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Found: The Perfect Preacher u Preaches exactly 15 minutes every Sunday. u Condemns all sin but offends no one. u Is paid $70 a week and contributes $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Found: The Perfect Preacher u Preaches exactly 15 minutes every Sunday. u Condemns all sin but offends no one. u Is paid $70 a week and contributes $200."— Presentation transcript:


2 Found: The Perfect Preacher u Preaches exactly 15 minutes every Sunday. u Condemns all sin but offends no one. u Is paid $70 a week and contributes $200. u Is 25 years old and has preached 40 years. u Spends 60 hours a week studying and visits with each member daily. u Has a loving wife and three wonderful daughters who spend 16 hours every day caring for members of the church.

3 Found: The Perfect Elder u Independently wealthy as a highly successful businessman u Retired at age 45 – spends all of his time on church work. u Has a side profession as a Marriage & Family Counselor u Has a lovely wife and three wonderful daughters who spend 16 hours every day caring for members of the church. u Has the wisdom to hire the perfect preacher.

4 An Elder’s Qualifications 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Titus 1:5-9

5 Qualities & Qualifications Qualities focus on personality and character. Qualifications focus on ability and experience. These lists carry both ideas. An elder has to be both a person of quality (good character) and qualified (able to do the work).

6 Blameless, Above Reproach 1 Tim. 3:2 – “An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife…” Tit. 1:6-7 – “If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God;

7 Blameless, Above Reproach anegkletos (Tit 1:6-7) designates one against whom there is no accusation, implying not acquittal of a charge, but that no charge has been made. anepilemptos  (1 Tim. 3:2) means “irreprehensible,” designating one who affords nothing upon which an adversary might seize, in order to make a charge against him.

8 Blameless, Above Reproach  This primary quality in both lists centers on a man’s character.  A man is qualified to serve as an overseer when a charge cannot be brought against him in the qualities and qualifications Paul mentions. We must be careful to avoid the extreme of requiring perfection in a man.We must be careful to avoid the extreme of requiring perfection in a man. All men have personality “quirks” that some people don’t like about them.All men have personality “quirks” that some people don’t like about them.

9 Qualities of Overseers Character & Reputation ChristiansOverseers 1 Cor. 1:8Blameless Rom. 12:3Vigilant, Sober 2 Pet. 1:6Temperate, Patient 1 Pet. 1:15-16Holy, Just Heb. 13:15Not covetous/greedy 2 Pet. 2:10Not self-willed 1 Pet. 1:15-16Of good behavior 1 Cor. 13:6Lover of good Heb. 13:2Given to hospitality Tit. 3:1-8No striker, not soon angry Eph. 5:18Not given to wine 1 Tim. 4:12Good report by those without

10 Qualifications of Overseers Specific Only To The Office u Desires the work – 1 Tim. 3:1 u Husband of one wife – 1 Tim. 3:2 u Rules own house well – 1 Tim. 3:4-5  Believing (faithful) children – Tit. 1:6 u Not a novice – 1 Tim. 3:6 u Good reputation outside – 1 Tim. 3:7 u Especially capable with the Word – 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:9-14

11 Desires The Work 1 Tim. 3:1 – “It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.” a. man – male b. aspire – strive for c. office – responsibility of oversight d. fine – good, honorable e. work – effort, activity, sacrifice f. desire – eagerly desire, long for

12 Temperate (Vigilant-KJV) Grk: nephalios - temperate (in the use of alcoholic beverages), sober, clear- headed, free of excess, self controlled. Eliminates the man who… is given to excess or self- indulgence in eating, spending, recreating, working, etc. 1 Cor. 9:27 - “I buffet my body”

13 Prudent (Sober-KJV) also in Titus 1:8 – “sensible” Grk: sophron - thoughtful, serious, sensible, reasonable, sound judgment. Used in I Peter 4:7 – “The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment (sophroneo) and sober spirit (nepho) for the purpose of prayer.”

14 Prudent (Sober-KJV) also in Titus 1:8 – “sensible” Eliminates the man who: sees silliness in everything - nothing is sacred; he is funny, everyone likes him, but he is not elder material. is flighty or excitable - impulsive reactions, doesn't think things through before giving advice or direction.

15 Prudent (Sober-KJV) also in Titus 1:8 – “sensible” Eliminates the man who: is easily influenced - can't make up his mind, doesn't seem to trust his own judgment, uncertain in decisions & abilities. often seems to miss the point of a discussion – just can't get through to brother so-and-so; never understands what I’m saying!

16 Respectable (of good behavior-KJV) Grk: kosmion – orderly, honorable, dignified, well-behaved. Same Greek word used in 1 Tim. 2:9 – “modest apparel” Eliminates the man whose… life is disorganized – e.g., financial difficulties; habitually late, doesn’t do what he commits to do; irresponsible. outward conduct is improper – rude, crude, boisterous, or embarrassing.

17 Hospitable (given to hospitality-KJV) also in Tit. 1:8 Grk: Philoxenos - “loving to strangers, generous to guests” (Thayer) Rom. 12:13 – all are commanded to show hospitality but not all do. GENEROUS WITH TIME, POSSESSIONS, AND HOME Includes being friendly to visitors, taking interest in new members, inviting people into their homes, being socially inclined.

18 Hospitable (given to hospitality-KJV) also in Tit. 1:8 Requires selflessness, sacrifice of time, money, comfort and routine. Risk of being taken advantage of. Eliminates the man who… does not set a good example for others in hospitality. prefers solitude – doesn’t like to be around people, is introverted.

19 Not Addicted To Wine (not given to wine-KJV) also in Tit. 1:7 Grk: paroinos - lit. “beside the wine”. A “winebibber”, one who lingers at the wine, one who drinks for the effect. The alcoholic content of typical wine in Paul's day, after it was diluted with water for normal drinking purposes, was about one to one and a half percent. Only by lingering at the wine could a man alter his state of mind.

20 Not Pugnacious (no striker-KJV) also in Tit. 1:7 Grk: plektes - “quarrelsome, violent, ready with a blow, contentious, apt to strike” (Thayer). NOTE: In Titus 1:7 Paul uses “not soon angry” (not quick-tempered or touchy, one who has a short fuse). See 2 Tim. 2:24-26 Eliminates the man who… is easily angered is inclined to use violence

21 But Gentle (but patient-KJV) Grk: epiekes – yielding, gentle, kind. Thayer – “seemly, equitable, fair, that which is reasonable.” Vine – “expresses that considerateness that looks humanely and reasonably at the facts of the case.” Phil. 4:5 – “Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men; the Lord is near.”

22 But Gentle (but patient-KJV) Eliminates the man who… is gruff, abrupt, and blunt is not easy to be approached with problems shows little understanding or compassion

23 Peaceable (not a brawler-KJV) Grk: amachos – peaceful, not contentious; word is from a (against) + mache (quarrel) Eliminates the man who… fights with words – argues for argument's sake, finds fault with things others say, disputes about words and enjoys fruitless discussions.

24 Free From Love of Money (not covetous-KJV) Grk: aphilarguros – not greedy or stingy. In Titus 1:7 Paul uses the words “not fond of sordid gain” (filthy lucre). 1 Tim. 6:10 – “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” Eliminates the man who… focuses much of his attention on obtaining more and more money is not generous with his money

25 Not Self-Willed (not selfwilled-KJV) Grk: authades – one who pleases himself. He is willful, stubborn, headstrong, bossy, unyielding, inflexible. An elder must have the spirit of Phil. 2:3-4. Eliminates the man who… never surrenders in matters of judgment – must have things his way; argues or pouts until you give in.

26 Loving What Is Good (a lover of good men-KJV) Grk: philagathos – one who loves what is just and righteous. Thayer – “a fosterer of virtue.” This man promotes godliness & righteousness, and encourages people toward good deeds. He will talk to people about modesty of dress, social drinking, worldly living, lasciviousness. He hates evil and will not allow evil to corrupt the church. He will take action, rebuke willful sinners, and stand up for all that is right.

27 Just (just-KJV) Grk: dikaios – righteous, just, a man of principles. Thayer – “rendering to each his due… passing just judgment on others.” Because an elder must make judgments in the application of God’s Word, he must be unbiased and have a strong sense of what is fair and right. Partiality will sow discord. He must listen to both sides of a story, never judge motives, only actions, and when discipline is needed, take just and proper steps.

28 Devout (holy-KJV) Grk: hosios – pious, devout, pleasing to God, holy. An overseer keeps himself free of anything which would “stain” him in the eyes of God. He is not concerned with popularity but with purity, and with pleasing God. Acts 5:29 – obey God rather than men 2 Cor. 5:9 – ambition to be pleasing to Him

29 Self-Controlled (temperate-KJV) Grk: egkrates – mastering, controlling, curbing, restraining. Used only here in NT. A self controlled man is moderate in the enjoyment of what is lawful and refrains from all that is unlawful and harmful. The Greeks used this word to describe the virtue of an emperor who never let his private interests influence the government of his people. It was the virtue which made a man so master of himself that he was fit to be the servant of others.

30 Will You Become A Christian? Hear the Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe that Jesus is the Son of God (John8:24) Repent of Your Sins (Acts 17:30-31) Confess Jesus as Lord (Acts 8:37) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 2:38) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev. 2:10)

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