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PROJECT CLIMEPORT Mediterranean Port’s Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation ANTONIO CEJALVO Director Agencia Valenciana de la Energía (AVEN) Projet.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT CLIMEPORT Mediterranean Port’s Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation ANTONIO CEJALVO Director Agencia Valenciana de la Energía (AVEN) Projet."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT CLIMEPORT Mediterranean Port’s Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation ANTONIO CEJALVO Director Agencia Valenciana de la Energía (AVEN) Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund 20/04/20151

2 2 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund CLIMEPORT. The European CLIMEPORT project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the MED program (Europe in the Mediterranean). OBJECTIVE. The project aims to contribute to mitigating climate change, developing and implementing technical solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by activities that take place in the port areas. PARTNERS. The project involves as some ports of France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece and Spain as partners. The project leader is the Port Authority of the Port of Valencia. AVEN (Valencian Regional Agency of Energy) participates as one of the partners with extensive experience in energy. BUDGET : 1.610.454 EUR DURATION : From May 2009 to April 2012

3 3 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund Why Climate Change & Ports?  Maritime Transport : Vessels  Road Transport : Trucks, Railway  Terminals : Container, Bulk, Ro.Ro  Logistics : Warehouses  Buildings : Offices, Customs, Workshops  Port Machinery : Cranes, Yard Equipment  Private Vehicles and Industry  Other services PORTS  LOGISTICS AND INDUSTRIAL IMPORTANCE POINTS

4 4 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund General Objective 1)Evaluate the environmental impact of Mediterranean ports to Climate Change. 2)Define the possibilities of alignment of European and national policies and measures concerning with port strategies to combat Climate Change. 3)Design action plans focused on the critic activities which affect environment and society. 4)Assess the costs and benefits arisen from the action plans adopted. 5)Styudy the state of the art technologies and developing pilot initiatives based on efficient energy systems.. 6)Disseminate and transfer the project results achieved in all the ports around the world. Objectives The main objective of the project is to evaluate the contribution of the Mediterranean ports to the different environmental aspects which are involved in climate change. Moreover, this project aims to develop tools and best practices of generalized application in order to mitigate the contribution of Mediterranean ports to climate change including environmental risks.

5 5 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund Methodological Approach

6 6 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund Methodological Approach 1.CURRENT SITUATION OF PORTS TO GHG EMISSIONS  Methodology and Detailed Assessment.  Harmonization of CO2 Footprint Evaluation.  Benchmarking and Best Practices Identification. 2.ACTION PLANS  Best Practices Transfer and Implementation Barrier Analysis.  New Actions Identification and Common Implementation Plan.  Port Specific Action Plans. 3. PILOT PROJECTS  Pilot Design and Implementation.  Technical Validation and Transferability.

7 7 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund Resources Waste Generated Activity Measurements Actions already Implemented Classified Use of Resources Indicators Port Database PHASE 3.1 GHG Diagnosis PHASE 3.2 Carbon FootPrint PHASE 3.3 Benchmarking & Best Practices CURRENT SITUATION OF PORTS ACCORDING TO GHG EMISSIONS Methodological Approachment

8 8 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund Calculation of GHG Emissions derived from Road Traffic in the facilities of the Port of Valencia 1.May 2009 – April 2010. 3.409.809 Vehicles 2 IDENTIFICATION AND FEATURES Two Gates : - South Access, 1.956.180 Vehicles (43,11 % Light and 56,67 % Heavy Vehicles ). - Nazaret Access, 1.453.629 Vehicles (100 % Light Vehicles) Clasification by fuel : - Gasoline : 56 % - Diesel : 44 % 3. Average distance to Terminals. South Access : 6,97 km. Nazaret Access : 6,70 km 4. Considering number of vehicles, type, fuel and average distance. TOTAL GHG : 9.120 ton CO2 equivalent. 5. Considering cargo traffic port in the period. CARBON FOOTPRINT : 0,18 kg CO2e/ton

9 9 Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Project cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ANTONIO CEJALVO Director Agencia Valenciana de la Energía Brussels, 30 November 2010

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