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Mrs. Sparks Computer Lab 6 th Grade TechApp Technology Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Sparks Computer Lab 6 th Grade TechApp Technology Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Sparks Computer Lab 6 th Grade TechApp Technology Applications

2 What You CAN and CANNOT Do in This Class

3 Computer Lab Rules ♦ No Food or Drinks ♦ Do not change any of the computer settings ♦ Leave Log in boxes blank

4 ♦ Do NOT lean back in chair ♦ DO NOT use the chair as a transportation device Computer Lab Rules

5 Clean up your computer station before leaving the room

6 BEFORE Leaving Class ♦ Put Headsets over the tower ♦ Push chair under desk ♦ Wait at your row until dismissed

7 Class Procedures ♦ Use GERM-X ♦ READ THE BOARD for day’s assignments ♦ Put your backpack under: » FRONT desk DO NOT leave it out in the aisle 20 sec

8 LOG ON--- 3 steps Computer Username Password Chrome School email Password Don’t make the class wait on you AND BEFORE teacher starts lesson. Open/log in to ANY web site needed for day’s assignments THEN 12 3

9 Class Procedures ♦ If new assignment—WAIT for instructions ♦ If continuing assignment, you may start

10 Mrs. Sparks’ 3 Pet Peeves

11 ♦ DO NOT open a game or E-mail

12 Turn and Face Front!!! ♦ At ANY time during class, when the teacher says: ♦ “Turn and face front” DO IT !!!!!

13 First Last Name WRONG johnny smart CORRECT Johnny Smart Capitalize First Last name CORRECTLY -5 points

14 Chrome Notebook ♦ Have necessary Chrome Notebook entries: ♦ Assignments ♦ Vocabulary ♦ Journal ♦ Major test grade

15 Online Assignments ●Chrome: o Header: o First Last Name / Date / TA # at top o MUST be in SHARED TechApp folder  You have NOT turned it in if the teacher cannot get to it  Up to 10 points off

16 Web Based: Use Drop Box on Sparks’ Web page Online Assignments

17 Header: First Last Name / Date / TA # at top of document Turn in to Class period tray next to printer Printed Assignments

18 Absences ♦It is YOUR responsibility and YOURS ALONE, to find out what work you need to makeup when you are absent. ♦ ALWAYS come to me and ask--- do NOT wait for me to tell you.

19 How to find Sparks’ Assignments 1.Teacher Website 2.Chrome Drive--Check the “Shared with me” link 3.ASK Mrs. Sparks ABSOLUTELY no excuse to not get missed work completed Absences

20 Internet ♦ Follow GISD RUP ♦ Only sites needed for assignment ♦ NO Internet Free time

21 1. Finished all work 2. B or better on ALL work 3. Have Free Time Pass at desk MUST be EARNED

22 If you have earned Free Time ONLY go to: ♦ Student Sites from teacher website ♦ Student Pirate Email ♦ NO other sites

23 Free time is NOT a Goal ♦ Spend your time making sure your work is the VERY BEST you can do ♦ See what can be done to improve document ♦ Grade comes from EFFORT ♦ Help other students ♦ If you are finished you know what to do ♦ This is a CLASS—not computer fun time

24 Star Board ♦ Very best in each class ♦ Winner Gets: ♦ Pencil and Treat from Goodies Box ♦ Keyboard Lesson Pass ♦ 100 and FREE Time

25 Class Expectations Be Prepared: ♦ Logged in to computer AND Chrome BEFORE class starts ♦Restroom--BEFORE not during class

26 Class Expectations ♦ Class Behavior: ♦ Follow rules ♦ Listen to instructions ♦ Be quiet/On task ♦ Respect Others

27 REFOCUS ♦ Get REFOCUS sheet and Pen/Pencil ♦ Go to Room 209--Mrs. Hubluetzel ♦ Disrupting class ♦ Keeps others from learning ♦ Continues after warning

28 Mrs Sparks’ TechApp Students are: ♦ Responsible ♦ Resourceful ♦ Respectful ♦ READY!!!

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