabulary Words assist generous dismay
abundant assist generous dismay efficient beam forever situation Vocabulary Words tortillas luckiest chiles
Rosa & Blanca High-Frequency Words many buy their daughters youngest
alone many buy their daughters youngest half
High-Frequency Words half, their, daughters, buy, alone, many, youngest
How ____ students are in your class? many The ___ child is two years old. youngest I will drink only ___ a glass of milk. half
High-Frequency Words half, their, daughters, buy, alone, many, youngest
I sat ___ in the woods and watched the animals. alone Max is ___ dog. their I want to save my money so I can ___ skates. buy Mom read a tale about three ____. daughters
Rosa & Blanca Spelling Words find spider Word Wall Words child cry but
sky blind bright myself wild frighten fly arrival right identify flight Word Wall Words but paid bread fried street
i helped Mom made a mail box I helped Mom make a mailbox.
Daily Fix-It i helped Mom made a mail box I helped Mom make a mailbox. now Her mail stayed dry Now her mail stays dry.
Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About It!
Next week you will read about a man who thought of new ways to help others.
Write a story about a very abundant garden.
Rosa & Blanca Friday Journal Topic Write a story about a very abundant garden.
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European Folk Tales: Volume 06: The Laughing Mirror / Katalina and Katalin / The Seven Flames [33:30]
We are now ready to take our story tests.
Classroom webpage, Student page, Taking Tests AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #
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