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Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The Thin Books.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The Thin Books."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude

2 The Thin Books

3 3 John -- A Tale of Three Men

4 Gaius—the man to whom John wrote Diotrophes—an opponent of John Demetrius—another Church

5 Gaius – The Generous Man 1-8 Gaius of Macedonia a "companion in travel" of Paul (Acts 19:29) Gaius of Derbe accompanied Paul from Greece "as far as Asia," during his third missionary journey (Acts 20:4)

6 Gaius – The Generous Man 1-8 Gaius, the host of Paul when he wrote the Epistle to the Roman, and who joined in sending his salutations (Rom 16:23) Gaius, whom Paul baptized at Corinth (1 Cor 1:14)

7 Gaius – The Generous Man 1-8 Gaius to whom 3 Jn is addressed He has been identified by some with the Gaius mentioned in the Apostolical Constitutions (VII, 46), as having been appointed bishop of Pergamum1 by John.

8 Gaius – The Generous Man 1-8 Balanced man BE CAREFUL TO WALK IN TRUTH AND LOVE Faithful man Big-hearted man

9 LESSON #1  One of the signs of faithfulness in a believers life is the support of those who are being sent out with the work of the Gospel.

10 Diotrophes—A Divisive Man 9-11 Selfconsumed “loves to be first.” 9 Arrogantly Rebellious “will have nothing to do with us.” (9b). A Slanderer “gossiping maliciously” (10a)

11 Diotrophes—A Divisive Man 9-11 Ungracious “refuses to welcome the brothers.” (10b) An Abuser of power “stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church.” (10c)

12 LESSON #2  True followers will not use their position or influence to push their own agendas.

13 Demetrius—A Reputable Man 11-13 Good Reputation 12 Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone.... Worthy of imitation 11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good... 12 Demetrius

14 LESSON #3  We become like the people we follow.

15 3 John -- A Tale of Three Men

16  Supporting others in ministry is noble and honorable  Leaders must guard against being self seeking.  We become like the people we follow.

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