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Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaboration & Mentorship Program Draft Plan (July 09) Peter Hudson & Mark Boughey.

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Presentation on theme: "Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaboration & Mentorship Program Draft Plan (July 09) Peter Hudson & Mark Boughey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaboration & Mentorship Program Draft Plan (July 09) Peter Hudson & Mark Boughey

2 Background Collaborative purpose: –To assist with the development, support and mentorship of Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners in Victoria Collaborative leaders: CPCER Collaborative partners (metropolitan focus): –Melbourne City Mission and Banksia Palliative Care Target audience/service users: –Representatives from the 11 services/organisations funded under the rural and metropolitan NP schemes Time frame: July 2009 - July 2011

3 Deliverables (1)Development of resources to support the training of NP candidates for e.g: Recommendations regarding core clinical skills/scope of practice Access to information regarding palliative care drug formulary Access to clinical guidelines fact sheets and case studies Access to training on presentation skills Access to training on evidence based palliative care (writing articles for publication, ethics, grant proposals, etc.) Access to ‘mock’ NP examinations (2) Mentorship/support via a recognised palliative care NP and specialist palliative care physician

4 Deliverables (Cont’d) (3) Establish a support & networking initiative that: Facilitates group learning among the NP candidates Uses information technology including website, newsletters/updates and social networking forums Facilitates sharing of educational resources Provide forums (approx 3 p.a) for advice and comment on key issues Facilitate updates on the progress of NP models Provide opportunities for sustainable networking: locally, nationally and internationally (4) Develop communication strategy (5) Evaluate outcomes of the collaborative

5 Specific Roles: CPCER Overall management to achieve deliverables Chair/convene management team Develop work plan and submit to DHS by 31 st August Reports as required to DHS

6 Specific Roles: Melbourne City Mission & Banksia Focus on service wide implications of role & NP palliative care experience for metropolitan services Offer advice (approx 2 hrs each service per week) via access to their services’: (1) Nurse Practitioner(s) (2) Senior manager and (3) Senior medical officer(s) Maintain record of nature of enquiry, whether via email, phone and or face to face visit and outcomes Advise field of enquiry procedure Provide rep for the Collaborative management group Assist CPCER in meeting deliverables Periodic reports to CPCER Director/management group

7 Specific Roles: Collaborative Management Team  Overall management of activities to achieve project deliverables  Representatives: Director, CPCER Melbourne City Mission/Banksia Palliative Care Project Officer Dr Mark Boughey–Medical NP Advisor Karen Glaetzer–Nursing NP Advisor Advisors as required

8 Specific Roles: Collaborative Advisory Pool Provide advice to the Collaborative as needed / able Attend Collaborative management team meetings and Collaborative forums where pertinent / able Representatives: DHS Rep – Jo Hall Nurse Policy DHS – Katy Fielding Nurses Board – Michelle Thomas Rural NP Rep – tba Rural Medical Rep- tba College of NP’s - Alison Bean-Hodges tba NP Non-Palliative – tba International: NZ rep; USA:San Francisco; Sloan Kettering; New York University; Harvard University

9 Specific Roles: Project Officer Assist management team achieve project deliverables day to day oversight of development, management, maintenance and evaluation of Collaborative Represent the Collaborative at relevant meetings/forums Marketing, profile & updates arising from the Collaborative Key/primary point of contact for enquiries

10 Specific Roles: Medical & Nurse Practitioner Advisors Nurse practitioners,service managers and medical officers from MCM and Banksia, approx 2hrs each service per week (focus on metropolitan - as previous) Karen Glaetzer (South Australian Palliative Care NP): main focus advice for rural NP services/NP candidates, plus member of Collaboration management group approx 4hrs per week Dr Mark Boughey (Director Palliative Medicine and Deputy Director, CPCER, St Vincent’s): main focus advice for rural NP services and collaborating with metropolitan services with their established medical networks; plus member of Collaboration management group approx 4hrs per week. NB role does not entail day to day clinical management/advice for patients of participating services

11 Specific Roles: NP Support Networks Provide opportunity for collegial support (sharing of ideas/experiences) via electronic social networking and face to face forums Each network to be self governing, self-financing & establish its own chair and specific terms of reference Provide regular reports to the collaborative management team on outcomes, issues and progress. Envisaged Networks to be established in the following: –Models/Service Managers –Candidates –Endorsed NPs –International

12 Specific Roles: Expectations of the funded 11 services/organisations Allocate 2 representatives who will act as key contacts and be responsible for updating their service/organisation Familiarity with NP role and funding requirements Sharing experiences and knowledge via contribution to collaborative forums ( face to face and electronic) Access key collaboration staff (e.g. medical and nursing advisors) in accordance with their designated roles and the communication strategy Contribute to the development & evaluation of the collaborative

13 Communication METRO Calvary/Metro 7 - 2 reps x 3 Southern Health - 2 reps Northern Health - 2 reps St Vincent’s Health - 2 reps Peter MacCallum - 2 reps Peninsula Health - 2 reps RURAL Bendigo Health - 2 reps Central Gippsland Health - 4 reps Ballarat Health - 2 reps Northeast Health Wangaratta - 2reps Barwon Health - 2 reps

14 Communication General Collaborative Enquiries: Administration at CPCER T: 9416 0000 Focus on Metropolitan advice re NP, Medical & Service Delivery: Melbourne City Mission Anne Oakley T: 9486 2666 (NP) Irene Murphy T: 9486 2666 E: Banksia Palliative Care (NP) Julie Paul T: 9497 2100 E: (NP)Karen Conte T: 9497 2100 E:

15 Communication Focus on Rural advice Medical - Mark Boughey: Nursing - Karen Glaetzer: T: 08 8275 1732 M: 0401 125 281 F: 08 8277 4957 Preference to be contacted Wednesday a/noon

16 Communication DHS Rep - Jo Hall T: 9096 2138 E: Nurse Policy DHS - Katy Fielding T: 9096 6922 E: Nurses Board - Michelle Thomas T: 8635 1250 E: College of NPs - Alison Bean-Hodges T: 8345 3139 E:

17 Proposed Logo

18 Discussion

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