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Green-Innovation Research for Environmental Protection in Ireland ENVITECH-Net Katowice 22-23 October 2009 Lisa Sheils, Environmental Protection Agency.

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1 Green-Innovation Research for Environmental Protection in Ireland ENVITECH-Net Katowice 22-23 October 2009 Lisa Sheils, Environmental Protection Agency Ireland

2 About the EPA  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent public body established under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992.  Other main instruments from which it derives its mandate are the Waste Management Act, 1996, and the Protection of the Environment Act, 2003.  The EPA has a wide range of functions to protect the environment. Its primary activities include:  Environmental licensing  Enforcement of environmental law  Environmental planning and guidance  Monitoring and Reporting on the environmental status  Managing Environmental Research Programme

3 340 Staff in 10 Locations Headquarters Wexford Inspectorates Dublin Cork Castlebar Monaghan Kilkenny Regional Offices Mallow Athlone Limerick Letterkenny

4 EPA Environmental Research Programme R&D Programme (94-99) €3m ERTDI Programme (2000-2006) €55m STRIVE Programme (2007-2013) €103m Areas Covered Environmental Technologies, Climate Change, Waste Resource Mgt & Chemicals, Water Quality, Air Quality, Biodiversity, Soils, Land Cover, Socio-Economics, Environment & Health Funding Types Scholarships, Fellowships, Large Multi-Interdisciplinary Projects Business Support – Cleaner Greener Production Programme EPA Act, 1992 (Section 71), SOE reports, NDP 2007-2013, Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (2006 & 2009) Building a Smart Green Economy (2008) National & International Legislation, Policies & Plans

5 EPA Environmental Research Programme  Increasingly, research playing a central role in protecting the environment:  Provides foundation for policy and decision making  Technology & innovation provide pioneering solutions to environmental problems  Foundation for ‘Smart Green Economy’  EPA has the overall remit for co-ordinating environmental research in Ireland.  Manages national funding for research on behalf of DEHLG  Link to national & EU policy, evidence based assessments and on scientific knowledge of EPA staff

6 Research Supporting Policy (Implementation & Development )  Climate change research has developed new national capacity to forecast future climate conditions in Ireland. Featured strongly in Climate Change Strategy 2007- 2013  Recent projects informing policy on the potential of MBT & Pay-By-Use waste charging systems in an Irish context. Highly relevant to National Biowaste Strategy  Water Framework Directive (WFD) – Major input to policy deliverables

7 EPA Environmental Research Programme (cont.)  Most recent strategy for period 2007-2013 STRIv E STRIVE – Science Technology, Research & Innovation for the Environment  Key focus on Eco-Innovation  Industry-led: Cleaner Greener Production Programme  Academic-led: Environmental Technologies Research Programme

8 Research Supporting Business  Establised in 1997 as pilot with IBEC  Cleaner Greener Production Programme  Total Cost: €17.5m; EPA input €5.9m (34%) CGPP Phase 2 (22 organisations (incl. Pfizers, Millipore, Diageo, SMEs), 150 participants, €1m investment) CO 2 reductions – 3,500 tpa Water/wastewater reductions – 220,000 tpa Energy > 660MWh Solid Waste >1,500 tpa EPA grant award: ~€1m Financial Savings: €1.6m per annum ROI = 80-115% depending on payback period used 5/10 years. Highlighted as Exemplar Programme in EU review of Eco-Innovation Programmes (2007)

9 Research Supporting Wider Environmental Technologies (Academic Led)  ETAP Initiative in EU in 2004 – EPA widened support for Environmental Technologies Sector  Ireland as a major player in emerging technologies and associated markets  Build National Capacity (ICT, Bio, Nano)  Build International competitiveness  Signficant Investment in Env Tech since 2005 (€30m)  Successful programme: Surveyed €4.7m investment in 18 projects in 2005: 40+ Papers; 5 Patents; 1 start-up company  Strong buy-in (leverage) from EPA chemists & inspectors  Suite of research test-sites (wastewater and water)

10 Applied Research & Demonstration of Environmental Technologies  Adapting existing technologies  Developing new technologies  Strong policy basis > 98% Metal Removal using Nanotechnology Bioplastic from waste Novel Toxicity testing – replacement animal trials Research facility at WWTP

11 Research supporting Policy & Technology DEPLOY (Universities, RBD & SME) Started April 2009 – River Lee in Cork Partners Trial (EPA/MI)

12 Research Monitoring Framework Research Quality Research Impact Quality Quality of Research Inputs Quality Quality of Research Outputs Quality Reputational Quality Impact Policy Impact Impact Commercial Impact Impact Collaborative Impact EPA_STRIVE Research Monitoring Framework G O’Leary, R. Boyle, B. Donlon & L. Sheils. Accountability and learning in Environmental Research. Administration, Vol.55,No.4(2008), pp159-170.

13 Conclusions  Environmental research is vital to underpin environmental protection and the development of a smart green economy  Environmental technologies represent a major opportunity for Ireland  EPA investment in ET and CGGP is building capacity and expertise and supporting policy development  Yielding wider economic benefits  Vital that Ireland continues to foster an innovation-driven culture in the ET field  EPA is committed in the coming years to further prioritising its research programme to target ET field and also to provide support to innovators in businesses  EPA committed to stronger links with national and international funding agencies

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