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Presentation on theme: "THE SUMMER RESEARCH BOOT CAMP MODEL FOR STUDENTS CHP Research Share and Tell Alisha Richmond Ph.D. CDIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives  To define effective student research experiences  Explore circumstances that impact providing research experiences for undergraduates  Describe the Summer Research Bootcamp for Undergraduates

3 About Me  Communication, Autism, and Language Learning Lab (C.A.L.L.)  Research Interests:  Autism Spectrum Disorders  Early Identification/Early Intervention  Multicultural Issues in Communication Disorders

4 Student Research Experiences  Ownership  A target goal  Teamwork  Independent work  Oral and written communication practice (Lopatto,2003)

5 Benefits of Undergraduate Students in Research  Clarifies career goals  91% increase in post secondary education  Increases recruitment and retention of minority students  Increases tolerance and problem solving skills  Develops ability to understand scientific literature (Hunter, Laursen, &Seymour,2007; Seymour, Hunter, Laursen, & Deantoni,2004)

6 The Facts- Our Story University Level  University Goal: Create interest in research at the undergraduate level  Increase productivity of faculty College Level  Increase research experiences to all students  Increase productivity of faculty Departmental Level/Career Level  Importance for Speech-Language Pathologists and Communication Disorders  PhD shortage

7 Previous Model  Research Assistants and Volunteers  Fall and spring semester, and possibly summer  Weekly or bi-weekly meetings  Juniors and seniors  Group Research Projects  Results= successful (awards at various levels)  However……..

8 Previous Model Students Factors  Willingness to participate in research  Competing responsibilities  Employment  Coursework  Various Skill levels Faculty Factors  Commitments during the academic year  (service, teaching, and research)  Time to organize and train students  Various projects  Various levels of research experiences  Difficulty completing products within a semester

9 Summer Research Boot Camp Aimed at providing a research experience that was:  researcher/student driven  flexible in terms of scheduling  beneficial to students at various levels of research knowledge/exposure ………And that would result in a completed product by the end of summer

10 Summer Research Boot Camp Pre-Student Meeting  Completed Project Management of Potential Research Projects  Literature review  Research plan  Data collection  Time needed to complete a portion of the project (student)  Determined an attainable goal with each project that could be completed within 4 months (with my supervision)  Determined the required knowledge base of the student participants  Basic-advanced  Reviewed student applications for their background

11 Summer Research Boot Camp April 2012- Introductory Meeting  Discussed options  face-to-face  Skype  Email only  Determined each student’s level of experience with research  2 returning volunteers (ideas in progress from previous semester)  4 new volunteers (ideas that were in the beginning stages)

12 Summer Research Boot Camp GOALS  Literature review  Develop grant proposal drafts, surveys, and CHP Research Forum proposals  All related to my line of research  (topics were provided and modified for the students)  Teamwork(face to face only)  they were to report to each other and work together  Progress was checked via Dropbox for all students  (did not have confidential information)

13 Summer Research Boot Camp Meetings Within Lab 3 consecutive weeks May-June 1 week in August (3 days per week)  Discussed topics  Q& A sessions  Research and the specific projects  Problem solved as a group  Worked in supervised groups Skype Sessions (the entire summer)  Reviewed topic  Discussed questions  emailed 2 days in advance to Dr. Richmond  Plan for next meeting Email only (the entire summer)  provided data and timeline to students  answered questions as needed Face to Face Non-Face to Face

14 Summer Research Boot Camp Results  1 completed SURF grant proposal  to be submitted in October 2012  student initiated (had the most research experience)  1 completed manuscript  student was co-author  (had the 2 nd most research experience)  2 Educational Proposals for CHP2013  1 Research Proposal for CHP 2013  1 research project that will be completed by December 2012  with minimal meetings during the fall semester

15 Summer Research Boot Camp Results Student Feedback  All of the students had a great experience;  they learned a lot about research and their chosen topic  they are now able to focus on their fall semester and applying to graduate programs My Impressions  Mentor students at their current levels  Provide a strong mentor and peer model  Completed research during the summer months

16 Implementation  Realistic Student Goals  Able students (be flexible)  Not all students completed the boot camp  Be available during that time (fully focused)  Make them your teammates (vested interest)


18 References  Hunter, Laursen, &Seymour (2007). Becoming a scientist: the role of undergraduate research in students’ cognitive, personal, and professional development. Science Education, 91,1,36–74 doi: 10.1002/sce.20173  Lopatto, D. (2003). The essential features of undergraduate research. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 24, 139-142. Retrieved from Undergrad-Research.pdf  Semour, Hunter, Laursen, Deantoni (2004). Establishing the benefits of research experiences for undergraduates in the sciences: First findings form a three-year study. Science Education, 88, 4, 493– 534 doi 10.1002/sce.10131

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