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Jade Titus Cargill Meat Solutions Schuyler, NE. Tech Rendering Melt Tanks  Inefficient use of steam  Over cooks the tallow (emulsifies)  High temperatures.

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Presentation on theme: "Jade Titus Cargill Meat Solutions Schuyler, NE. Tech Rendering Melt Tanks  Inefficient use of steam  Over cooks the tallow (emulsifies)  High temperatures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jade Titus Cargill Meat Solutions Schuyler, NE

2 Tech Rendering Melt Tanks  Inefficient use of steam  Over cooks the tallow (emulsifies)  High temperatures melt the gel bone which increases FOG and COD values  Adds water to the product

3 Current System  Use approximately 13,700 lbs of steam per hour  Both melt tanks are heated up to 218 degrees Fahrenheit  Operators use manual valves to control flow of steam

4 New System  Use approximately 9,800 lbs of steam per hour  Have two temperature set points, one for each tank  Use two automated control valves to change the flow of steam  Insulate pipes

5 Project Benefits  Send less stick water to wastewater  Lower COD and FOG values  Melt less gel bone  Use less steam  Current payback: over $185,000 per year


7 Pre-Evis  Reason for tests High bacteria hits Different titration results  Testing Results Not enough Lactic Acid in solution QA’s method was showing higher percentage than lab results  New procedure QA’s now have more accurate tools The correct amount of Lactic is being applied

8 pH vs. Conductivity  Needed a more accurate monitoring system for Pre-Evis and HOCW  Conducted tests to determine which method gave most accurate results

9 Utility Monitoring  Short Term Goals Determine current metering situation Determine areas that need meters Develop a system that is expandable  Long Term Goals Pinpoint inefficient areas Determine best practice utility usage Payback: We anticipate a 1 to 5% reduction in energy consumption which would equate to $90k-$450k a year

10 SPS vs. 180 Cabinet  Determined cost of running SPS cabinet and 180 re-circulation cabinet  Worked with multiple food safety employees  Recommendations: Replace Pre-evis with 180 cabinet Install complete 180 recirculation with a 180 cabinet and remove SPS cabinet

11 180 Recirculation  Developed 180 re-circulation for Slaughter sterilizers  Payback: $50,000 per year

12 Rendering Heat Exchangers  Re-visited CIP Loop  Developed new system  Cut back installation costs  Payback: over $130,000 per year

13 Previous HPCR System  Inefficient flow control  High boiler feed water usage  High chemical usage

14 Current HPCR System  Set point determines pressure differential  Decreased boiler feed water  Decreased chemical usage  Currently saving approximately $625/day

15 RO Water to DA Tank  RO water enters DA tank at approximately 55 degrees  Current system doesn’t have an effective method to pre-heat RO water before DA tank

16 RO / DAF Heat Exchanger  DAF influent would decrease 3 degrees  RO water would increase 45 degrees  Annual savings of $75,000

17 Hot Water Tank  Booster pump is continuously left on which overflows the hot water tank  Booster pump increases flow which decreases water temperature  Low temperatures require steam to heat up the plants 180 water

18 Potable Water Control Valves  Control valves will increase the temperature of the hot water tank  Valves will reduce flow to ensure hot water tank doesn’t overflow  System will be run by a PLC, removing human error

19 PLC Training  Learned basic concepts of ladder logic computer programming  Completed Logix Pro  Assisted with HPCR pressure control programming

20 Paunch and SRM Solids  Haul about 84 tons of paunch per day at 85 percent moisture  Currently pay $18.50/ton to ship it to a compost site  Haul about 33 tons of SRM per day at 50 percent moisture  Currently pay $18.50/ton to haul and an additional $36.75/ton to landfill it

21 Houle/Haarslev Press  Scheduled to pilot a 6 roller Houle press in mid February  Anticipate lowering the moisture content from 85 to 60 percent  Lowering MC to 60 percent will yield a yearly payback of $250,000

22 Paunch/SRM Drier  Drier will take paunch and SRM solids down to 20 percent MC  Tests show that drying SRM solids removes majority of odor  Lowering MC to 20 percent yields a annual payback of $450,000 to $650,000 (this includes press payback)

23 DAF Polymers  Performed multiple tests with different polymers  Visited Fort Morgan  Anticipating piloting polymers in near future

24 Co-op Experience  Project Management  Energy and Mass Balances  PLC Training  Lab Experience  Trouble Shooting  Communication Skills

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