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Richmond at Home and at War teachers’ resources. Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Richmond at Home and at War teachers’ resources. Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richmond at Home and at War teachers’ resources

2 Slide 1

3 Alliances Slide 2

4 Slide 3

5 Slide 4

6 Slide 5

7 Slide 6

8 Slide 7

9 Slide 8

10 Slide 9

11 amelia-of-portugal-reviews-girl-guides-at- bu/query/richmond Slide 10

12 "Lord Kitchener was there … "He wants you!', with photographs everywhere of Lord Kitchener saying 'You are needed'. They would call them all up. All the young boys were going to war, they thought it was clever, the 1914 war. Yes I remember that." [Interviewer: Did your father go into the war?] "On no, he was a musician, he never went in. He had nothing to do with the war. He had a bakery in the nights. Poor devil, he must have worn himself out." Slide 11

13 Emma Milem’s locket

14 Slide 12

15 Enquiry Questions: What happened to William Milem in the First World War? How did William’s family feel when he went to war? Visit the Museum of Richmond blog to find out: Slide 13

16 Slide 14

17 Slide 15 Learn about The Alberts remembrance project:

18 Cecil Cloake’s compass

19 Enquiry Questions: Why do you think only officers carried compasses? Do you think the system was fair? What problems might it cause? You can find out more information about British officers here: ficers.html Slide 16

20 Slide 17 This marks the spot where the person holding the compass was standing.

21 Slide 18

22 Slide 19 Learn about the Whitehead aircraft factory:

23 Dorothy Hardy’s MBE

24 Slide 20

25 Enquiry Question: Did the First World War save the British Empire or was it the beginning of the end? You can find out more about the impact of the war on the British Empire here: http://www.nationalarchives.go termath/brit_empire_after.htm Slide 21

26 Slide 22

27 Slide 23 Learn about the lady gardeners at Kew:

28 Ernest Johnson’s walking frame

29 Slide 24 Enquiry Questions: How do you think the war changed how disabled people were treated? Do you think things are better or worse for people with disabilities today? You can find out more information on attitudes to disability here: http://www.english- -and-places/disability- history/1914-1945/

30 Slide 25

31 Learn about care for disabled servicemen in Richmond: Slide 26

32 Slide 27 men-at-play/query/richmond

33 Live blog resources Follow: You can sign up to the blog to get updates when the latest local War Diary entries are posted, and follow the story of Richmond’s war with your class: Themes: Articles are categories by themes including People, Local Institutions, and Community, making it easy to search for material relevant to your class topic Poetry: A session outline to help your class develop creative writing responses to the war can be downloaded here: resources/ resources/ If you’d like to submit any of your class work to be published on the blog, please contact:

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