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Vocational Education & Training (VET ). VET in VCE or VCAL VET (Vocational Education & Training) programs are generally what people think of as TAFE courses.

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1 Vocational Education & Training (VET )

2 VET in VCE or VCAL VET (Vocational Education & Training) programs are generally what people think of as TAFE courses or part time apprenticeships. Successful completion of a VET program provides : Industry specific training leading to a nationally recognised Certificate from a TAFE (or private provider). Insight into that industry & Work Placement opportunities Part of VCE or VCAL VET in VCE VET can be part of VCE – each VET program counts as one VCE subject VET Programs are generally 2 year courses so students must start the VET course in Year 10 or Year 11. A Year 11 level certificate must be successfully completed before it can be undertaken at a Year 12 level. VET certificates can be included in the ENTER score. VET in VCAL VET is a compulsory part of VCAL

3 VET CourseRTO Visual Art (Units 3 & 4 only) Chisholm TAFE Fashion DesignCollege of Fashion Design Dance (Sandringham Campus) Ausdance Hospitality (most of 1 st year) Holmesglen TAFE ITAIET MusicSandringham College MediaChisholm TAFE Acting ((Units 3 & 4 only) National Theatre VET Training Delivered on the Senior Campus

4 2010 VET CourseRTOLocation Automotive TechnologyKangan Batman TAFERichmond BusinessSkills PlusWorkplace / Moorabbin Building & ConstructionChisholm TAFEFrankston Community ServicesHolmesglen TAFEMoorabbin Electro technologyChisholm TAFEFrankston EngineeringHolmesglen TAFEMoorabbin EquineGoulburn Ovens TAFEPractical Placement/ Distance Ed FurnishingChisholm TAFEFrankston Hair/ MakeupVU/ChisholmCity/Frankston HorticultureHolmesglen TAFEWaverly Hospitality (2nd year)Holmesglen TAFEMoorabbin Interactive Digital MediaHolmesglen TAFEMoorabbin Retail OperationsHolmesglen TAFEWorkplace Sport & RecreationHolmesglen TAFEMoorabbin Some VET Training Delivered Off Campus

5 Example of a VET Course as part of VCE - Tina VCE Units 1 & 2 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays English Food Technology Studio Arts Outdoor & Environmental General Maths Wednesdays VET – Cert II in Hospitality Terms 1-3 – On - Campus - Term 4 – Holmesglen, Moorabbin Campus

6 Example of a VET Course as part of VCAL - Ricky Intermediate VCAL Units Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Intermediate Literacy & Numeracy (Literacy & Numeracy Strand) Intermediate Personal Development (PD Skills Strand) DT Wood Fridays Work Placement (part of Work Related Skills Strand) Wednesdays VET - Cert II Building & Construction (Industry Specific Skills Strand) Holmesglen

7 Pathways Training These are programs delivered one day per week at TAFE, often only at Year 11, providing an introduction to various trades & industries (although opportunities in this area are growing) VCE & Senior VCAL credits are gained if the Certificate is at a level II or III Examples of Pathways Programs – Holmesglen, Chisholm, VU Block credit – entry level training (pre-pre-apprenticeships) is offered in BuildingElectrical PlumbingHair or Makeup WeldingPlastering (Others will be available in 2010) Pathways are all extremely popular – fill in an ‘Expression of Interest ‘ form & return to Jenny Marks ASAP if you think you want to do one of these next year.

8 Example of a Pathways Course as part of VCE - James VCE Units 1 & 2 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays DT Wood General Maths Food Technology History English Wednesdays VET - Cert II Plumbing modules Holmesglen, Chadstone Campus

9 Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBA)  These are part time apprenticeships or traineeships  Particularly useful as part of VCAL but can also provide credit to VCE  Students complete about 200 days of training on the job, off the job & in paid employment  This consists of one day at work, one day training and 3 days at school or one day at work, 4 days at school and training done in holidays or done as part of a part time job, out of school hours  It combines VCE or VCAL, VET & paid work  Students have to have an employer  Potential employers (or companies that can help) are here in the Resource Centre tonight

10 Example of an ASBA as part of VCE - Monique VCE Units 3 & 4 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays English Business Management Systems Automotive DT Wood Wednesdays Employer (paid work) Holidays VET - Certificate II in Auto Kangan Batman TAFE

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