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Why it is better?  Vissensa’s SEIM appliance is a “Rack and Go" solution for a CSO (Chief Security Officer) CIO (Chief Information Officer) or HOC ( Head.

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Presentation on theme: "Why it is better?  Vissensa’s SEIM appliance is a “Rack and Go" solution for a CSO (Chief Security Officer) CIO (Chief Information Officer) or HOC ( Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why it is better?  Vissensa’s SEIM appliance is a “Rack and Go" solution for a CSO (Chief Security Officer) CIO (Chief Information Officer) or HOC ( Head of Compliance) to quickly start the process of scanning, collecting and recording the electronic transactions and events running through any connected computing device or networks.  Has been build and test by IBM to run on RHEL ( Rad Hat Enterprise Linux and DB2 software on a POWER platform.  Vissensa SIEM stands apart from other SIEM security products because of the software and platform it has been engineered and test on. Because 1) In using POWER over X86 the product can capture 100’s of events a second using even the smallest 7R1 platform 2) The DB2 database provides a scalable and efficient data store for 1000’s of transactions a second to be stored and secured 3) The RHEL deployment saves the need to purchase a Virtualisation product and associated costs. 4) The combination of the 3 above ensures that the tightest level of security is “baked in” as nearly all other security SEIM products have a X86 and Microsoft SQL code base - with hundred of thousands of programmers all understanding the latest and greatest hack. This can’t be said when presented with a locked down RHEL kernel, and DB2 database.  Deploying on a Power “appliance” means the client can choose from self deployment, assisted deployment of have the appliance hosted in a secure datacentre if required.  This Cloud and hybrid model can also map to the clients propensity for OPEX rather than CAPEX  The service can be expanded with the use of PEN testing software, compliance analytics software and QSEC ( conformance / security and compliance consulting) to provide a “continuous Compliance ands a service offering powered by IBM hardware and Software. Questions for your customer: Line-of-Business Discussion:  Does your business have to provide compliance data to a regulatory body, Data protection, Financial services etc?  How do you protect your business today from external cyber attack and internal malicious access ?  When did you last test the vulnerability of your entire system?  If you had an attack or a breach, how quickly could you analyze and control the attack or breach  Does you CIO have the ability to provide the level of compliance and security that is enabled if demanded by an external security forensics team  Do you or you CxO team know the limit of financial damage ( penalties and resolution costs) to successfully respond to a security or compliance breach? Traditional IT-Discussion:  What equipment do you have to protect your data and the IT assists?  Internally?  Externally?  When did you last test your security?  How do you control assess to the top level (administrator type) passwords?  Who has access to the computer facilities?  How do you test the security of changes to existing operational systems?  What separation exists between sensitive/ financial/ personal data and other types?  How do you monitor the transactions and events that are taking place on the system?  In office hours?  Out of hours?  Where do you store this information and for how long?  Where do you store your server and network logs and for how long? What’s in for the customer?  A single secure Appliance that can be easily connected to the existing systems and network without disruption to the current operations  Enhanced security and performance from the IBM platform to capture 1000’s of events per second  Costs of deploying a SEIM Appliance is significantly reduced in comparison to other SEIM products  Vissensa SIEM Appliances can be scaled or deployed in series as required by the processing capacity of the client  Provides the correct level of event recording and management to satisfy the external audit or compliance functions.  Reduces the risk of compliance and security breach fines, clean up costs and corporate reputational damage  Reduces the risk on internal theft or malicious access and damage Seller scenarios RISK: Vissensa SEIM with Power Server and DB2 addresses the ever increasing and always present risk of an internal or external security breach leaving to a compliance or security governance failure. Purchasing a SEIM based on X86 and SQL is the easiest target for hackers as there are so many people with this skillset OBJECTIONS: They don’t have Power or RHEL skills to support the SEIM. - Not required that’s why we developed a SEIM Appliance. They have industry strength firewalls - What about the internal risk? MIGRATION: The SEIM appliance sits alongside your existing infrastructure – or could even be deployed off site. MONEY: You get paid incentive money selling Vissensa SEIM on Power + DB2 Vissensa SEIM Power appliance

2 Elevator Pitch  Embracing BigData, Mobile, Social and Cloud computing environments beating x86 TCA  Secure and flexible virtualization, advanced multi-threaded cores, high bandwidth IO and large data caches to run new workloads, such as infrastructure services, web application, social and analytics Target Audience INDUSTRY FOCUS  Big Data Analytics - Healthcare, banking, retail, Telco  Industry Application Solutions - gov’t, healthcare, cross industry  Open Source Infrastructure Services – all industries CUSTOMER SEGMENT  Big Data Analytics - primarily large enterprise and major born-on-the-web  Industry Application Solutions - vary by application. SAP solution is for midsize businesses for example.  Open Source Infrastructure Services - all sizes, sweet spot is 500-5000 employees What’s in for the customer?  40% lower TCA than HP DL380P G8 and VMware  64% ROI and 8.8 month payback period by running analytics on Power Systems  Open Stack / KVM to make Power a target platform for Linux  Industry leading performance – 125% more throughput than VMWare on Intel Xeon E5-2690  33% less servers than HP and VMware for similar workloads What’s new?  IFL for HE Power which is price competitive to x86/VMWare (incl HWMA)  Invest $1B in Linux on Power in the next 5 years, Open Power Consortium  Linux on Power is TCA competitive to x86  Open development tools for Linux on Power  Growing ISV ecosystem (e.g. Enterprise DB for Linux on Power ) Offerings  140+ SWG products available on Linux on Power,  Optimized workloads are Websphere Mobile (65% off client entitled pricing) and Web Applications, Cognos, InfoSphere BigInsights, InfoSphere Streams for Low-Latency Analytics, and SPSS  Suse / RedHat - same standard version as x86 64bit Vissensa SEIM Power appliance Security Application Solutions Infrastructure Services

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