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Rosa and Blanca Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Rosa and Blanca Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rosa and Blanca Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading

2 Vocabulary Words tortillas luckiest chilies

3 tortillas Thin, flat, round breads usually make of cornmeal.

4 luckiest One who has had the best fortune.

5 chilies Green or red pepper with a hot taste.

6 Amazing Words abundant assist generous dismay efficient beam forever situation

7 abundant More than enough or plenty.

8 assist To help someone do something.

9 generous To share with other people; unselfish.

10 dismay A feeling of deep disappointment and fear.

11 efficient To get things done without wasting time or energy.

12 beam To smile in a very happy way.

13 forever Never ending; always.

14 situation An act or happening; condition.

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