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 Crisis is a fast pace debate style in which delegates can commit actions which have both repercussions and rewards  In crisis there is no speakers’

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2  Crisis is a fast pace debate style in which delegates can commit actions which have both repercussions and rewards  In crisis there is no speakers’ list—instead, it’s a perpetual moderated caucus with frequent unmoderated caucuses occurring  Action is imperative in crisis and can be taken in three ways: directives, communiques, and press releases (discussed in further slides)

3  Crisis aims to show delegates many things. The first being how actions have consequences and how thoughtful actions can make a difference as to how one effects the world. The second being how personal motives and actions shape the world around them. An independent person represents a range of people and ideals and they stand for bettering those people’s beliefs—if it is within their values. There is never the whole committees ideals coming to play, but a wide range of ideas that eventually affect the climate of the issues the committee reflects.

4  Directives come in two forms: Committee directives, and Personal directives  Committee Directives are short working papers focusing on specific topics. They are passed as a whole by the committee.  Personal Directives are sent to the crisis staff and address portfolio powers expressed in the dossier. Personal directives usually entail personal motives of a character and are addressed to specific people who can act out such motives— essentially, directives are to direct or lead those who the person enacting them has authority over.

5  Communiques are for communication and are addressed to people a character has contact with—usually people under a character or people a character is trying to reach out to.  Communiques tend to ask questions or are used to communicate information found out in committee to specific people.  Communiques may be made by an entire committee if they wish to contact someone as a whole.

6  Press Releases are used as announcements to large groups of people. Most press releases are sent by the committee to inform the public of issues or to make a statement to another party.  Personal press releases may be issue (if it is in the power of a character) to announce to the committee aspects of their “behind-the-scenes” work (on the discretion of the crisis staff) if they have not already done so in a speech.

7  Research your character—their mannerisms, aspriations, and values are important to emulate in committee  Come in with a plan—know what your character would want to do in a committee and push the committee and your personal actions towards that goal  Be specific—your committee powers rely on your ability to know who you can reach out to and who works with you (most powers derive from controlling certain sectors); be sure to answer who, what, when, where, and why in your actions to crisis  Remember—every person in a committee is important; find your person’s purpose and fulfill it to the max

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