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Course Objectives: 1. Broaden our world view 2. Seek to understand God better and what He is doing in our world 3. Try to discover what God wants us to.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Objectives: 1. Broaden our world view 2. Seek to understand God better and what He is doing in our world 3. Try to discover what God wants us to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Objectives: 1. Broaden our world view 2. Seek to understand God better and what He is doing in our world 3. Try to discover what God wants us to do in His world. World Christian

2 World Vision

3 Course Objectives: 1. Broaden our world view 2. Seek to understand God better and what He is doing in our world 3. Try to discover what God wants us to do in His world.

4 World Christian--World Vision n Objectives n Objectives of this introductory lesson: –Define –Define “World Christian” –Identify –Identify key choices we must make to become World Christians –List –List the ten building blocks of World Vision

5 Worldly Christian vs. World Christian n Worldly Christian … –self-centered preoccupation –desire for self- fulfillment –rigid thinking –narrow vision n World Christian … –Christ’s global cause is the overriding priority for life –Life directions transformed by a world vision –Breaks the mold of a self-centered way of thinking

6 Choose to get our eyes off ourselves and to focus first on God Choose to build for growth by faithful obedience to God

7 BUILDING BLOCK 1 Dominant Themes: There is salvation in no one else The basis of mission is to reveal God’s glory God wants to use us

8 Choose to get our eyes off ourselves and to focus first on God Choose to build for growth by faithful obedience to God

9 BUILDING BLOCK 2 How to “See” Current Events With Spiritual Glasses With bifocals: far and near See ourselves as we are See God at work in the world

10 BUILDING BLOCK 2 Ways to Respond to our World Prayerfully: Often it is the only response Personally: don’t become calloused Realistically: look for a positive way to have an impact

11 Election Day in Cochabamba

12 Protest in Peru

13 Banda Aceh Before

14 Banda Aceh After

15 Banda Aceh Before

16 Banda Aceh After

17 BUILDING BLOCK 3 Matthew 9:36-38 Prayer reminds us of who is in charge! Prayer changes us Those who pray change the world




21 BUILDING BLOCK 4 Why Read? To be inspiredLearn from past mistakes Grow in VisionSee the people God uses Grow in our ability to influence others to serve God Pray more effectively

22 BUILDING BLOCK 4 What to read: Missions Histories Biographies Current Issues in Missions Cross-Cultural Understanding General Missions Resources

23 BUILDING BLOCK 4 What to read: Missions Histories Biographies Current Issues in Missions Cross-Cultural Understanding General Missions Resources

24 BUILDING BLOCK 5 Making the Most of Our Experiences Identify our own biases Become World Christians not just tourists We must observe, ask, listen We must be willing to change

25 BUILDING BLOCK 5 In-Depth Firsthand Experience International Campaigns/Programs Student Exchange Programs Internships/Hope Program/Avanti Italia Teaching English in China



28 BUILDING BLOCK 6 Incorporate building blocks into the group Pray about missions together Adopt a giving project together Work togetherEvangelize together Send someone into the harvest fields

29 BUILDING BLOCK 5 First Steps in Firsthand Experience Try some international cuisine Speak with an international student Worship with a congregation of a different ethnic group

30 BUILDING BLOCK 7 God’s Will Regarding Money God wants us to be generous Our stewardship is measured by our response to the poor and needy God wants us to keep His kingdom as our top priority


32 BUILDING BLOCK 7 Principles of Giving All we have is from God; giving is a response to God’s gifts True giving implies personal involvement True giving requires sacrifice God blesses the generous giver

33 BUILDING BLOCK 7 God’s Will Regarding Money God wants us to be generous Our stewardship is measured by our response to the poor and needy God wants us to keep His kingdom as our top priority


35 BUILDING BLOCK 8 Meeting and Getting to Know Missionaries What are some good ways to get to know missionaries? Read newsletters; write; call; pray; invite them to visit; visit them on the field How can we relate to missionaries? Ask about daily life; family needs; financial needs; spiritual life


37 Missionaries to Miami

38 BUILDING BLOCK 9 Lifestyle Choices A life of devotion and discipline A life of greater simplicity A life of spiritual values: attitudes about success, money, affluence In the world; not of the world

39 BUILDING BLOCK 10 Put the “World” in World Christian Make the world our “hobby” Keep the world visible Learn about the places of the world Start young; teach our children



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