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GLHS Tech Training Fall 2012 iPad Apps &. Surprise!! Quartermaine.

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Presentation on theme: "GLHS Tech Training Fall 2012 iPad Apps &. Surprise!! Quartermaine."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLHS Tech Training Fall 2012 iPad Apps &

2 Surprise!! Quartermaine

3 Have a question, a comment???

4 Email Setup & Email Apps

5 Review Email Accounts Add Gull Lake Google Apps email account to iPad  Settings: Mail, Contacts, Calendars  Accounts: Add Account  Gmail: You can also add other email accounts  Tap Mail icon Available mailboxes listed

6 Groupwise Email App Groupwise App in Self Service  URL to GroupWise WebAccess

7 Updating Apps: App Store Self Service

8 Updating Apps & App Store Updates in App Store are fine (recommended) Bottom Tab "Updates" App Store -- select "Featured" to search for apps using search box at top to download UPDATE HERE!

9 Pushed Apps & Self Service Self Service o Only Download (do NOT update apps) NEVER UPDATE HERE!

10 Gull Lake Google Apps

11 Google Apps on the iPad Go to App Store and install these apps: 1.Google Drive o Can edit DOCS with this app, view spreadsheets and presentations 1.Google Chrome o Google's web browser (alternative to Safari) o Can't add shortcut to home screen using Chrome o Works better than Safari for using Pinnacle

12 Access Gull Lake Google Apps GL Website Links Gull Lake Google Apps o Desktop vs. Mobile version (if using iPad) o Can also go directly to Google and sign in Google Chrome is best browser to use for Google Apps (desktop and mobile). Alternative is Mozilla Firefox

13 Using Google Apps Create a document Tap "untitled document" to rename -- OK Tap "Share" Add an email address Click "Save & Share" Click "OK" Click "Done"

14 Google Apps on iPad (students) Drive & Docs -- "desktop" version if using iPad My Drive -- lists files you created Shared with me -- lists files you have access to (can be deleted by owner) Create -- select type of file o document, presentation, spreadsheet, etc. Create -- folders to organize files o check box next to file name for option to delete or move to folder

15 GL Apps: Teacher Uses and Sample Classroom Projects Students use a Google Doc to collaborate on a script for creating short film (Multimedia) OR a script for the 1930's radio broadcast (U.S. History) Students create and share a document with members of a Mock Trial, both prosecution and defense. Students can see the plan coming together in real time. Create a Spreadsheet to track due dates and idea for Reflection articles, enter dates when articles are turned in to track progress. Use Google Form (students enter student information in the Form such as name, address, email, home contact.)

16 Let's Practice: Doc 1. Sign in to your GL Google account 2. Open Drive and Docs 3. Click on Shared with Me 4. Open the Doc "Let's Practice." 5. Follow the directions and watch the document grow! 6. View revision history

17 Keyboard Shorcuts Google Docs Copy -- CNTRL + "C" Paste -- CNTRL + "V" (think "v" for velcro) Cut -- CNTRL + "X" Print -- CNTRL + "P" * For Mac, use "command" key not "control"

18 GL Forms in the Classroom Sample Form : Thanksgiving!Thanksgiving! Go to Forms on tabs/Choose "Show Responses" Ideas for how to use Google Forms in the Classroom: Integrating Google Tools 4 Teachers 80 Ways to use Google Forms Tutorials for Google Forms 85 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom 85 Interesting Ways Practice creating a four question form. Work with a partner.

19 GL Google Calendar Create classroom calendars to post assignments, quizzes and important due dates Embed this calendar in your Schoolwires Teacher Page Students can add this calendar to theirs (ideally, all student should have 5 calendars) How to: Handout and posted on Tech Coach website under Professional Development, Tutorials and Training

20 Google Calendar Desktop Click "create" to add event Click arrow next to "my calendars" to create new calendar or to change general settings Click individual calendars to make visible or to hide Click arrow next to individual calendars to change settings, colors, or to share (hover over calendar name to see arrow) Other calendars -- lists calendars others have shared with you

21 How does this work? Samples: Mike BalcomMike Balcom Michelle Jaros Julie Jones Directions: Step by Step Directions

22 GL Google Calendar iPad Tap "calendars" to see all calendars linked to Google account T Turn calendars on/off OR Hide All Calendars

23 Share Presentations (Apps) Nearpod Presentation Tool Send a presentation right to student iPads Create questions, polls, web searches in presentation Downfall: o Each account is only allowed 10 presentations o Paid account needed for more Pin # FEGFO MATH Pin# FDAPG SCIENCE

24 Getting Mobile with the iPad Doceri: Remember the AirSlate?? Add some steroids!! Locate files from your computer, browse out to the Internet and more.. All while walking around the room and projecting to your student's iPads!

25 Doceri Video Tutorial and Overview Doceri: Set Your Presentations Free Doceri in the Classroom Sample Doceri - Science/Carbohydrates Math Errors

26 Content App Sharing ELA: Social Studies: Great Edublog List of Apps for ELA Constitution World Contries All in One The World in Figures TapQuiz Maps of the World History Pin

27 Content App Sharing Science: Math: List of Apps for Science List of Apps for Math

28 How to Stay Organized? Dropbox Use as cloud storage. When SAVE AS on computer, choose my documents and then Dropbox. You can create folders here just like network folders. Download on desktop and iPad.

29 Where to store student video projects? YouTube Vimeo SchoolTube Schoolwires iMovie Projects

30 Apps for iPad iLearn 100+ iPad Apps Apple Apps for Education Science Apps

31 Researching on iPad Students have been taught to use resources from the GLHS Media Center page Common Core requires research in every content area College Readiness asks that we teach BEST resources first Student naturally tempted to locate FASTEST resources ( Google and Wikipedia) not always the BEST resources. Teach best practice whenever possible.


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