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Presentation on theme: "Literacy Unit Standards AN ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY TO ACHIEVING LEVEL 1 LITERACY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims: 1. To understand what literacy unit standards are and what they entail 2. To discuss how the literacy unit standards can be developed or utilized within each department

3 Two pathways to Level 1: designated achievement standards or ‘new’ literacy and numeracy unit standards You cannot mix the two – it is an ‘either … or’ The program is on-going for up to 3 years.

4 Intent cross –curricular desire to make sure that students pathways to success are not limited by changes to Achievement Standards – life long learners Who are they for? Yr 11 (and Yr 11+) students who are not expected to gain literacy/numeracy through the AS pathway (based on evidence from a range of sources) Yr 11 (and Yr 11+) students who begin on an AS literacy/numeracy pathway but are found during the year to be unlikely to achieve through this pathway Yr 11 (and Yr 11+) students working on education pathways based on few AS.

5 What are the standards? There are three literacy unit standards and they are a package deal – students must achieve all three if they are to achieve Level 1 Literacy. The standards are: 1.26622 – Write to communicate ideas for a purpose and audience 2.26624 – Read texts with understanding 3.26625 – Actively participate in spoken interactions

6 What do they entail: 26622 – Write to communicate ideas for purpose and audience. Students must produce at least three pieces of writing throughout the year of sufficient length and quality to be included in their portfolio. They must show that they can write for different purposes and audiences. Examples: 1.An apology letter from a student 2.A paragraph written on the effects of bullying 3.An experiment that has been written up and reflected upon

7 26624 – Read texts with understanding Students must read at least THREE texts of TWO different types, for example a newspaper article, a short story, a novel, an instruction manual, an employment contract, a letter etc. They demonstrate their understanding by locating information that is relevant to the readers purpose, identify explicit and implicit information or ideas within the text, and evaluate the text in terms of usefulness, interest, validity and credibility (relating again to the readers purpose). Examples: 1. A comprehension task on a novel, poem, newspaper article or short story 2. Interpreting information from different sources 3. Reading the road code and demonstrating comprehension through discussion

8 26625 – Actively participate in spoken interactions This standard requires students to show that they can participate actively and appropriately in discussion with others. Students demonstrate participation by - contributing ideas - giving feedback - agreeing/disagreeing with reasons why - responding to questions - maintaining an appropriate tone and language Examples: Discussion of a film or character in class Working on a set task in a group Discussion of sport, family, work, and other real-world contexts with others

9 Naturally occurring evidence Naturally occurring evidence is collected from a range of authentic contexts and obtained over a period of time. Not intended that specific assessment activities be written for the standards Evidence may be collected through:  learning activities that occur within course work  formative assessment activities within broader course work  assessment activities for other standards

10 Student’s role in LUS To actively participate in all class activities To take responsibility for their learning and manage their progress towards achieving LUS by providing work for their portfolios and keeping track of what they have done and what they need to do To manage self and behaviour both in and out of class Teacher’s role in LUS To provide opportunities for students to produce evidence for their portfolios To monitor and keep track of students progress To mark work regularly and earmark work that could be submitted as evidence

11 Next steps… In your department groups, discuss: 1. What activities could be suitable to provide evidence for any of the three Literacy Unit Standards 2. What students/classes you can identify for whom this program may work for 3. Processes of storing work that you collect for LUS eg. Pass along to Literacy Co-ordinator, store in classroom, give to the English classroom teacher, etc.


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