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Primary Hip Arthroplasty Cemented & Uncemented

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Hip Arthroplasty Cemented & Uncemented"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Hip Arthroplasty Cemented & Uncemented
Frank R. Ebert, MD Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

2 Johns Hopkins Union Memorial
Orthopædic Review Course

3 Anatomic Approach Anterior Approach Anterior-Lateral Approach
Posterior Approach Medial Approach


5 Anatomic Approach Open Reduction – CDH Pelvic Osteotomies
Intra-Articular Fusion Rarely Total Hip


7 Internervous Plane Superficial
– Sartorius / TFL ( Femoral/Superior gluteal ) Deep – Rectus / gluteus medius ( Superior gluteal )


9 Anterolateral Approach
Most common for THA ORIF of femoral neck Synovial biopsy of the hip

10 Anterolateral Approach
Internervous plane – none TFL / gluteus medius Superior gluteal / Superior gluteal





15 Lateral Approach Dangers – Superior gluteal nerve – Femoral nerve


17 Medial Approach CDH open reduction Psoas Release Obturator Neurectomy
Biopsy or Treatment of tumors of femoral neck

18 Medial Approach Internervous plane ( only deep ) Superficial :
Adductor Longus / gracilis Deep : Adductor Brevis / magnus

19 Posterior Approach Internervous plane – none
splits gluteus maximus ( inferior gluteal )


21 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Posterior Approach Total hip replacement ORIF of posterior column fractures Dependent drainage of hip sepsis


23 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Posterior Approach Sciatic Nerve Inferior gluteal artery


25 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Design Features Size Shape Device configuration Material / physical properties

26 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Resist Composite Failure Prosthetic Device Bone Cement Cancellous Bone Cortical Bone

27 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Design Features Femoral Head Neck Stem Collar Acetabulum


29 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Prosthetic Hip Loading Changes from externally loaded system to an internally loaded system


31 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Femoral Head Design Articulating finish Head diameter


33 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
32 mm Head Size Greater acetabular loosening Greatest volumetric wear Ritter COOR ‘76 Morrey JBJS ‘89


35 Design Features 22mm Head Size
u Greatest linear wear u Greatest acetabular penetration Morrey JBJS 1989

36 Design Features Charnley 22mm head diameter Compromise friction / wear

37 Design Features 28 mm Head Size
Stable as 32mm head size Less torque than the 32mm head More favorable direct stress transmission patterns

38 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
28 mm Head Size • Compromise

39 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Design Features Femoral Neck Geometry Neck stem angle – 135º Neck stem offset – large offset Bending moment – small offset Decreases moment arm


41 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Design Features Femoral Stem – Length – Shape – Material properties – Surface finish

42 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Femoral Stem Design Cross sectional geometry Defines strength / stiffness Avoid sharp corners

43 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Femoral Stem Design Large lateral volume Less tensile stress in the mantle laterally Large medial volume less tensile stress

44 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Collar Primary role for optimal load transfer to proximal femur Crowninshield JBJS ‘80 Andriacchi JBJS ‘76

45 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Collar Reduces adaptive bone resorption Reduce bending stress in the component Reduce stress in the distal cement


47 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Fixation Features PMMA Weak link Poor fracture toughness Low tensile and fatigue strength Elastic modulus 1/3 lower than cortical bone

48 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Fixation Features PMMA Improvements Carbon Fibers Decreased cement intrusion / increased viscosity Low Viscosity Lower fatigue strength Centrifugation Improved tensile and fatigue strength

49 PMMA Improvements Centrifugation 30 sec / 4000 rpm Vacuum
Burke JBJS ‘84 Chin/Stauffer JBJS ‘90

50 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Material Properties Stainless Steel — high elastic modulus / low fatigue strength Cobalt Chrome — highest elastic modulus / better yield / fatigue strength Titanium — lower elastic modulus / less stiffness

51 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Acetabulum Design Metal backed All polyethylene


53 Primary Hip Arthroplasty Cement Fixation :
The Femoral Side Results directly related to Surgical Techniques

54 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Metal Backed Increased linear and volumetric wear Increased radiolucency, loosening, revision No series of documented superior results

55 Improved Longevity – Femoral Side
Plug canal Retrograde fill Avoid varus / valgus > 5º Mulroy JBJS ‘95

56 Primary Hip Arthroplasty
Grade Radiographic Appearance A White-Out B Complete Distribution C1 Extensive Radiolucent Line C2 Thin mantle < 1 mm D Gross deficiencies

57 Primary Total Hip 1st Generation Cement Technique
– Finger Packing – No pressurization – No Canal Prep – Cast stem – No Plug – Narrow med border – No Gun – Sharp edges WH Harris

58 Primary Hip Arthroplasty Cement Techniques
Probable Improved Longevity Femoral Side Pressurize Centralize Continuous Cement Mantle Harris COOR ‘97

59 Cemented Long Term

60 Primary Total Hip 2nd Generation Cement
William Harris Began 1975 Gun 71 – Super alloy Jet lavage – Broad & round medial border Canal Prep Cement Restriction

61 Primary Total Hip Cemented Long Term
Results 25 year Survivorship Acetabulum Survive Age < % % % Femur < % % % Barry et al 1998

62 Primary Total Hip 25 Year Follow-Up
Total Aseptic Loosening Acetabulum % Revision Radiologic 19.4 Total: Femoral % Revision Radiologic 8.1 Callaghan, Johnston, JBJS ‘97. Harris Course ‘98

63 Cemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results with 2° Generation Techniques
Follow Up Revision Rate Hips Neumann (94) yrs 8.3% Schulte yrs 3% Wroblewski yrs 6% Kavanagh yrs 16%

64 Cemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results with 2º Generation Techniques
Follow Up Revision Rate Hips Barrack yrs 0% Madey yrs 1% Mulroy yrs 2% Smith yrs 5%

65 Primary Total Hip Clinical Results
Cemented Total Hip: 2nd Generation 14-17 year follow-up – 102 hips Femoral loosening 2% revised Acetabular loosening 10% revised 42% radiologic Mulroy, Harris, JBJS ‘95; COOR ‘97

66 Cemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results — Acetabular Side
Rev. Rate Loosen-ing Prosthesis Hips Sullivan 94 Charnley 89 13% 37% Smith 98 CAD 65 23% 26% Callaghan 98 Charnley 93 19% 15%

67 Primary Total Hip 3rd Generation Cement Technique
Bill Harris – Began 1982 Porosity reduction Rough surface Centralization Pressurization Pre-coat

68 Primary Total Hip Conclusions — Cemented Plug and retrograde fill
Avoid excessive varus/valgus Strive for 3-5 mm prox/med > 2mm distal Do not ream / remove good cancellous bone

69 Primary Total Hip Clinical Results
Hybrid Construct Galante f/u 5 years Femoral 2% rad loose Acetabulum 2% rad loose Woolson - 96 f/u 6 years Femoral 5% revision Acetabulum 0% revision

70 Design Features POROUS IMPLANT

71 Uncemented THA Definition Press Fit Macrointerlock Microinterlock


73 Design Features Pore Size — Animal Studies
50 to 400 µm Optimal bone ingrowth Bobyn: Clinical Orthopedics; 1980 Engh: JBJS; 1987 Collier: Clinical Orthopedics; 1988

74 Micromotion 40 Micron Motion Bone Ingrowth (JBJS 79-A)
150 Micron Motion Fibrous Ingrowth (CORR, 208)

75 Design Criteria – Long Term Implant Stability
Initial Implant Stability Implant micromotion < 50 mm of displacement Level of implant coating Type of coating Kienapfel H. J. Arthroplasty 1999

76 Design Criteria Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty
Key — Resistance to Rotation Around the Long Axis

77 Design Criteria Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty
Resist translation in 3 planes Axial Medial - lateral Anterior - posterior

78 Design Criteria – Uncemented Implants
Level of Implant Coating Apply circumferential Avoid patch porous coats Smooth surface – high failure rate

79 Design Criteria – Uncemented Implants
Type of Coating 1. Macro-texturing — doesn’t work 2. Roughened titanium 3. Porous coating made of CoCr or Ti 4. Ti wire mesh 5. Plasma-sprayed Ti 6. Bioactives — Hydroxyapatite / tricalcium phosphate


81 Design Features Sintered Micro/Macro Beads Cr-Co-Mo/Ti
Pore dimensions 100 to 400 mm AML ; PCA


83 Sintered with controlled coating 30 200
Fatigue strength Process psi MPa Forged Cast Sintered Sintered with controlled coating *Data from Pilliar, R.M. Clin. Orthop. 176:42-51, 1983.

84 Design Criteria – Uncemented Implants
Implant Geometry – Implant Stability 1) Wedge-shaped metaphyseal filling 2) Single wedge-shaped implants 3) Tapered stems 4) Diaphyseal fixation — cylindrical or fluted stems

85 Design Criteria Uncemented Implants Requires cortical fixation
Metaphysis Metaphysis – Diaphysis Diaphyseal

86 Design Criteria – Uncemented Implants
Bioactives — Osteoconductive Tricalcium dissolves more rapidly than hydroxyapatite Thickness 50 mm More crystalline hydroxyapatite slows resorption

87 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Femoral Side
— Titanium = Cobalt Chrome — Cobalt Chrome increased stress- shielding — Straight Stems with varying degrees of medullary fill often used — Anatomic Stems have not been a great advantage

88 Design Features u Straight Stem uAn Anatomic Stem

89 Design Features Proximal Coating

90 Design Features u Proximal coating – Anatomic design
u Maximum fit in certain priority areas u Maximal load transfer u Resist axial loading and torsional loads Poss: Clinic


92 Design Features Compared with proximal motion
u Both greater distal motion at interface — Compared with proximal motion Callaghan, JBJS ‘92

93 The HGP stem (courtesy of Zimmer)


95 Design Features Porous Implant Fully coated u Proximal coating u

96 Design Features — Porous Surface
u 2/3 or fully coated 2 to 4 x increase in bone resorption Engh: Clinical Orthopedics; 1988

97 Engh: Clinical Orthopedics; 1988
Design Features Fully Coated Porous Surface u Transfers stress distally under axial load – Proximal bone resorption Engh: Clinical Orthopedics; 1988

98 Retrieval Studies Engh Femur 57% ingrowth Acetabulum 32% ingrowth

99 Radiographic Criteria for Bone Ingrowth
Engh et al, (CORR 257) Absence of Reactive Lines Spot Welds Endosteal Bone Implant Instability 2 mm Pedestal Calcar Atrophy / Stress Shielding

100 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Femoral Side
Straight Stem Design % loosening AML 507 hips yrs 1.2% Harris/ Galante 121 hips yrs 3.3% Omniflex 88 hips yrs 3.4% Taperloc 145 hips yrs 0.7% Trilock 71 hips > 10 yrs 0%

101 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Femoral Side
% Anatomic Stem Design loosening APR hips yrs 11% APR hips 2-5 yrs 0% PCA 539 hips 6-8 yrs 7.6% 100 hips > 7 yrs 2.0%

102 Screw Fixation Less Micromotion, Better Ingrowth
Conduit for Particulate Debris Neurovascular Injury

103 Acetabular Design Hemisphere Screw Fixation Locking Mechanism

104 Uncemented Primary Total Hip — Main Recurrent Concern
Poly Wear – Osteolysis

105 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Acetabular Side
Femoral head size – Acetabular thickness PCA 26 mm head no osteolysis PCA 32 mm head % osteolysis



108 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Acetabular Side
% loosening ARC 72 hips 12 yrs 1.4% Harris/Galante 136 hips 5-10 yrs 0% PSL smooth HA 316 hips 6-10 yrs 12% beaded HA % PCA 241 hips 2-9 yrs 11% hips 7 yrs 13.2% > 7 yrs 4% rev.

109 Uncemented Primary Total Hip Clinical Results • Acetabular Side
— Hemispherical shape — rim fit — Under ream No > 2 mm — Screws : produced durable results - postop Disadvantage : posterior sciatic N. Ant sup – common iliac Ant inf – obturator art / ner {

110 Complications in Total Hip Arthroplasty – Heterotopic Ossification
Treatment Radiation pre-op or post-op 500 to 1000 Rad “Remember to shield implant” Indomethacin Ibuprofen Diphosphonates

111 Associated conditions Ankylosing spondylitis Forestier’s disease
Complications In Total Hip Arthroplasty – Heterotopic Ossification 0.6% to 61.7% Associated conditions Ankylosing spondylitis Forestier’s disease Post traumatic arthritis Bilateral male osteophytic OA

112 Complications in Total Hip Arthroplasty – Dislocation
Component Impingement Proximal femur Femoral head skirt Acetabular component (elevated liner) Osteophytes / cement masses Head Size No difference 28 mm head > 60 mm acetabulum —increased rate 22 mm head > 54 mm acetabulum —increased rate

113 Complications In Total Hip Arthroplasty – Dislocation – 3%
Posterior approach slightly higher 4.6% Neuromuscular problems Previous surgery (rate doubles) Malposition > 25º anteversion > 60º inclination Retroversion > 15º femoral anteversion

114 Treatment Bracing Spica cast Surgery

115 Complications In Total Hip Arthroplasty – Dislocation
Occult infection Trauma Profound weight loss

116 Complications In Total Hip Arthroplasty – Thromboembolism
Most common complication DVT – 70% to 8% PE – 1% to 2%

117 Complications In Total Hip Arthroplasty – Thromboembolism
Activation of clotting cascade Local vessel injury Stasis in the femoral vein

118 1. Elastic 2. Viscoelatic-plastic 3. Rigid 4. Shear thinning
Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene is defined as what type of material ? 1. Elastic 2. Viscoelatic-plastic 3. Rigid 4. Shear thinning 5. High friction

119 1. Increased ionic bonding 2. Surface ion implantation
The degradation of polyethylene following gamma irradiation is related to what factor ? 1. Increased ionic bonding 2. Surface ion implantation 3. Free radical formation 4. Decreased covalent cross- linking 5. Decreased polymer density

120 1. Less particulate metal debris 2. Less stiffness
Why is cobalt-chrome alloy preferred over a titanium alloy for a cemented femoral component in a total hip arthroplasty ? 1. Less particulate metal debris 2. Less stiffness 3. Elastic modulus closer to bone cement 4. Cost-effectiveness 5. Better cement bonding ability

121 3. Periprosthetic femur fracture 4. Acetabular component loosening
What is the most common long-term complication of cemented total hip arthroplasty in patients under 50 years of age? 1. Age 2. Dislocation 3. Periprosthetic femur fracture 4. Acetabular component loosening 5. Femoral stem fracture

122 The bleeding is most likely from which artery? 1. Superior gluteal.
During a posterior approach to the hip joint, profuse bleeding is encountered during incision of the quadratus femoris. The bleeding is most likely from which artery? 1. Superior gluteal. 2. Inferior gluteal. 3. Lateral femoral circumflex. 4. Medial femoral circumflex. 5. Posterior femoral circumflex.

123 Which is the correct order of the elastic modulus of the following materials, from the lowest to highest modulus? 1. Polyethylene, cancellous bone, cortical bone, titanium alloy, cobalt chrome alloy 2. Cancellous bone, cortical bone, polyethylene, titanium alloy, cobalt chrome alloy 3. Cancellous bone, cortical bone, polyethylene, cobalt chrome alloy, titanium alloy 4. Cancellous bone, polyethylene, cortical bone, cobalt chrome alloy, titanium alloy 5. Cancellous bone, polyethylene, cortical bone, titanium alloy, cobalt chrome alloy

124 Thank You

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