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Canada’s National Database of Post-M.D. Trainees A Co-operative Endeavour of National Medical Organizations & Governments  ACMC-Association of Canadian.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada’s National Database of Post-M.D. Trainees A Co-operative Endeavour of National Medical Organizations & Governments  ACMC-Association of Canadian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada’s National Database of Post-M.D. Trainees A Co-operative Endeavour of National Medical Organizations & Governments  ACMC-Association of Canadian Medical Colleges Health Canada – Santé Canada AFMC-Association des facultés de médecine du Canada  CAIR-Canadian Association of Internes and Residents Provincial/Territorial Ministries of Health ACMR-Association canadienne des médecins résidents - Newfoundland - Prince Edward Island  CFPC-College of Family Physicians of Canada - Nova Scotia CMFC-Collège des médecins de famille du Canada - New Brunswick - Ontario  CMA-Canadian Medical Association - Manitoba A MC-Association médicale canadienne - Saskatchewan - Alberta  MCC-Medical Council of Canada - British Columbia CMC-Le conseil médical du Canada - Yukon - Northwest Territories  RCPSC-Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada - Nunavut CRMCC-Le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada CAPER Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry Système informatisé sur les stagiaires post-M.D. en formation clinique

2 What CAPER Does:  Maintains standardized definitions for the reporting of trainee information by the 16 Canadian faculties of medicine  Publishes the CAPER Annual Census of Post-M.D. Trainees (since 1988)  Collaborates with faculties of medicine, national and international medical organizations, and researchers  Updates relational database containing linked annual records of each post-M.D. trainee in Canadian programs since 1988  Verifies data with the 16 Canadian faculties of medicine  Assembles data from all data sources - the 16 Canadian faculties of medicine, RCPSC, CFPC, CMQ, and CMA masterfile Comparison Between the Specialty Mix of Physicians “Graduating” from Canadian Post-M.D. Training Programs in 1989 and 2001 Proportion of Physicians “Graduating” from Canadian Post- M.D. Training Programs, in each Specialty Group (2001) Recent collaborative research projects:  The Class of ’89 and Physician Supply in Canada  Decreasing Supply of Family Physicians and General Practitioners serious implications for the future  International Medical Graduates in Canadian Post-M.D. Training Programs,1990-2001  The Class of ’94 – Where Were They and What Were They Doing in 2001?  The Rate of Subspecialization by Residents Registered in Canadian Internal Medicine Training Programs, 1988 to 1994  The Age and Length of Training of Physicians Completing Post-M.D. Training in Canada * Basic medical specialties are: -Anesthesia -Diagnostic Radiology -Internal Medicine -Pediatrics -Psychiatry

3 Mandate:  To provide accurate and timely data concerning the size, nature, and distribution of post-M.D. training programs in the Canadian medical schools.  To develop and maintain a common classification system of post-M.D. trainees  To assist the medical schools, national medical organizations, governments and researchers regarding post-M.D. programs and trainees  To provide a basis for research using longitudinal studies dealing with health care issues in Canada.

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