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Sustainable Access to Employment – LSTF 2015/16 Rachel Sharpe – Sustainability Officer Christchurch and East Dorset Councils Sustainable Travel Plan Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Access to Employment – LSTF 2015/16 Rachel Sharpe – Sustainability Officer Christchurch and East Dorset Councils Sustainable Travel Plan Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Access to Employment – LSTF 2015/16 Rachel Sharpe – Sustainability Officer Christchurch and East Dorset Councils Sustainable Travel Plan Co-ordinator Dorset County Council

2 Aviation Business Park, Bournemouth Airport Ferndown and Uddens Industrial Estates Portland-Weymouth - Dorchester Project Areas Budget £570,000 revenue funding Objective Support and enable economic growth and job creation by facilitating sustainable access to the key employment sites in these areas

3 Supporting Objectives Improve journey time reliability and resilience on the key transport corridors serving these sites Support access to jobs for those on low incomes Maintain capacity by maximising uptake of sustainable modes Reduce transport emissions of carbon

4 Partners DLEP Ferndown and Uddens BID Ferndown Chambers of Commerce Manchester Airport Group Christchurch and East Dorset Councils Dorset Cyclist Network

5 Economic Impacts The use of behavioural change interventions to maximise benefits of improvements to A338, and the B3073, and new cycling infrastructure. Improve access to work to encourage business to invest in the area and reduce carbon emissions Improve reliability & reduce congestion

6 Building on existing investment and supporting planned investment Ham Lane cycle way Wimborne Town Centre cycle network Wimborne Road cycle way

7 Travel Dorset - one stop shop travel information portal for Dorset -

8 Measures include Practical Advice and Support Maps Staff travel survey and analysis including GIS postcode plotting Help with producing Travel Action Plan Site audits and car parking policy reviews Assistance with cycle to work scheme Assistance with business travel grant

9 Measures include Sustainable Travel Promotion support: Presentations at staff meetings Travel clinic – bespoke journey planning advice Dr Bike maintenance sessions Cycle security tagging


11 What’s it all about? A comprehensive energy review covering: Energy Contracts Lighting Renewables Telecommunications Water De-stratification Heating systems Fuel efficiency magnets Air leakage Paper reducing mobile technologies

12 What’s in it for me? Benchmark review of your current energy usage A cost analysis of potential actions to reduce the costs of your energy use A series of recommendations A certificate acknowledging your starting point with 5 levels of certification Membership to the Green PEA network

13 Case Study: Dolphin Indoor Bowls Club, Poole Installed LED lighting across rinks 8-11 with the remainder to be installed in the summer. Expected savings: £8,870 pa Payback: 2 years

14 So how much will this service cost me? Survey, membership and certification process is entirely FREE! Any works recommended as a result of the survey would be at your own discretion and costs. There are funding streams available for most of the options reviewed by Green PEA

15 For more information Fill out your contact details on the form Visit the Green PEA website by going to Email Lee Merchant, Scheme Administrator

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