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 A Mac book pro is like a iMac but portable and its got lots of new things like webcam photo booth 2012 and its good for travailing because its got.

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3  A Mac book pro is like a iMac but portable and its got lots of new things like webcam photo booth 2012 and its good for travailing because its got a camera and the photos can straight to face book and you can talk to people on Skype on the plane.

4  A chrome book is a very unique laptop because there are no files or icons you are strait away on the Google chrome website so its like you don’t have to click on an icon to get there so its better and it has a very long network radius.

5 The iphone4s allows you to select more icons then an normal phone and its touch screen so its like a portable laptop and yes its good for travelling. and it looks like this-->

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