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What does it take to be a Mentor? What does it take to be a Mentee?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it take to be a Mentor? What does it take to be a Mentee?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it take to be a Mentor? What does it take to be a Mentee?
Mentoring for Success What does it take to be a Mentor? What does it take to be a Mentee? Presented by: Nichole Richmond

2 Seven Steps Learn what mentoring is all about
Discuss keys to successful mentoring Have your first meeting Continue the partnership Have a six month check-up Conclude the mentoring partnership Consider participating in the Goddard Mentoring Program

3 Step One: Learn What Mentoring Is All About
The mentoring partnership is an agreement between two people sharing experiences and expertise to help with personal and professional growth. “In it’s simple form it is people helping people grow and develop.”

4 Step One: Learn What Mentoring is All About (cont’d)
To learn about mentoring, you need to know: What does it take to be a mentor? What are the mentors responsibilities? What does the mentor get out of it? What are the mentee responsibilities? What does the mentee get out of it? What are the different types of mentoring?

5 What Does it Take to Be a Mentor?
Desire Time Reality Check (i.e., in touch with organization structure) Experience/Wisdom Individual career development plan

6 What Are the Mentors’ Responsibilities?
Share organizational insight Expand mentees network Act as a sounding board Assist mentee with setting developmental goals Provide developmental feedback

7 What Does the Mentor Get Out of it?
Pass on successes Practice interpersonal & management skills Expand their horizons Recognition Gain more than the mentee does

8 What Are the Mentees’ Responsibilities?
Devote time to yourself Willing to learn Able to accept feedback Willing to “stretch” Ability to identify goals

9 What Does the Mentee Get Out of It?
Listening ear Valuable insight Understandings of strengths and opportunities for improvement Doors opened Different perspective

10 What Are the Different Types of Mentoring?
It is important to understand that there are several types of mentoring: Informal mentoring Situational mentoring Supervisory mentoring Formal facilitated mentoring

11 Step Two: Discuss Keys to Successful Mentoring
Establish a mentoring agreement Commit to partnership Discuss “no-fault” termination Have a six month check-ups Create a mentee development plan

12 Step Three: Have Your First Meeting
Schedule a face-to-face meeting Discuss mentee and mentor expectations Choose a location free from distractions Discuss when you will meet and how often Discuss when it’s okay to phone Agree to confidentiality Get to know each other

13 Step Four: Continue the Partnership
Mentor will use listening, counseling, coaching, career advising, and goals setting to help mentee make progress on their Career Development Plan Goals Expand available options Explore referral resources Build self-esteem Evaluate each meeting

14 Step Five: Have a Six-month Check-up
Describe progress (i.e, what’s working, what’s not working, what do we need to change) Review Career Development Plan Ask questions

15 Reasons to Conclude Mentoring Partnership
If your mentor moves into the same management chain If your mentor moves into a different directorate Discomfort in the relationship If you grow in your career and the relationship is no longer valuable

16 Step Six: Conclude the Mentoring Partnership
Many partnerships continue Notify if you decide to end it early Give feedback Review and revise goals Express gratitude

17 Step Seven: Consider Participating in the Goddard Mentoring Program
Center-wide Formal Mentoring Program 1-year in length Will provide additional tools and resources to enable your mentoring partnership to be successful Opportunity to network formally and informally with other mentors and mentees across the Center

18 For more Information OHR Mentoring Web-site
AETD Minority Career Mentoring Program Web-site Flight Programs Project Directorate Web-Site Business Information Management Center Web-site Mentoring Program Coordinators

19 Back-Up Charts

Presented by: Nichole Richmond

21 Mentoring Program-Background
Pilot Program - began January 1997 Program Evaluation-Issues and Recommendations Institutionalized Goddard Mentoring Program -June 1999

22 Program Purpose Provide opportunity for all Goddard employees to benefit from mentoring relationship Provide structure for mentoring relationships Provide networking opportunities Support goal 4, strategies 2 and 3 of the strategic implementation plan

23 Program Goals Gain exposure and access to different levels throughout the NASA Community Gain an understanding of organizational values, relationships and unwritten rules Recognize skills needed for success at NASA Make realistic, achievable career plans Identify developmental opportunities

24 Mentoring Program- Matching Process (Cont.)
Identify and Select a Pool of Mentors Issue Center-wide announcement requesting Mentors Mentor Information Form and format for a career profile will be included with Announcement Review Submissions and finalize selections for mentors Market Program Issue Center-wide announcement for Protégés Protégé Information Form and format for a career profile will be attached to Announcement

25 Mentoring Program- Matching Process (Cont.)
Hold Joint Orientation Session Brief participants on Program requirements Provide participants with matching forms and guidelines for selecting a mentors and protégés Selection Process Protégés will review profiles, research potential mentors and submit a matching form to the Mentoring Program Coordinator Forms will be be reviewed by Mentoring Program Coordination Team Match Mentors and Protégés Notify Mentors and Protégés of Matches

26 Mentoring Program- Roles and Responsibilities
Protégés Meet with Mentor at least once a month during normal work hours Develop a Mentoring Action Plan with feedback from mentor and supervisor Attend formal mentoring training, progress reviews and mentoring forums Participate in 360 multi-rater feedback process Keep supervisors informed Give feedback on mentoring progress and design

27 Mentoring Program- Roles and Responsibilities (Cont.)
Meet at least once a month Attend formal mentoring training Share organizational insight Act as a sounding board Expand protégés network Assist protégé in setting developmental goals Provide Developmental feedback Accompany protégé to one face-to-face meeting with protégés supervisors Give feedback on mentoring program progress and design

28 Mentoring Program- Roles and Responsibilities (Cont..)
Supervisor Attend Program Orientation Session Meet with mentor and protégé to provide collaboration input & sign-off on the Mentoring Action Plan Provide flexibility in work schedule Support the protégé during the mentoring process

29 Program Design Length 1-Year
Systematic matching of mentors and protégés Joint Program Overview session potential mentors, protégés, and supervisors 2-day Orientation Session for mentors and protégés 360 Feedback Assessment for protégés Mentor Experiential Coach Training Monthly meetings between mentor and protégés

30 Program Design (Cont.) Mentoring Agreement Mentoring Action Plans
Developmental Assignments Networking Opportunities Monthly Mentoring Forums-Informal Brown Bags Mid-Year and End -of Year Assessments Formal Recognition Ceremony

31 Mentoring Forum ‘Brown Bag” Lunch Topics
Mentoring Forum Topics Coaching Listening Skills Introduction to Journey Guide Training Giving and Receiving Feedback Career Concepts Individual Development Planning Book Discussions Other Topics TBD by participants

32 Other NASA/GSFC Programs Technology Directorate
Relationship Between Goddard Mentoring Program and Other Mentoring Programs Financial/Resources Management Career Development Program Professional Intern Program (PIP) Goddard Mentoring Program Formal Mentoring Training Mentoring Forums Flight Projects and Programs Career Development Program Other NASA/GSFC Programs Applied Engineering Technology Directorate Minority Career Mentoring Program

33 Program Schedule Call for Mentors and Protégés issued on August 21, 2000. Applications due on September 13, 2000 Goddard Mentoring Program Overview scheduled for September 26, 2000 Goddard Mentoring Program Orientation Session scheduled for October 11, 2000 Dynamic Mentoring Workshop scheduled for November 7-8, 2000 & December 4-5, 2000

34 2000-2001 Program Schedule (cont’d)
Mentoring forums conducted December 2000-October 2001 Mid-Year progress report on April 2, 2001 Annual Review and Formal Recognition Ceremony on November 7, 2001

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