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Nick Guo, Ulysses Wang JavaScript De-Obfuscation Engine -- JDOE.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Guo, Ulysses Wang JavaScript De-Obfuscation Engine -- JDOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Guo, Ulysses Wang JavaScript De-Obfuscation Engine -- JDOE

2 Obfuscation Introduction Anti de-obfuscation Browser Knowledge Current Solution JDOE Demo Challenge & Improvement Agenda

3 Phase I Review Obfuscation Introduction

4 Concealing the intent of the code by making the code difficult for human analysis and detection Copy right protection Hide Information (E.g. Email address) Evade detection Obfuscation

5 Three types of obfuscations Injection obfuscation Public Packer Obfuscation Exploit Kit Obfuscation Obfuscation Types

6 “As recorded in 2007, over 80% of detected malicious code was already using obfuscation” Most obfuscations are simple. Injection: 83%, exploit kit: <1% Complex obfuscations occupy a small proportion. Obfuscation become more complex Obfuscation Types

7 JDOE Prototype Anti de-obfuscation

8 Splitting important codes into pieces of Javascirpt code, HTML code or external scripts String concatenate – Var temp=“get”+”Elem”+”ent”+”ById” Tag concatenate – Put content in,, – OpenSource Exploit kit Fragmentation

9 File concatenate – Put critical function or data in another file – Phoenix Exploit Kit 2.5 Traffic concatenate – Save data on server and client need to request Fragmentation

10 Fetch external access or perform a connection check Ajax fetch data Connection check – Neosploit exploit kit External Access

11 Browser detect uas=navigator.userAgent; while(uai<uas.length) {xor+=uas.charCodeAt(uai++);} IE6 Firefox Condition check

12 Time check getUTCFullYear() getUTCMonth() getUTCDate() Plugin check new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); (IE) Check navigator.plugins (not IE) Condition check

13 Trigger a function after certain seconds setTimeout("alert(Hello!')",3000) setInterval("clock()",1000) Trigger a function on certain event <button id="j_id" onclick="j_function2();" window.attachEvent or addEventListener Trigger a function on plugin Call js function from Actionscript Trigger Function

14 Uncommon tag Save content in CSS Modification check var hybxs = arguments.callee;hybxs = hybxs.toString(); Bypass de-obfuscation tool

15 JDOE Prototype Browser Knowledge

16 Browser Component

17 Webkit

18 DOM Tree

19 Phase I Review Current Solution

20 Jsunpack Light weight Spidermonkey and Python Set hook in js file Environment DOM Enumeration Detection module(Yara) PDF and SWF parser Intrusion Detection(libnids)

21 Fireshark Firefox Plugin Mainwindow and child Frame Source Code Mainwindow and child Frame DOM Tree Http Request and Response Logged Malicious URL check URL redirection graph

22 Malzilla Research tool Spidermonkey Shellcode analysis Limited DOM support

23 Limitations Firefox based Limited on DOM support Limited on De-obfuscation Performance

24 Phase I Review JDOE

25 What engine we want ? High performance Good coverage Good output and log formats Analytics platform JDOE

26 JDOE is based on Google Chrome Render Engine : Webkit 85% smart phone browser market 21% desktop browser market Include DOM tree and parser JavaScript Engine : V8 JDOE

27 JDOE based on a test project for Chrome Command line tool, feasible to be ported as server- side application Be able to simulate basic functions of browser Full DOM Support Good fault tolerance about html format HTML format output Prototyping

28 JDOE Architecture

29 Base on Chrome and Webkit Strong Parser Full DOM Support Fast js execution speed High coverage Good expansibility JDOE advantage

30 JDOE De-obfuscation Method Hook eval() – Get some inner status of JavaScript Print the final DOM tree – Get the final status – Document.write should add some nodes in DOM tree De-obfuscation Method

31 Exploit kits Samples – Samples from Top 10 exploit kits project – Total Samples : 22 JDOE success : 20 – Coverage : 90.9% Exploit kit Coverage

32 Injection Samples – Samples from obfuscation ThreatID matches – Total Samples : 9,544 JDOE Success : 8,450 – Coverage : 88.5% Injection Coverage

33 Demo Demo time

34 Status and Next Step Challenge & Improvement

35 Security How to keep JDOE server secure? – Upgrade plan – Sandbox – Javascript Audit Performance Disable external access Coverage Not support on special samples Output format defected on special samples Challenge

36 More trigger function handler PDF and SWF Parser Shellcode detection Javascript Audit Cloud base integration Auto analysis platform improvement

37 Questions? 37 JDOE

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