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Mid-Term Review of the ACSS Strategic Plan 2011-2015
ASEANstats Presentation High-Level Seminar on ACSS Strategic Plan Bogor, Indonesia, June 2014 Brief background: 1997 – ASEAN Heads of Statistical Offices Meeting – set the stage for the regional cooperation in statistics by endorsing the formulation of an ASEAN Plan of Action in Statistics and recommending the establishment of a statistics unit at the ASEAN Secretariat (2000). Back then, given the limited scope of regional cooperation, a modest statistics unit was sufficient to assist AHSOM . 2001 – the goal to harmonise statistics among AMSs began with the adoption of the ASEAN Framework of Cooperation in Statistics (AFCS) along with the Plan of Action on Statistics (with the following thrusts: ASEAN in 2004 – this was the first time ASEAN statistics was included in the action plan of ASEAN, the Vientiane Action Program 2006 – AHSOM started reporting to the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting through the Senior Economic Officials Meeting
Outline Background Vision, Mission, and the major thrusts
Assessment of the major thrusts Assessment of MYP and AWP Assessment of the three major challenges identified in the Strategic Plan The Identified Challenges
Background Vision Mission
The ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) will by 2015 be a forward looking and reliable provider of relevant, timely and comparable statistics in support of the ASEAN Community. Mission The ASEAN Community Statistical System will provide relevant, timely and comparable ASEAN statistics in support of evidence based policy and decision making and enhance the statistical capacity of the Member States and ASEAN Secretariat.
Background ACSS Strategic Plan guides ACSS in creating preconditions for a sustainable development of ASEAN statistics, focusing on: concrete and clear mandate for regional cooperation and institutional strengthening addressing issues on comparability of key statistics relevant to ASEAN integration (i.e. trade in goods, trade in services, and foreign direct investments) narrowing the development gap.
Background Major Components: Institutional Strengthening
Strengthening ASEAN Statistics Narrowing Development Gap in Statistics ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Background Major Thrust Under Institutional Strengthening
ACSS is a partnership (between NSS, ACSS Committee, ASEAN Bodies, ASEC) ACSS Committee is a prominent statistics body NSO functions as the country focal point in matters related to regional cooperation in statistics NSO coordinates the provision of ASEAN statistics to stakeholders in ASEAN through the ASEANstats ASEANstats functions as regional focal point of ASEAN statistics ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Background Major Thrust Under Institutional Strengthening
ASEANstats initiates the formulation of policies and standards for the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics and lead the implementation and monitoring of ACSS AWP Enabling mechanism to be established: MYP, AWP, User-Producer Consultation, consultation mechanism Monitoring system to be setup (for quality and compliance) ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Background Major Thrust Under Strengthening ASEAN Statistics
Development and harmonisation of Priority statistical fields: IMTS, FDIS, SITS Broadening scope to better respond to the three Community pillars Development and compilation of metadata on IMTS, FDIS, SITS The presence of an Integrated ASEAN Statistics database Improved statistical dissemination and communication The presence of high profile statistical report with early warning system indicators ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Proactive coordination and facilitation
Background Major Thrusts Under the Narrowing Development Gap in Statistics Proactive coordination and facilitation Assistance to AMSs in various forms ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Background The Mid-term Review conducted in early 2013
Three aspects evaluated: Overall assessment of the major thrusts Implementation of the ACSS MYP and AWP The three defined challenges: whether have been addressed or remain relevant
Assessment of the Thrust
Overall Assessment of Thrust 1: Institutional Strengthening ACSS as a partnership The partnership has yet to be realized/acknowledged; little has been done to raise awareness among the partners ACSS Committee as a prominent body: The functioning of ACSS Committee as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN statistics needs to be ensured/enhanced ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Assessment of the Thrust
Overall Assessment of Thrust 1: Institutional Strengthening NSO in many cases has yet to effectively functioning as the country focal point in matters related to the regional cooperation in statistics; Has NSO effectively represents the entire country’s statistical system in the ACSS? NSO and other national data producers coordination needs strengthening Has NSO coordinated data provision made by other national data producers? Has NSO coordinated with other data producers in the production, harmonisation and dissemination of statistics? ACSS is still at its early stage and has not been functioning as envisioned, and needs enhancement; for example in terms of the following: ACSS Committee shall function as the highest regional policy-making and coordinating body on ASEAN Closer consultation between ACSS Committee and the concerned ASEAN bodies should be in place NSO shall coordinate the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics produced by the national statistical system, including those produced by line ministries/departments
Assessment of the Thrust
Overall Assessment of Thrust 1: Institutional Strengthening ASEANstats has been able to lead the formulation of policies and standards for the development and harmonisation of ASEAN statistics and lead the implementation and monitoring ASEANstats, however: Has not been functioning effectively as regional focal point e.g. in serving as the link between ACSS and ASEAN bodies, international organisation, and other data users and producers
Assessment of the Thrust
Overall Assessment of Thrust 1: Institutional Strengthening 7. Enabling mechanism: A lot have been developed; However, inter-agency coordination at national level in some countries, and consultation between ACSS Committee and ASEAN bodies need to be enhanced 8. Monitoring system Monitor the implementation of the Code of Practice (CoP) is underway, and Annual Work Plans (AWPs) monitoring is in place.
Overall Assessment of Thrusts 2 Strengthening ASEAN Statistics
Priority statistical fields: IMTS, FDIS, SITS have been progressing well Some still very much dependent on external sources No regional initiative is in place to address the System of National Accounts Broadening the scope to responding the three Community pillars No clear expressed demand from ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) pillar Prioritization of indicators under the ASEAN Statistical Indicators (ASI) is currently on-going.
Overall Assessment of Thrusts 2 Strengthening ASEAN Statistics
Development and compilation of metadata on IMTS, FDIS, SITS Progressing Integrated ASEAN Statistics database REXDBS only available by November 2014 and some enhancements are still needed Only IMTS, FDIS, SITS, and MDG data are in the REXDBS. Database of other statistics remain in scattered excel file. To be prioritized for
Overall Assessment of Thrusts 2 Strengthening ASEAN Statistics
Improved dissemination : Only received high priority in 2013; actual dissemination is still limited Communication of statistics is only set to begin; Priority should remain high in Development of high profile statistical report with early warning system indicators MDGs and ACPMS reports have not developed as high profile statistical reports. Early warning system indicators system is by nature a high profile statistical report, and hence deserve more attention
Overall Assessment of Thrusts 3 Narrowing Development Gaps
Proactive coordination and facilitation : Little has been done at the regional level, although bilateral assistance within AMSs are also observed To ensure sustainability, mechanisms need to be developed and facilitated to enhance ASEAN-help-ASEAN mechanism Assistance to AMSs in various forms So far, assistance was only through existing projects A mechanism may need to be developed to facilitate country(s) initiatives to address common challenges they observed
Assessment of MYP and AWP
Strengthening the institutional framework: Activities Done On-Going Status a. Updated Broad Framework for the Sustainable Development of ASEAN Statistics (Broad Framework Rev.1) ✔ b. AHSOM reconstituted in the ACSS Committee with recognition as unique ASEAN body dealing with ASEAN statistics and reporting to AEM through SEOM c. Rules of Procedures of the ACSS Committee adopted d. Establishment of the Sub-Committee for Planning and Coordination to support the ACSS-Committee e. Adoption of the Code of Practice (CoP) f. Multi Year Plan and Annual Work Plans 2012, 2013 and 2014 adopted Based on what has already been done up to end of 2012, it can be expect that many of the results set in the Multi-Year Plan will be achieved by the end of 2015
Assessment of MYP and AWP
Strengthening the institutional framework (con’t) Activities Done On-Going Status g. Adoption of Mechanisms to Monitor Implementation of activities/programme at national and regional levels Compliance monitoring tool ✔ Quality monitoring tool To follow up with the implementation of the self-assessment under the CoP h. User producer consultation process defined To be developed inline with communication plan Based on what has already been done up to end of 2012, it can be expect that many of the results set in the Multi-Year Plan will be achieved by the end of 2015
Assessment of MYP and AWP
2. Strengthening ASEAN statistics Activities Done On-Going Status a. Progress in harmonising IMTS, FDIS and SITS ✔ IMTS, SITS have been progressing well under the EU Programme. The progress for FDI Statistics is more limited: a new FDIS annual publication has been prepared by ASEANstats in The main issue remains for many countries on the production of the figures. b. ASEAN statistical report on MDGs c. ASI framework expanded including the ACPMS ASEAN Statistical Indicators set prioritisation for the remaining indicators, should be dealt within the next strategy, taking into account the post 2015 sustainable development initiative
Assessment of MYP and AWP
2. Strengthening ASEAN statistics Activities Done On-Going Status d. Statistical data processing and dissemination tools developed (REXDBS, ASEANstats website) ✔ However REXDBS needs further enhancements, data sharing is still an issue and needs enhancements e. Regional statistical dissemination policy elaborated and more statistical publications available Communication has been addressed, as part of the communication plan. f. ASEANstats’ organisation and human resources strengthened Implementation of the seven measures.
Assessment of MYP and AWP
3. Narrowing the development gap Activities Done On-Going Status a. Significant improvement of IMTS, FDIS and SITS in the CLMVs ✔ The progress on SITS is slower for these countries, except Viet Nam. Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar are facing many difficulties to provide the requested data, mainly due to a lack of the resources needed to mobilise the administrative data or to carry out surveys. The progress for the FDIS has been limited as in the other AMS. b. On-going cooperation’s from ASEAN Member states (ASEAN helps ASEAN initiatives) Currently the ASEAN help ASEAN initiative is on-going under the WGFDIs.
Assessment of the 3 major Challenges
Overall Assessment the Three Challenges Increased demand for ASEAN statistics Still relevant; Scope is even wider requiring third party data and estimates Institutional framework and mandate need strengthening Establishment of the ACSS Committee and its enabling mechanism have addressed the institutional framework; Not yet functioning as envisioned. What still needs to be ensured is the implementation of the mandate Dependency on external sector So far only little has been addressed Dependency on external sector: So far only little has been addressed
The Identified Challenges
Role as the highest regional body in statistical policy making: needs to be further strengthened in order to draw greater stakeholders’ involvement: Coordination among the various national data-producing agencies will continue to be challenging until a regional statistical framework, guidelines and standards exist and implemented by all agencies;
Identified Challenges
Partnership: to be built up, through the development of a user-producer consultation mechanism; Role of the national statistical office (NSO): has yet to be recognized in some ASEAN Member States;
Identified Challenges
National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and ACSS Strategic Plan (RSDS): To be aligned resources to be secured; Data quality assessment and monitoring: Development of measures to assess the ACSS Code of Practice (CoP) is underway;
Identified Challenges
ASEANstats: limited resources and capacity has stifled its performance as the technical arm and focal point in regional statistics. Under the ACSS, the ASEANstats has to lead the harmonisation of ASEAN statistics. A plan to strengthen ASEANstats was earlier proposed with seven measures; so far, only one has been implemented;
Identified Challenges
Dissemination: still limited and available mainly in printed publication efforts to develop an effective dissemination strategy have begun; Regional cooperation in other fields of statistics: National Accounts, Labour Market Indicators, and manufacturing statistics were stagnant With the deepening of ASEAN integration and increasing ASEAN initiatives, demand for more diverse and more detailed data has to be addressed
Identified Challenges
Narrowing development gaps: More efforts to be exerted the ASEAN-help-ASEAN needs to be further promoted Visibility: Very limited presence of the ACSS in the global arena. 11. More diverse and detailed demand: The new initiative towards the Post-2015 Development Agenda, initiative on Data Revolution, statistical programmes in the Asia and the Pacific region will add up to the present challenges. Creation of the ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development (AFEED) and Sustainable Development in ASEAN will entail greater commitment from the ACSS’ agenda.
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