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Published byKailyn Leeks Modified over 10 years ago
Introduction to Cataloging Electronic Integrating Resources
January 2003 Introduction to Cataloging Electronic Integrating Resources An Online Training Presentation From the Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) of the Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC) Copyright © 2003 Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. THIS RESOURCE WAS ARCHIVED IN OCTOBER 2007 AND MAY NOT REFLECT CURRENT PRACTICE OR THINKING. A newer version may be available at OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
About this online training
January 2003 About this online training What it is and what it isn’t This online training presentation is meant to serve as an introductory overview to orient catalogers to the new AACR2 rules and MARC codes for integrating resources (IRs); it is not a detailed training tutorial. What it covers Keeping with the mission and scope of OLAC, the focus is on electronic IRs, with an addendum on what is distinctive for print IRs (loose-leafs). OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Provisos The practical application of most of the new rules and codes for IRs is still under development nationally. In some areas, policies and best practices have yet to be developed. Even in those areas in which policies have been recently established (e.g., LCRIs), we may reasonably expect further revisions in coming months based on practical experience. Areas that entail the greatest change in cataloging practice for IRs and that may benefit from further application guidelines include: Wording of Frequency of updates notes in 310 fields and corresponding use of Frequency and Regularity fixed field codes. Wording of dates of publication notes in fields. Use of linking entry fields and notes for electronic integrating resources. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Type of Issuance With 2002 Revisions to AACR2, we now have three types of issuance: Monograph Serial Integrating Serials and and Integrating Resources are grouped together under the broader umbrella category of Continuing Resources. See LCRI 1.0 for guidance New LCRI 1.0 (former 12.0A) provides excellent guidance in making decisions about type of issuance for online and loose-leaf resources. Very helpful even for those who don’t strictly follow LCRIs! It is well worth reading, re-reading, and regularly consulting LCRI 1.0 very well. Even for libraries that do not strictly follow LC rule interpretations, it is very helpful fore getting a grasp on the new bibliographic landscape! See: Monograph, Serial, or Integrating Resource: Guidelines for Making the Decision (LCRI 1.0): (available online as of Jan. 30, 2003) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Representation of Bibliographic Resources in AACR2
January 2003 Representation of Bibliographic Resources in AACR2 Finite resources Continuing resources Monographs Integrating resources Serials Multi-parts This slide is from the Library of Congress and depicts how these types of resources are represented in AACR2. For electronic resources, the electronic aspects are still covered by the rules in chapter 9, while the continuing aspects are now covered by the rules in chapter 12. Catalogers of electronic integrating resources will need use both chapters for description. Parts remain discrete Updates do not remain discrete This slide is borrowed from the Library of Congress OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Definition of Terms New and revised definitions in the 2002 Revision of AACR2 include: Bibliographic Resource Continuing Resource Monograph Serial Integrating Resource Iteration These include both new and revised definitions in AACR OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Bibliographic Resources and Continuing Resources
January 2003 Bibliographic Resources and Continuing Resources Bibliographic resource An expression or manifestation of a work or an item that forms the basis for bibliographic description. A bibliographic resource may be tangible or intangible. Continuing Resource: A bibliographic resource issued over time with no predetermined conclusion. Includes serials and ongoing integrating resources. Note the use of FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) terminology in the definition of Bibliographic resource. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Monographs and Serials
January 2003 Monographs and Serials Monograph: A bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts. Serial: A continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples include journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports, newspapers, and monographic series. Note the elements that make a resource a serial. The key difference between a serial and an integrating resource is that serials retain discrete parts while integrating resources do not. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Integrating Resource A bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Integrating resources can be either finite or continuing. Examples include updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Iteration An instance of an integrating resource, either as first published or after it has been updated. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Three Major Types of IR Updating Database Updating Web Site
January 2003 Three Major Types of IR Updating Database A database is a collection of logically interrelated data stored together in one or more computerized files, usually created and managed by a database management system. Updating Web Site A Web site that is updated, but does not fit into one of the other MARC 21 Type of Continuing Resource categories. Updating Loose-leaf Consist of base volume(s) updated by separate pages: inserted, removed, and/or substituted. Definitions from: MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008 – Continuing Resources p. 8 (character position 21: Type of Continuing Resource). Definitions of “database” and “Web site” may need to be further developed and clarified in future documentation and training. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Updating Database January 2003
According to LCRI 1.0, only remote-access updating databases are integrating resources. All direct-access updating databases, e.g., those on CD-ROM, should be treated as serials, because the carrier is issued successively. Extract from LCRI 1.0: Catalog as serial: ii) Direct access resource: a resource whose carrier is issued successively (this situation is analogous to a print serial whose latest volume supersedes any earlier volumes) Note that such resources can be mounted on networks such that the successive issuance of the carrier is not observable to the cataloger or end user; when contributing cataloging in a shared environment (e.g., bibliographic utility), the record should reflect the carrier and type of issuance as published. See: MONOGRAPH, SERIAL, OR INTEGRATING RESOURCE: GUIDELINES FOR MAKING THE DECISION (LCRI 1.0): (available online as of Jan. 30, 2003) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Updating Web Site January 2003
A familiar Web site that undergoes continuous change over time. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Continuing and Finite IR
January 2003 Continuing and Finite IR Continuing integrating resource: Issued over time in a series of iterations with no predetermined conclusion. Most integrating resources are continuing. Finite integrating resource: Issued over time with a predetermined conclusion; intended to be completed in a finite number of iterations. Single event Web sites are common finite integrating resources. This distinction is necessary because some integrating resources may have a predetermined conclusion and therefore not technically fit the definition of a “continuing resource.” But there is no difference in the way they are cataloged. It may also be impossible to determine at the time of original cataloging whether an integrating resource is finite or continuing, and it does not matter because the cataloging is the same. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Finite Updating Web Site
January 2003 Finite Updating Web Site An example of a finite updating web site for an annual conference: the site was updated with new content until the conference was over and final post-conference content was added; then it ceased to be updated: note “Last updated” date at bottom of home page. When a cataloger knows they have the last update, which is the final iteration, they can “close” the bibliographic record by adding concluding date information. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Databases on CD-ROM are not Integrating Resources
According to LCRI 1.0, only remote-access updating databases are integrating resources. All direct-access updating databases, e.g., those on CD-ROM, should be treated as serials, because the carrier is issued successively. Extract from LCRI 1.0: Catalog as serial: ii) Direct access resource: a resource whose carrier is issued successively (this situation is analogous to a print serial whose latest volume supersedes any earlier volumes) Note that such resources can be mounted on networks such that the successive issuance of the carrier is not observable to the cataloger or end user; when contributing cataloging in a shared environment (e.g., bibliographic utility), the record should reflect the carrier and type of issuance as published. See: LCRI 1.0: (available as of 2/1/03)
Brief Cataloging Highlights
Four things that will be especially new and different for catalogers of integrating resources
January 2003 1) AACR2 Chapters Use AACR2 Ch. 9 and Ch. 12 for all electronic integrating resources. Both finite and continuing. Also use any other chapter relevant to the predominant type of resource content. Examples: For updating Web site: use Chapters 9 & 12. For updating online atlas: use Chapters 3, 9, & 12. Catalogers of updating electronic resources will now need to learn and use Chapter 12 in addition to Chapter 9 for bibliographic description. Chapter 12 covers almost all aspects of printed integrating resources (loose-leafs); in effect the only part of Chapter 2 that is used for loose-leafs will be Area 2.5 on physical description. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 2) Integrating Entry Existing bibliographic record is changed to describe current iteration of the resource. Most areas of description based on latest iteration. Different data elements of previous iterations entered in notes if required or considered important. New bibliographic record is created only for certain changes in edition, mergers, splits, or when there is a new work. (Changes in physical medium still under consideration.) Bibliographic records for integrating resources will therefore require ongoing maintenance. In pre-AARC2 serials cataloging this convention was called “Latest entry” [but not in AACR itself]. The term “Integrating entry” is new and distinguishes this practice as applying to non-serial resources cataloged according to AACR2. As with “Latest entry”, the term “Integrating entry” does not appear in AACR2, but it does appear in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. Note: the term originally appeared as “Integrated entry” and may still appear that way in some documentation OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 3) MARC Variable Fields Some notes and other elements will be tagged in variable fields formerly used for serials: 022/222 – ISSNs and key-titles. 247/547 – for former title. 310/321 – for frequency of updates. 362 1 – for dates of publication when not from first/last iteration. 550 – for issuing body information. 580, – linking notes for resource relationships These fields will be new for most monographs catalogers. Most variable fields were open for use in records for all types of materials at time of format integration, but many such as these were not used in practice for most monographic cataloging. OCLC enabled their use in monographs records as of December 1, 2002. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 4) MARC Leader and 006/008 New Bibliographic level code for integrating resources not yet implemented by the utilities: Leader/07 (BLvl) code “i” for Integrating resource. Will not be implemented before mid-2003 at earliest. New 006/008 codes for integrating resources have been implemented (e.g., Entry convention code 2) Prior to implementation of code “i”: Continue to code integrating resources as Monographs: Bibliographic level “m”. Add Continuing Resources 006 using new values for integrating resources to all IR records. Because of the complexities of searching, indexing, display tables, etc., the bibliographic utilities will not be able to implement Bibliographic Level code “i” before July 2003 at earliest. Until that time we will code integrating resources with Bibliographic level code “m”. But OCLC and RLG will be able to implement the new 006/008 fixed-length data element codes for integrating resources as of December 1, 2002. Therefore our practice should be to add the Continuing Resources (formerly Serials) 006 to all records for integrating resources during this interim period prior to the implementation of code “i”. After code “i” is implemented, records with the Continuing resources 006 containing values unique to integrating resources will likely be able to be identified and automatically converted to Bibliographic level “i”. For further information on implementation by the utilities see: OCLC Technical Bulletin 247, Section 1 “Coding Practice for Integrating Resources”: RLG Technical Note: “How MARC 21 Updates 2 and 3 Affect the RLG Union Catalog”: OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Overview of AACR2 2002 for Electronic Integrating Resources
OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Chapter 12 and New Scope: 12.0A
January 2003 Chapter 12 and New Scope: 12.0A Former title: “Serials” New title: “Continuing Resources” Covers the description of all continuing resources: Successively issued resources, i.e., serials. Integrating resources, e.g., updating databases, updating Web sites. Also covers selected categories of finite resources that exhibit certain characteristics of serials: Reprints of serials. Finite integrating resources. Resources with characteristics of serials but whose duration is limited Most of the rules in each area of description have separate sections specifying how they apply to both (a) serials and (b) integrating resources. This presentation deals only with the rules for integrating resources, and covers primarily only those areas that will be different from pre-2002 practice. It is important for loose-leaf catalogers to know that the principles in Hallam’s loose-leaf manual were generalized and moved into Chapter 12 so that in general there is not that much change form pre-2002 practice for cataloging loose-leafs. Also noteworthy is the fact that most of the scope information formerly included as an LCRI to 12.0A has been moved to LCRI 1.0. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Basis of the Description: 12.0B1b
January 2003 Basis of the Description: 12.0B1b Areas based on current iteration: 1. Title and statement of responsibility. 2. Edition. 3. Material-specific details. [e.g., Type and extent of electronic resource] 4. Publication, distribution, etc. [Except Dates] 5. Physical description. [Not used for remote access e-resources] 6. Series. Each area of description will also have rules for both (1) how to record the information in the area and (2) how to deal with changes to information in that area in later iterations of a resource. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Basis of the Description: 12.0B1b
Area based on first and/or last iterations: 4F. Dates of publication, distribution, etc. Areas based on all iterations and any other source: 7. Note. 8. Standard number and terms of availability. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Chief Source of Information: 12.0B2
Use Rule 9.0B for all electronic integrating resources OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area
January 2003 1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Transcription of Title Proper: 1.1B1 and 12.1B
January 2003 Transcription of Title Proper: 1.1B1 and 12.1B 1.1B1: Do not transcribe introductory words not intended to be part of the title (such as “Welcome to”); instead give the title with these words in a note. 12.1B1: Correct obvious typographic errors and give title as it appears in a note. This and the following slides are a condensation of what are probably the most significant rules that will be new for transcribing title proper for integrating resources; note that these slides do not include all the rules nor the full text of the rules stated here. 1.1B1 is especially noteworthy for electronic IR in addressing online resources that begin with “Welcome to.” OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Transcription of Title Proper: 1.1B1 and 12.1B (cont.)
January 2003 Transcription of Title Proper: 1.1B1 and 12.1B (cont.) 12.1B2: When title appears in full and in the form of an acronym or initialism, choose the full form (e.g., Program for Cooperative Cataloging instead of PCC). 12.1B4: If resource is a part of another resource and bears both the common title and its own section title, give both in that order, separated by a period. E.g.: Will not apply to many electronic integrating resources. LCRI 12.1B4 for updating remote electronic resources, “what appears at first to be a common title may instead be a statement of responsibility, the name of the parent electronic resource, or another component of the resource. If in doubt, do not consider it to be a common title.” OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Title Proper: 12.1B8
January 2003 Change in Title Proper: 12.1B8 If changes appear in title proper in later iteration: Change the title and statement of responsibility area (245 $a/n/p) to reflect the current iteration. And, in most cases, give the earlier title in a note. Use MARC 247 and/or 547 fields for this. See section on notes ahead (12.7B42) for examples. LCRI: Identify which iteration prior to the current had this form of the title proper. [See also rules 21.2C1 and 21.30J.] The rule will read “in general” give the earlier title proper in a note. This contrasts with the rule for changes in all other areas of description, which will direct us to give earlier forms in a note only “if considered important.” The rule here does not say “always” so as to give us some wiggle room in cases of very minor changes in wording that are not likely to affect access, such as a small change in the 12th word of a 14-word title or such cases. The slides on notes will give examples of how to record changes in title proper using fields 247 and 547, which will be new to most non-serials catalogers. See also LCRI 21.30J. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Parallel Title and Other Title Information: 12.1D-E
January 2003 Parallel Title and Other Title Information: 12.1D-E Transcription of other title information: Transcribe other title information only if considered to be important; do not transcribe if it consists only of words relating to the currency of the contents (12.1E). Changes to parallel title and/or other title info.: Change the title and statement of responsibility area (245 $b) to reflect the current iteration. Applies to other title info. only if recorded in Area 1. Make a note of the earlier form only if considered important. The rules allow more flexibility in recording other title information. Catalogers may choose not to transcribe other title information that is likely to change over time and/or that is not integral to identifying the resource. Changes in parallel titles and other title information may be accounted for in 500 or 547 title complexity notes. They are not, however, entered into field In the relatively rare cases where such former title information is considered important for access, field 246 will need to be used with $i note to explain the entry [see LCRI 12.7B4 and 21.30J]. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Statements of Responsibility: 12.1F
Transcription: Record statements relating to editors in this area only if considered to be important (12.1F3b). Changes: If a statement of responsibility is added, deleted, or changed in a later iteration: Change the title and statement of responsibility area to reflect the current iteration. Make a note if the change is considered to be important. [Note: such changes may also entail a change in choice of main entry; see slides ahead for examples.] OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 2. Edition Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Transcription of Edition Statement: 12.2B
January 2003 Transcription of Edition Statement: 12.2B Transcribe an edition statement if considered to be important. Statements indicating regular revision or frequent updating: Give as frequency information in the note area rather than as an edition statement (12.2B2; 12.7B1). [Note: Rule 9.2B8 to this effect is deleted in 2002 Amendments and is now covered here.] Edition, revision, or release numbers that appear on a resource and that change frequently with each new iteration, for example on the home page of an updating online database, need not (and in most cases should not) be recorded as edition information in area 2 (MARC 250 field). OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Edition Information: 12.2F1b
January 2003 Change in Edition Information: 12.2F1b If edition information is added, deleted, or changed in a later iteration, and this change does not require a new description: Change the edition area to reflect the current iteration. Make a note if the change is considered to be important. Certain changes do require a new record: When there is a change in edition information and the resource is considered to be a new work: see next slide This is the one area in which a change in information might in some cases require a new bibliographic record / description. See the next slide for LC’s interpretation of what kinds of changes require a new description. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Edition Information: LCRI 12.2F1
January 2003 Change in Edition Information: LCRI 12.2F1 Make a new description/record: For updating remote access e-resources: only if the resource described in the existing record continues to exist as a resource separate from new resource to be cataloged. This LC Rule Interpretation helps to clarify when to make a new record and when to change the existing record. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
3. Material-Specific Details Area
January 2003 3. Material-Specific Details Area 9.3 – Type and Extent of Resource Area 12.3 – Numbering Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Type and Extent of Electronic Resource Area [9.3]
January 2003 Type and Extent of Electronic Resource Area [9.3] If this area is used in the description, and the type and/or extent of the electronic resource changes: Change the type and extent of resource area to reflect the current iteration. Make a note if the change is considered to be important. This rule does not actually appear in Chapter 12, which covers Area 3 only for printed continuing resources (i.e., serials); nor does it appear in Chapter 9, which does not cover changes in the description for integrating resources. This was an unintended omission and will be corrected in the future. The consistency of the rules implies that the same approach be applied to this area as to the other areas of description based on the current iteration of an integrating resource. The LCRI for 12.7A2 instructs that if the information for the Type and extent of resource area is added, deleted, or changed on a subsequent iteration, the steps above should be followed. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Type and Extent of Electronic Resource Area [LCRI 9.3]
January 2003 Type and Extent of Electronic Resource Area [LCRI 9.3] LC catalogers are instructed not to use Area 3 for original cataloging of electronic resources (although LC will accept it on copy). Because of the changing nature of IR, institutions who choose to use the Type and Extent of Resource Area (256 field) may decide not to include file size statements. It may also be noted that there is discussion within JSC to possibly eliminate this area from chapter 9 in the future. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Numbering Area: 12.3 This area is not generally applicable to integrating resources. LCRI: This area does not apply to integrating resources even if updates are numbered. Note: MARC field 362 is used for Areas 3 & 4 for serials, but can also be used for Area 4 for IRs. See: Dates of Publication: MARC Tag 362 OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
4. Publication, Distribution, Etc. Area
January 2003 4. Publication, Distribution, Etc. Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Place or Name of Publisher: 12.4C2 ; 12.4D2
If the place and/or name of the publisher, distributor, etc. changes in a later iteration: Change the publication, distribution, etc., area to reflect the current iteration Give the earlier place and/or name in a note if considered important. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Dates of Publication: 1.4F8 ; 12.4F
January 2003 Dates of Publication: 1.4F8 ; 12.4F Main Rule: If viewing the first and/or last iteration, give the beginning and/or ending dates in area 4 (260 $c). If not viewing the first/last iteration or not certain, do not give the dates in this area; instead, give date information in a note if it can be readily ascertained. Optional Rule: Supply bracketed dates in this area if they can be readily ascertained. LCRI 1.4F8: Apply this option on a case-by-case basis when the resource includes an explicit statement [i.e, about the date of creation or first publication online]. The main rule about dates for integrating resources stresses whether or not the cataloger has the first and/or last iteration of the resource available for viewing at the time of cataloging. The optional rule allows the cataloger to supply the dates if readily ascertainable whether or not the first and/or last iteration is available. For updating Web sites and databases, catalogers will rarely have an identifiable “first” iteration of the resource from which to catalog. LC and PCC have decided to apply the option of supplying these dates when the fist/last part or iteration is not available for multipart items and integrating resources, but not for serials; but this applies only when the bibliographic resource includes an explicit statement of the date the resource began publication or was first created or started on the Internet, etc. The first date in a range of copyright dates is not considered an explicit statement under this rule interpretation. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Dates of Publication Note: 12.7B11 and MARC Tag 362
January 2003 Dates of Publication Note: 12.7B11 and MARC Tag 362 Usage: 362 with first indicator 1 is an unformatted note that may be used for giving date information for some integrating resources when first/last iterations are not available. Note: 362 with first indicator 0 is used only for serials numbering (Area 3). It is not used for Integrating Resources. The use of this note ties in with the rules for Dates of publication, distribution, etc. in Area 4 (1.4F8 ; 12.4F). OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Dates for EIR: Examples (1)
January 2003 Dates for EIR: Examples (1) A. In rare cases where you know you are viewing the first iteration of an updating Web site or updating database: Resource has explicit statement about beginning date: New York : $b Corona, $c 1997- Resource does not have explicit statement about beginning date: New York : $b Corona, $c [199-?]- B. In most cases you will not be viewing the first iteration, or in some cases you may not know for certain: Web site has explicit statement about beginning date: New York : $b Corona, $c [1997]- Most updating Web sites and databases change frequently or continually over time and have no numbering or other clear indications of “first” vs. subsequent iterations. Often there is no indication of the date (year) that the Web site or database was first “published” on the Web. But in some cases such a date is explicitly stated on the home page or, more frequently, on a separate “about” page for the resource. Date given in brackets because not from first iteration Note: all examples show what to do if following LCRI 1.4F8 OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Dates for Electronic IR: Examples
January 2003 Dates for Electronic IR: Examples B. Cases where you are not viewing first iteration, continued: Web site does not have explicit statement about beginning date; and has no date information or copyright date for current year only: New York : $b Corona 362 1 Began in late 1990s. 362 1 Probably began after 2001. Web site does not have explicit statement, but has range of copyright dates that apply to entire resource being cataloged, e.g.: © : 362 1 Began in 1997? No date; no ending punctuation Date information given in note (two possibilities shown) A single copyright date, e.g., (c)2002, especially when it is the current year, is not likely to the the beginning date for the resource. But when you have a range of copyright dates, e.g., (c) , and these apply to the whole resource being cataloged and not just a part of the whole, the first date in the range can usually be taken to indicate the likely beginning date of the publication, but it is not an “explicit statement” of such. But note that the second date is not the concluding date of the integrating resource, which is continuing, but rather simply indicates that the copyright continues from the time the resource began on the Web into the current year. That second date in the range will change annually to indicate the current year. No date; no ending punctuation Date information given in note OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
5. Physical Description Area
January 2003 5. Physical Description Area Not used for electronic IR: Updating Web sites & databases Is used for printed IR: Updating loose-leafs OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 6. Series Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Series Statement: 12.6B2
If a series is added, deleted, or changed in a later iteration: Change the series area to reflect the current iteration. MARC 4XX and/or 8XX. Make a note if the change is considered important (see 12.7B14.2). Retain former series entries in 8XX if traced in local library, justified by 500 note explaining the change in series. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 7. Note Area OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
General Rules for Notes for IR
January 2003 General Rules for Notes for IR Include all notes prescribed by the relevant AACR2 chapter for the content being cataloged, and any other notes considered important. Also include notes for changes to all areas of description as prescribed in Chapter 12 or as considered important. If it is known that a note does not apply to all iterations of an integrating resource, add appropriate numbering or publication dates. In contrast to CONSER records for serials, notes for monographs and integrating resources are normally given in the order prescribed in AACR2 regardless of MARC tag number. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
MARC Tagging of Notes Most notes tagged in MARC 5XX range.
January 2003 MARC Tagging of Notes Most notes tagged in MARC 5XX range. The following MARC fields were formerly used primarily or exclusively for serials. Now, they are also used for integrating resources: 247 for former title proper. 310 for frequency of updates. 321 for past frequencies of updates. 362 1 for publication date information when not from first/last iteration. 550 for issuing body notes, such as former issuing body. 580, for links to records for related resources This presentation is covering the bibliographic description in AACR2 order, rather than MARC tagging order. Some of these fields serve both as notes and as searchable entries, such as 247, just as 246 and 440 do. That is, they do double-duty as description and access points at the same time. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Identification of Iterations in Notes: LCRI 12.7A2
January 2003 Identification of Iterations in Notes: LCRI 12.7A2 When a data element changes (LC/PCC Practice): Give exact information about the timing of the change if that information is readily available If exact information is not readily available, use information already in the record to locate in time the presence of the earlier data element. Give that information in angle brackets. For electronic IRs: use the date from the “viewed on” information. For non-electronic IRs: use information from a “Description based on” note. This is LC/PCC practice. If the cataloger does have the exact date of a change, this exact date is used. This may happen with loose-leafs but is much less likely with most updating Web sites and databases. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Frequency Note: 12.7B1 Note the frequency of updates to an integrating resource. Unless: Frequency is apparent from content of the title and statement of responsibility area Frequency of updates is unknown. LC/PCC Practice: Always give a note for known frequency of updates, even if already apparent from the rest of the description [LCRI 12.7B1]. Always include the word “updated” or “updates” with the frequency to clarify that the resource itself does not have a frequency (LCRI 12.7B1). OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Frequency Note: MARC Tagging
January 2003 Frequency Note: MARC Tagging State current frequency in 310 frequency note. Example 1: Updated quarterly Example 2: Continually updated State former frequencies in 321 former frequency note. Example: Updated quarterly, $b 2002- Updated monthly, $b Note the use of dates in subfield $b when the frequency changes.. Reminder: the code in the Frequency 008 element is based on the content of the 310 field. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Notes for Changes in Description
Make notes on information no longer present in current iteration, or that appeared in a different form in previous iterations, if considered to be important. If the changes have been numerous, make a general statement. Rules given for each area, for example: 12.7B5.2b: Change in parallel title. 12.7B6.2b: Change in other title information. 12.7B7.2b: Change in statements of responsibility. 12.7B9.2b: Change in edition information. 12.7B11.2b: Change in place of publication or publisher. 12.7B12.2b: Change in physical details. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Title Proper Note: 12.7B4.2
January 2003 Change in Title Proper Note: 12.7B4.2 Make notes on earlier titles proper. MARC tagging: 247: Former title proper. Use to generate title added entry in addition to note. Use for title proper only. 547: Former title proper complexity note. Use for more complex situations and/or when a title added entry is not needed. LCRI: Give a separate 547 “Title history” note in addition to the 247 field only if the situation requires more explanation than can be given in the 247 field. Do not give a 547 field just because there are multiple 247 fields. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Title Proper (Web site)
January 2003 Example: Change in Title Proper (Web site) Existing record: $a Early music resources on the Web $h [electronic resource]. 500 ## $a Title from HTML header (viewed Jan. 5, 1999) Same record updated: $a Resources for early music $h [electronic resource]. $a Early music resources on the Web $f <Jan. 5, 1999> 500 ## $a Title from HTML header (viewed Apr. 15, 2001) Same record updated again: $a Resources for early music scholars $h [electronic resource]. $a Resources for early music $f <Apr. 15, 2001> 500 ## $a Title from HTML header (viewed July 7, 2002) In this Web site example, the exact timing of each title change in title is NOT known; therefore the cataloger uses the “date viewed” information already present in the record to identify the iteration to which the former title proper applied, and this date information is give in angle brackets in the 247 former title proper field. Each time the record is updated to change the title proper, the date viewed in the 500 note in the body of the record is changed, and the previous date viewed is transferred to the 247 field to which it applies. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Frequency of Updates (Database)
Existing record: $a Database of prescription drugs $h [electronic resource]. 260 ## $a San Francisco : $b Medical College 310 ## $a Updated weekly 362 1# $a Began in 1999. 500 ## $a Title from title screen (viewed Feb. 5, 1999). Same record updated: 310 ## $a Continually updated, $b <2001-> 321 ## $a Updated weekly, $b 1999-<2001> 500 ## $a Title from title screen (viewed May 28, 2001). OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Bibliographic History and Relationships Note: 12.7B8
January 2003 Bibliographic History and Relationships Note: 12.7B8 Note the bibliographic history and important relationships between resource being described and other related resources, such as: Continuations Mergers Splits Absorptions Translations Supplements Simultaneous editions These kinds of bibliographic history and relationships and their MARC tagging have been worked out in detail for serials. LC/PCC practice is to apply Rule 12.7B8 to both serials and integrating resources, using the same MARC tags. See LCRI 12.7B8 for some further guidance. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Reciprocal Linking Notes
Link records in a database for integrating resources with relationships serials, monographs, and other integrating resources. Use MARC linking entry fields 76X-78X. Links consist of catalog entry ($a, $t, etc.), ISSN ($x) or ISBN ($z), and record control numbers ($w). Also use 530 and 580 notes, or $i in linking field, if needed for explanation. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Link example: print serial continued by online updating database
January 2003 Link example: print serial continued by online updating database Performance practice encyclopedia $h [electronic resource]. Mode of access: World Wide Web. A continuation of the print journal: Performance practice review. $t Performance practice review $x $w (DLC) $w (OCoLC) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Item Described Note: 12.7B23 If the description is not based on the first iteration, make a note of the latest iteration consulted in making the description: Description based on: update no. 3, Sept For remote-access resources, always give date on which resource was viewed for description. Often combined with source of title proper note: Example for printed loose-leaf: Description based on: update no. 4; title from cover. Example for remote access electronic resource: Title from HTML header (viewed on Feb. 15, 2002). Note the difference between the way this note is formatted for tangible resources vs. remote access electronic resources: the format for remote-access resources is not prescribed, but has become common practice and is given in examples in AACR2. It is crucial that catalogers change the date viewed note every time they update a record for changes in a later iteration of the resource being described in that record. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
8. Standard Number [etc.] Area
Standard Number: 12.8B1 ISBN: 020 ISSN: 022 LCRI: If an integrating resource has both, give both in the catalog record. Change in ISBN: Add new ISBN. Example: when a loose-leaf becomes multi-volume and each volume has a separate ISBN. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Access Points OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Main and Added Entries Changes in name and uniform title entries.
Make changes to reflect latest iteration. Retain entries for past iterations. If considered important for access. Choice of main entry could change. Apply Chapter 21 to current iteration. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Main Entry Change 1XX entry for person or body currently responsible for the resource. Make note for earlier responsible person in 500 or body in 550 note, if considered important. Required to justify 7XX entry if present (in full level records). Include dates to identify iteration. Add name for earlier person or body in 7XX if considered important for access. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Responsible Body (online updating database)
Existing record: 110 2# $a ABC Association. $a Membership directory $h [electronic resource] / $c ABC Association. 500 ## $a Title from home page (viewed on Aug. 1, 1998). Same record updated: 110 2# $a DEF Association. $a Membership directory $h [electronic resource] / $c DEF Association. 500 ## $a Title from home page (viewed on Dec. 15, 2002). 550 ## $a Issued by ABC Association <Aug. 1, 1998> 710 2# $a ABC Association. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Second Change in Responsible Body (updating database)
Same record updated again: 110 2# $a GHI Association. $a Membership directory $h [electronic resource] / $c GHI Association. 500 ## $a Title from home page (viewed on Jan. 10, 2003). 550 ## $a Issued by ABC Association <Aug. 1, 1998>; DEF Association <Dec. 15, 2002> 710 2# $a ABC Association. 710 2# $a DEF Association. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Beyond AACR2: Subject Headings
Original headings should be broad enough to encompass changing subject content. If significant additions, deletions, or other changes in subject content considered important: Add new subject headings for current iteration and/or delete headings for past iterations no longer applicable to the resource. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
MARC Leader and 006/008
MARC Leader and 006/008 New IR codes implemented by OCLC and RLG December 1, 2002. Except for Leader/07 code “i”: not implemented until July 2003 at earliest. Interim coding practice will therefore be required. For further implementation information see: OCLC Technical Bulletin 247, Section 1 “Coding Practice for Integrating Resources”: RLG Technical Note: “How MARC 21 Updates 2 and 3 Affect the RLG Union Catalog”: OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Leader: Type of Record Used to differentiate MARC records created for various types of content and material. Definitions revised to include electronic carriers of primary content in addition to print, etc. Examples: a - Language material: “Code a is also used for … electronic resources that are basically textual in nature …” e - Cartographic material: Includes digital maps. g - Projected medium: Includes digital video. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Leader: Bibliographic Level
January 2003 Leader: Bibliographic Level Previously existing codes: a - Monographic component part b - Serial component part c - Collection d - Subunit m - Monograph/item s – Serial New code added: i - Integrating resource Remember that code “m” will continue to be used until code “i” is implemented. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Leader and 008 for Integrating Resources: after ca. July 2003
January 2003 Leader and 008 for Integrating Resources: after ca. July 2003 Most electronic integrating resources have predominantly textual content. Including most databases and Web sites. Most will therefore use the MARC Leader and 008 for continuing resources: Type of Record code “a” – Language material. Bibliographic Level code “i” – Integrating resource. Will result in Continuing resources 008, but with some new values for integrating resources. Note that after implementation of code “i”, the Continuing resources 008 elements will be used for most integrating resources. The former “Serials” 008 has been broadened to include integrating resources in addition to serials, and so the name has been changed from Serials to Continuing Resources. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Interim Practice (as of Dec. 1, 2002)
January 2003 Interim Practice (as of Dec. 1, 2002) Before implementation of Bibliographic Level code “i”: For textual electronic resources: Use Type “a” + Bib. Level “m” with resulting “Books” 008. For non-textual electronic resources: Use Type code appropriate to the content of the resource + Bib. Level “m”, resulting in the appropriate 008, such as “Computer files” or “Maps”. Add Continuing Resources 006 to all records to code for the continuing/integrating aspects of the resource. But before we get to the eventual targeted coding practice as depicted in the previous two slides, we will follow this interim coding practice, using the Continuing resources 006 in all records for integrating resources, and using the new codes for integrating resources. For detailed implementation information see: OCLC Technical Bulletin 247, Section 1 “Coding Practice for Integrating Resources”: RLG Technical Note: “How MARC 21 Updates 2 and 3 Affect the RLG Union Catalog”: OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 New 006/008 Elements Additions and changes to Continuing resources (formerly Serials) 006/008 for IR: Frequency [006/01] (Includes new code “k”) Type of Continuing Resource [006/04] Formerly named: Type of Serial Entry Convention [006/17] Formerly named: Successive/Latest Entry Note the significance of the change of name from “Type of Serial” to “Type of Continuing Resource”: it indicates the greater scope of this 006/008 to encompass both serials and integrating resources. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Frequency and Regularity
January 2003 Frequency and Regularity Frequency codes, selections: blank - No determinable frequency (irregular) d - Daily k - Continuously updated (New code added in 2002) m - Monthly q - Quarterly u - Unknown w - Weekly Regularity codes: r - Regular n - Normalized irregular x - Completely irregular u - Unknown These two Continuing resources elements are always used together and in conjunction with the 310 frequency note in the body of the bibliographic record. This Frequency element contains numerous codes for different frequencies. Only a few are given here. See MARC 21 documentation for a complete list of Frequency codes. The “Frequency” element is used for frequency of issues for serials and for frequency of updates for integrating resources. Code “k” --“Continuously updated”-- is defined as “more frequently than daily”, in contrast to code “d” and the other codes. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Frequency and regularity examples (1)
January 2003 Frequency and regularity examples (1) 1. Frequency of updates is known and regular: 310 Updated quarterly Freq: q Regl: r 2. Frequency of updates is known and “normalized irregular”: 310 Updated monthly (except July-Sept.) 006 Freq: m Regl: n 3. Frequency of updates is unknown: [No 310] 006 Freq: u Regl: u OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Frequency and regularity examples (2)
January 2003 Frequency and regularity examples (2) 4. Frequency of updates is known to be extremely frequent: (e.g., usually or always more frequently than daily) 310 Continuously updated 006 Freq: k Regl: r 5. Frequency of is known to be completely irregular: (e.g., OLAC web site) 310 Updated irregularly 006 Freq: _ Regl: x OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Type of Continuing Resource (formerly called Type of Serial)
January 2003 Type of Continuing Resource (formerly called Type of Serial) Previously-existing codes include: m - Monographic series n - Newspaper p - Periodical New codes added: d - Updating database l - Updating loose-leaf w - Updating Web site Three new values for integrating resources have been added to the three existing serials values. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Entry Convention (formerly called Successive/Latest Entry)
January 2003 Entry Convention (formerly called Successive/Latest Entry) Serials values: 0 - Successive entry 1 - Latest entry New value added for Integrating resources: 2 – Integrating entry Record is cataloged under its latest (most recent) title and/or responsible person or body. A new record is made only when there is a major change in edition or it is determined that there is a new work, and for title mergers and splits. Note: the definition for Integrating entry [originally labeled “Integrated entry” in MARC 21 and may still appear as such in some documentation] is taken directly from the MARC 21 format for Bibliographic Data. Serials cataloged according to AACR2 use the Successive entry convention. Serials cataloged prior to AACR2 used the Latest entry convention. Integrating resources are cataloged using the Integrating entry convention. The definition here is taken directly form the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. Note that Integrating entry is basically the same convention as Latest entry, but the name distinguishes this AACR2 cataloging convention used for integrating resources from the pre-AACR2 cataloging convention used for serials. RLIN Users: Libraries that input directly into the RLG Union Catalog should check on the status of using new code “2” in 006/17. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Other 006/008 Elements for continuing resources
January 2003 Other 006/008 Elements for continuing resources Government publication Conference publication Original alphabet or script of title ISSN center Form of original item Form of item Nature of entire work Nature of contents These are the remaining Continuing resources 006/008 elements that will apply to both serials and integrating resources. They will be used in either the 006 or 008: in the 006 in all records before implementation of Bibliographic level code “i”, and in either the 008 or 006 after implementation. Code both Form of Item and Form of Original item “s” for electronic when cataloging integrating Web sites and databases. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Additional Examples
Record Before and After 2002 Amendments (Updating Web site)
January 2003 Record Before and After 2002 Amendments (Updating Web site) Description if created before 2002 Amendments: Comparative religions web $h [electronic resource]. 260 ## $a Berkeley, Calif. : $b RELCOM, $c [199-]- 500 ## $a Title from title screen (viewed Oct. 1, 2001). Description if created after 2002 Amendments: 260 ## $a Berkeley, Calif. : $b RELCOM 310 ## $a Updated irregularly 362 1# $a Began in 1990s. 500 ## $a Title from home page (viewed Oct. 1, 2002). Note that this slide does not imply that descriptive cataloging that was valid according to rules at the time of original record creation pre-2002 should be edited to conform to post-2002 rules. These examples are meant only to illustrate differences in how a cataloger would create an new original record before and after the 2002 Amendments. These records reflect the fairly common case where the cataloger cannot ascertain the beginning date of the Web site other than it began sometime in the late 1990’s. Prior to the 2002 Amendments, a date always needed to be supplied in the publication area (260 $c). Even if choosing to supply a ascertainable date when not cataloging from the first iteration, most catalogers would probably judge that this date is not “readily ascertainable” and choose to omit it from the publication area. A note about the beginning of publication even a vague and general as “Began in 1990s” may have bibliographic value five, ten, twenty, and more years from now. 006 for Continuing Resources/Serials: Freq: _ Regl: x ISSN: SrTp: w Orig: s Form: s EntW: Cont: GPub: Conf: 0 Alph: a S/L: 2 OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Leader & 006/008: Interim Practice: Dec. 2002 – after ca. July 2003
January 2003 Leader & 006/008: Interim Practice: Dec – after ca. July 2003 Global invasive species database $h [electronic resource]. Record before Dec implementation of new 006/008 codes: Leader/06 (Type of Record) a - Language material Leader/07 (Bibliographic Level) m - Monograph 008 (Fixed length data elements) Books Record after Dec implementation of new 006/008 codes: 006/00 (Form of material) Continuing Resource 006/04 (Type of cont. resource) d - Updating database 006/17 (Entry convention) 2 – Integrating entry OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Leader and 008: Eventual Practice: sometime after ca. July 2003
January 2003 Leader and 008: Eventual Practice: sometime after ca. July 2003 Global invasive species database $h [electronic resource]. Record before implementation of Leader/07 code “i”: Leader/06 (Type of Record) a - Language material Leader/07 (Bibliographic Level) m - Monograph 008 (Fixed length data elements) Books 008/06 (Type of Date) m – Multiple dates Record after implementation of Leader/07 code “i”: Leader/07 (Bibliographic Level) i - Integrating resource 008 (Fixed length data elements Continuing resource 008/06 (Publication status) c – Currently published 008/21 (Type of cont. resource) d - Updating database 008/34 (Entry convention) 2 – Integrating entry OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Addendum: Updating Loose-leafs
January 2003 Addendum: Updating Loose-leafs The following slides cover only what is distinctive for integrating loose-leafs, i.e., what is different from electronic integrating resources as covered in the previous slides Note: that the principles embodied in Hallam’s manual on loose-leaf cataloging have been incorporated into revised chapter 12 for integrating resources. See LCRI 12.0. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Definitions Updating loose-leaf
An integrating resource that consists of one or more base volumes updated by separate pages that are inserted, removed, and/or substituted. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Chief source of information: 12.0B2
For a printed integrating resource: The title page or title page substitute. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Title Proper (Loose-leaf)
January 2003 Example: Change in Title Proper (Loose-leaf) Existing record: $a Health profession opportunities. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 5, published 2000. Same record updated: $a Healthcare profession opportunities $a Health profession opportunities $f update 5, published 2000 500 ## $a Description based on: update 6, published 2000. Same record updated again: $a Opportunities in the healthcare profession. $a Healthcare profession opportunities $f update 6, published 2000 500 ## $a Description based on: update 7, published 2001. In this loose-leaf example, the exact timing of each title change in title is known and coincides with a specific published update. Note the use of the “Description based on” information already in the record to identify the iteration to which the former title proper applied. Each time the record is updated to change the title proper, the Description based on note in the body of the record is changed, and the previous “Description based on” date is transferred to the 247 field to which it applies. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Change in Edition Information (Loose-Leafs)
LCRI 12.79B9.2: Updating Loose-Leafs For a gradual replacement edition, make a note about the new edition statement. Example: $a 2nd ed. $a Updated to 2nd ed., June 2001. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Physical Description: 12.5B
January 2003 Physical Description: 12.5B Extent of item for loose-leafs: Add the qualifier (loose-leaf). For ongoing loose-leaf: No number of volumes given: $a v. (loose-leaf) For completed loose-leaf: Number of volumes added: $a 3 v. (loose-leaf) This is a change for loose-leaf cataloging practice: the number of volumes is no longer given until the resource is complete. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Physical Description: LCRI 12.5B1
January 2003 Physical Description: LCRI 12.5B1 Before Dec. 1, 2002, the number of volumes was included for updating loose-leafs that were still in progress. LC/PCC practice: Do not update those records. If the updating loose-leaf includes transfer volumes, describe the extent in terms of “loose-leaf” and “transfer.” $a v. (loose-leaf), v. (transfer) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Physical Description: LCRI 12.5B2
January 2003 Physical Description: LCRI 12.5B2 If a completed updating loose-leaf consisted of both numbered and unnumbered volumes, record in the extent statement the total number of volumes. If it is important to indicate the presence of unnumbered volumes, make a note (see rule 12.7B12). Prior to Dec. 1, 2002, only the numbered volumes were recorded in the extent statement. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Physical Description: 12.5C2
Change in Other Physical Details: Change 300 $b to reflect the current iteration and make a note if the change is considered to be important. $a v. (loose-leaf) : $b col. ill. ; $c 28 cm. (Formerly, illustrations were black & white.) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Physical Description: 12.5D2
Change in dimensions: Change 300 $c to reflect current iteration. LCRI 12.5D2: If there is more than one unit in the current iteration and those units differ in size, record the range of dimensions: $a v. (loose-leaf) ; $c cm. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Series Statement (Loose-leaf)
Existing record: 260 ## $a Denver : $b Smith Pub. Co. 440 #0 $a Research in library acquisitions 500 ## $a Description based on: update 2, published in 1991. Same record updated: 490 1# $a Library acquisitions 500 ## $a Series title < >: Research in library acquisitions. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 9, published in 2000. 830 #0 $a Research in library acquisitions. 830 #0 $a Library acquisitions (Denver, Colo.) OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Example: Change in Frequency of Updates (Loose-leaf)
Existing record: 260 ## $a New York : $b Corona, $c 1997- 310 ## $a Updated quarterly Same record updated: 310 ## $a Updated monthly, $b July 2001- 321 ## $a Updated quarterly, $b Jan June 2001 500 ## $a Description based on: update 19, published in July 2001. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Concluding Review
Review: Definitions Integrating resources:
Added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Include updating loose-leafs, updating databases, and updating Web sites. Most are continuing; some are finite. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Review: Bib. Description
Description is based on latest iteration: Called “Integrating entry” in MARC 21. Bibliographic record reflects changes in resource: Change description to reflect current iteration. Give earlier information in a note. For title proper: “generally.” For other elements: if considered important. Exception: certain changes to edition area require new bibliographic record. e.g., when Web site changes so as to become an entirely “new work”. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
January 2003 Review: MARC Coding Interim MARC coding: before implementation of Bibliographic Level “i”: Code IR as monographs: Bibliographic level “m”. Add Continuing Resources 006 with integrating resources codes. MARC coding after implementation of code “i”: All will have Bibliographic Level code “i”. Most will be have Type of Record “a” and Continuing Resources 008 . Some will have have other Type of Record codes and 008s. May also then add Continuing Resources 006 to code for integrating aspects. OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
A Presentation by the OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Task Force
This online training presentation is the result of the collaborative work of the members of the Task Force: Steven Miller, Chair, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Kay Johnson, University of Tennessee David Reynolds, Johns Hopkins University This presentation had its origins in a training workshop developed for the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), April-Sept., 2002. The content creators are also in various ways indebted to following people for their review and comments (April, 2002 – Jan., 2003): Jean Hirons, Judith Kuhagen, Ana Cristan (Library of Congress) Adam Schiff, Rhonda Lawrence, Louise Rees, Ann Sitkin, Paul Weiss (PCC) Members of OLAC’s Cataloging Policy Committee OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
Comments and Feedback Please send comments or questions about this online training presentation to: Iris Wolley, Chair, OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee: Or: Steve Miller, Chair, CAPC Integrating Resources Task Force: OLAC CAPC Integrating Resources Training
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