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Asian Steam Energy Overview

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1 Asian Steam Energy Overview
Seyed Masoud Haji Seyedi, President & CTO, ASE Co. Jan, 2015

2 Agenda ASE Presentation.
How you had better finding the best way for obtained energy? How you had better proceeding after finding the best way? What is Oman Steam Energy?

3 About us ASE incorporated by Seyed Masoud. Haji Seyedi with several years research and experience about energy saving projects in 2013 in Mashhad, Iran. With a vision for manufacturing and consulting. He has a patent in Iranian patent office and has Training Certificate for Operation and Maintenance of Steam Turbine from Prime agent in Malaysia. He is expertise in the Pinch Technology and Process Integration.


5 For finding the best way, you had better contact to Energy Service Company (ESCO)
What is ESCO? ESCO is a consulting company that survey your heat and power consumption in year and suggested the best way for to be obtained these. The start of the energy savings business can be attributed to the energy crisis of the late 1970s, as entrepreneurs developed ways to combat the rise in energy costs.

6 What should you do after ESCO ?
How ESCO works? In Summary; ESCO answer to these questions: How much will the each proposal cost? How much money will be saved by the proposal? What should you do after ESCO ?

7 If ESCO suggested you using Rankine Cycle, Then, you had better contact to ASE for proceeding. You have 2 usual options.

8 1-1 Water Rankine Cycle (WRC) with Steam Turbine

9 1-2 Water Rankine Cycle (WRC) with Steam Engine

10 1-3 Waste to Value Technology, Intelligent Alternative for Power Generation

11 2- Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)

12 Comparison of ORC and Steam Turbine

13 What should you do after ASE suggested you the best option?
After that regarding to available parameters you run up against from which manufacture or supplier you had better furnish it? Parameter Fixed or Relax Pin ? Pout Tin Steam flow rate kW US$ For finding an optimize quotation from vendors, at first, you have to fill in this table:

14 Again, ASE will help you to find the best one, regarding to your site condition, budget, payback period contemplate, etc. Client Manufacture or Supplier A X B Y C Z D ASE

15 What is Oman Steam Energy?
ASE decided to establish assembly workshop in the future in Oman for manufacturing some type of Heat Engine to decrease total cost.

16 Why we choose Oman? Why Oman? Strategic Location
Stable economic framework Comprehensive legal framework Excellent infrastructure Educated young workforce Cooperation Agreements Free Trade and open market policy

17 Head Office: Unit 3, No: 361, Between 23&25
Skype: smhseyedi Head Office: Unit 3, No: 361, Between 23&25 Datgheib Bliv., Rahnamaei Sq., Mashhad, Iran. Copyright© Asian Steam Energy, All rights reserved

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