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Implementing EC Systems: From Justification to Successful Performance

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1 Implementing EC Systems: From Justification to Successful Performance
Chapter 14 Implementing EC Systems: From Justification to Successful Performance

2 Learning Objectives Describe the major components of EC implementation. Describe the need for justifying EC investments. Understand the difficulties in measuring and justifying EC investments. Recognize the difficulties in establishing intangible metrics. List and describe traditional and advanced methods of justifying EC investments. Describe some examples of EC justification.

3 Learning Objectives Describe the role of economics in EC evaluation.
Discuss the steps in developing an EC system. Describe the major EC development strategies. List the various EC development methods along with their benefits and limitations. Discuss the major outsourcing strategies. Describe EC organizational structure and change management. Understand how product, industry, seller, and buyer characteristics influence the success of EC.

4 The Implementation Landscape
The Major Implementation Factors Justification/Economics Acquire or Self Develop Your E-Commerce System Organizational Readiness and Impacts of E-Commerce How to Succeed

5 The Elements in EC Implementation

6 Why Justify E-Commerce Investments? How Can They be Justified?
Increased Pressure for Financial Justification Other Reasons Why EC Justification Is Needed EC Investment Categories and Benefits How Is an EC Investment Justified? *Cost–benefit analysis Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Business Case What Needs to be Justified? When Should Justification Take Place?

7 Why Justify E-Commerce Investments? How Can They be Justified?
Using Metrics in EC Justification Metrics, Measurements, and Key Performance Indicators *Key performance indicators (KPIs) *Web Analytics

8 How Metrics Are Used in Performance Management

9 Difficulties in Measuring and Justifying E-Commerce Investments
The EC Justification Process Difficulties in Measuring Productivity and Performance Gains Data and Analysis Issues Relating EC and ITS Expenditures to Organizational Performance Other Difficulties Intangible Costs and Benefits Tangible Costs and Benefits Managing Intangible Benefits

10 A Model for IT Project Justification
Sources: Based on Gunasekaran et al. ( 2001 ) and Misra ( 2006 ); and the authors’ experience.

11 Difficulties in Measuring and Justifying E-Commerce Investments
The Process of Justifying EC and IT Projects The Use of Gartner’s Hype Cycle What Is Gartner’s Hype Cycle? *Hype cycle The five stages of the hype cycle are: Technology trigger Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Application of the Hype Cycle

12 Methods and Tools for Evaluating and Justifying E-Commerce Investments
Opportunities and Revenue Generated by EC Investments Methodological Aspects of Justifying EC Investments Types of Costs Distinguish between initial (up-front) costs and operating costs Direct and indirect shared costs In-kind costs

13 Methods and Tools for Evaluating and Justifying E-Commerce Investments
Traditional Methods for Evaluating EC Investments The ROI Method Payback Period NPV Analysis Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Break-Even Analyses The Total Costs and Benefits of Ownership *Total cost of ownership (TCO) *Total benefits of ownership (TBO) Economic Value Added Using Several Traditional Methods for One Project Business ROI Versus Technology ROI

14 Methods and Tools for Evaluating and Justifying E-Commerce Investments
*ROI Calculators The Offerings from Baseline Magazine Other Calculators Advanced Methods for Evaluating IT and EC Investments Financial approaches Multicriteria approaches Ratio approaches Portfolio approaches

15 Examples of E-Commerce Metrics and Project Justification
Justifying E-Procurement Justifying Social Networking and the Use of Web 2.0 Tools Justifying an Investment in Mobile Computing and in RFID Justifying Investing in RFID Justifying Security Projects Justifying Buying Products or Services from Vendors

16 The Economics of E-Commerce
Reducing Production Costs Product Cost Curves *Production Function * Agency Costs * Transaction Costs Search costs Information costs Negotiation costs Decision costs Monitoring and policing costs Legal-related costs

17 Average Cost Curve of (a) Regular and (b) Digital Products

18 The Economic Effects of EC: The Production Function and Agency Costs

19 The Economic Effects of EC: Transaction Costs

20 The Economics of E-Commerce
Increased Revenues Reach Versus Richness Facilitating Product Differentiation *Product differentiation EC Increases Agility Valuation of EC Companies * Valuation

21 Reach vs. Richness

22 E-Commerce System Life Cycle

23 A Five-Step Approach to Developing an E-Commerce System
The Essentials of the SDLC: An EC Application The Five Traditional Steps Step 1: Identifying, justifying, and planning EC systems Step 2: Creating an EC architecture Step 3: Selecting a development option Step 4: Installing, testing, integrating, and deploying EC applications Step 5: Operations, maintenance, and updates Managing the Development Process

24 The EC Application Development Process

25 Development Strategies for E-Commerce Projects
There are four popular options for developing an EC website: Develop the site in-house Buy a packaged application Outsource the system development Lease the application

26 Development Strategies for E-Commerce Projects
In-House Development: Insourcing *Insourcing Buy the Applications (Off-the-Shelf Approach) * Turnkey approach Advantages and Limitations of Ready Made Packages Outsourcing EC Systems Development and Applications Types of Outsourcing Options

27 Development Strategies for E-Commerce Projects
Leasing EC Applications: Cloud Computing and Software As A Service (Saas) * Cloud Computing Advantages of Cloud Applications Other Development Options Join an e-marketplace Join a consortium Join an auction or reverse auction third-party site Form joint ventures Use a hybrid approach

28 Development Strategies for E-Commerce Projects
Selecting a Development Option Before choosing an appropriate development option, you need to consider the following factors: Customers Merchandising Sales service Promotion Transaction processing Marketing data and analysis Branding

29 Organizational Impacts of E-Commerce
Improving Direct Marketing and Sales Transforming Organizations and Work Technology and Organizational Learning The Changing Nature of Work Disintermediation and Reintermediation Restructuring Business Processes Redefining Organizations New and Improved Products and Services *Mass Customization and *On-Demand Manufacturing The On-Demand Revolution * 3D Printing

30 How Customization Is Done Online: The Case of Nike Shoes

31 Organizational Impacts of E-Commerce
*Change Management How to Organize an EC Unit in a Company Options for Organizing the EC Workforce Report to the Marketing Department Report to the Finance Department Report to the Chief Operating Officer Distribute the EC Workforce in Several Departments Report to the IT Department Create a New, Possibly Autonomous EC Department No Formal Structure for EC Exists Create an Autonomous Division or a Separate Online Company

32 Opportunities For Success In E-Commerce and Avoiding Failure
Factors That Determine E-Commerce Success E-Commerce Failures E-Commerce Successes Strategies for EC Success Cultural Differences in EC Successes and Failures Can EC Succeed in Developing Economies?

33 Managerial Issues How should the value of EC investments be justified?
Which investment analysis method should we adopt for EC justification? Who should conduct the justification? Should we use the hype cycle? Should we embark on cloud computing products for our EC initiatives? Which strategy should we choose for vendor selection: the inside-out or outside-in approach? What kinds of organizational changes may be needed? Is it possible to predict EC success?

34 Summary The major components of EC implementation.
The need for EC justification. The difficulties in justifying EC investment. Difficulties in establishing intangible metrics. Traditional methods for evaluating EC investments. Describe the justification of representative EC projects.

35 Summary EC economic evaluation.
The major steps in developing an EC system. The major EC development strategies, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The variety of EC application development methods, along with their benefits and limitations. EC application outsourcing strategies. Organizational structure and change management. Reasons for EC success and failure.

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