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Version of a UN Regulation OICA contribution Nara, January 2015 SG58-14-04Transmitted by OICA.

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1 Version of a UN Regulation OICA contribution Nara, January 2015 SG58-14-04Transmitted by OICA

2 Draft Rev. 3 of 58 Agreement, Article 1, §1 "The term "version of a UN Regulation" indicates that a UN Regulation, …, may subsequently be amended … The unamended UN Regulation as well as the UN Regulation, after integration of any subsequent amendment(s), are considered to be separate versions of that UN Regulation." Amendments are to be understood as series of amendments Supplements do not entail a marking change Supplements only apply to new approvals Supplements do therefore not create a new version number, but become part of the version they "supplement" Corrigenda are automatically included in the text, with application "ab initio" - they therefore do not result in separate versions

3 Version 1 (as of Date 6) Version 1 (as of Date 5) Version 1 (as of Date 4) Versions of a Regulation Date 123456 Corr.1 adopted Supp.1 adopted R-xxx.01 adopted R-xxx.01 Supp.1 adopted R-xxx.01 Supp.2 adopted R-xxx adopted Version 0 (as of Date 1) Version 0 (as of Date 2) Version 0 (as of Date 3)

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