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St. Brigid 1 February. Leader We welcome everyone here today All Sing of the Cross.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Brigid 1 February. Leader We welcome everyone here today All Sing of the Cross."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Brigid 1 February

2 Leader We welcome everyone here today All Sing of the Cross

3 Leader Let us offer a sign of welcome by shaking hands with each other. Saint Brigid is the Saint of springtime. We listen now to the poem Brigid Alive-O p139

4 Blessing of Water (holding a bowl of water) The water reminds us of God’s care for us God sends water to the earth to make plants grow We drink water – it keeps us strong and healthy We use water to keep clean

5 Let us pray God, Creator of the whole world and all the creatures and plants in it, you give us water, one of our most precious gifts. Today we thank you for the gift of water. All Thank you God for water We ask you to bless this water (All of those present make a sign of the cross in the air while the leader says the following while holding the water out to all) May it remind us of your love of us.

6 St. Brigid’s Litany Leader Today we honour St. Brigid who always took care of people and animals and God’s earth. St. Brigid did what Jesus said. She took care of people who were suffering in different ways. She shared food with them. We now ask her to pray for us.

7 ResponsePray for us St. Brigid, women of prayer Pray for us St. Brigid, generous and kind Pray for us St. Brigid, who fed the hungry Pray for us St. Brigid, who welcomed everyone Pray for us St. Brigid, who spoke about Jesus Pray for us St. Brigid, who lived like Jesus Pray for us St. Brigid, who protects us all Pray for us St. Brigid, raised up to heaven Pray for us St. Brigid, women of prayer Pray for us

8 Intercessions Response Lord hear our prayer LeaderWe pray for who are hungry, that they may be fed. Lord hear our prayer LeaderWe pray for people who are lonely, that they will have friends to help them. Lord hear our prayer

9 LeaderWe pray for people who are sad or afraid, that God will help them to be happy. Lord hear our prayer

10 Leader You give us food to strengthen us And clothes to keep us warm Help us t follow the example of St. Brigid By praying every day And by helping others We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen

11 Sing We Sing A Song to BrigidAlive-O 2 p155 WE SING A SONG TO BRIGID We sing a song to Brigid, Brigid brings the spring Awakens all the fields and the flowers And calls the birds to sing.

12 All were welcome at her door, no one was turned away. She loved the poor, the sick and the sore, She helped them on their way.

13 She laid her cloak out on the ground And watched it grow and grow, In wells and streams and fields of green St. Brigid’s blessings flow.

14 All Sign of the Cross

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