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EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics November, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics November, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics November, 2013

2 EETD Accidents- 11/13 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus Burn11/16/13EAEI Postdoc received face burn when hair contacted candle at non-LBNL off-site location Not categorized as OSHA accident Accident investigation completed

3 EETD Accidents- By Type

4 EETD Accidents- Severity Note: Two accidents in Nov ’12 not considered OSHA reportable, but may be compensable. Accident in Nov ‘13 not considered OSHA reportable, but may be compensable

5 Emergency Incidents- 11/13 DateIncidentAreaStatus 11/16/13Coolant leak into parking lot from MoWiTT trailer Building 54 MoWiTT Trailer Absorbent was placed on spill by Facilities. EETD DSC cleaned up absorbent and sent for waste disposal. Need to evaluate MoWiTT trailer set-up for containing/detecting coolant leaks.

6 Ergonomic Assessments- By Month

7 Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 11/8/13BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 8/26/13DIVDiscomfortActions Pending

8 EETD Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- Pending New Hire vs. Expired Metric Started Sep ‘13

9 Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion

10 EETD Incomplete Training Assignments * Does not include SEC0203 “External Monitoring” Notice

11 Training % Completion Status

12 Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 73)

13 Incomplete Training Assignments (Total = 73) Open Assignments by Dept.Open Assignments by Hire Date

14 EETD Incomplete Training Assignments

15 Safety Concerns Submittals- EETD

16 EETD Safety Concerns Status #DateConcernTypeStatus 9249/12/13B90 lobby steps do not have code compliant hand rails and step tread surface slippery FireOpen- Fire Marshall determine old code 9259/12/13Bicycles improperly stored on Shuttle bus bike racks. Bike could fall off. TrafficOpen- Institutional 9449/27/13Employee riding on bicycle on Chu Road near roundabout cut off road by passing flat bed truck. TrafficOpen- Institutional 96210/22/13Storage of old equipment in Building 70/70A breezeway. Could block egress in emergency. Fire SafetyOpen 96310/25/13Door stop in conference room 90-3075 could be activated from hallway and lock people inside room. Needs replace Building Maint.Open 96610/31/13Trip hazard in Bevetron parking lot. Temporary fence footings jutting into pedestrian walkway near stairs. Slip Trip FallOpen- Institutional 98211/12/13Slippery pavement for bike riders on Alvarez Rd. near the Bevatron Circle Traffic- BicycleOpen- Institutional 98711/19/13Faded handicap space markings in the B46 parking lot.TrafficOpen- Institutional 99011/25/13B70 LN2 duer fill station issues including available equipment, posted procedures, curtains Building MaintOpen- Institutional

17 Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 11/13 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 9519-49/27/13Non-NRTL equipment in Building 90 R. ScholtzDue- 3/27/14. Self assessment findings. 9543-111/12/13Follow-up to LOTO procedure issue in B31 Refrigerator Test Chamber (ORPS #EETD-2013-0001) R. ScholtzDue- 1/31/14. ORPS follow-up. 9543-211/12/13Follow-up to sJHA issue in B31 Refrigerator Test Chamber (ORPS #EETD- 2013-0001 R. ScholtzDue- 1/31/14. ORPS follow-up. 9543-311/12/13Follow-up to equipment NRTL approval issue in B31 equipment rack. G. Rosenquist Due- 1/31/14. ORPS follow-up. Equipment inspected by EESP inspectors.

18 Activity Hazard Documents (AHD)- 11/13 AHDDescriptionStatusLocationPI No AHD activity in November

19 Audits and Inspection Status- 11/13 TypeDateLeadStatus SAA quarterly inspection 10/29/13R. ScholtzCompleted

20 Significant Safety Achievements- 11/13 Provided follow-up on the Lock-out/Tag-out safety issue identified in Building 31 that resulted in an ORPS report. Several hundred “old chemical” containers were labeled and waste disposal requisitions submitted for each. This was very time consuming, but necessary due to no “old chemical disposal day” events planned in the near future. Visited the Bosch facility in Palo Alto as part of the battery testing facility planning effort. Safety Alerts were issued for: –Subcontractor Job Hazard Analysis Process –Cord and Plug LOTO Exemption –Lock-out/Tag-out Training Requirements –Lock-out/Tag-out Processes

21 Short Term Safety Outlook- 11/13 Assist with safety planning for the FLEXLAB start-up. Assist with safety planning for the battery testing facility location at the Richmond Field Station. Complete follow-up on the Lock-out/Tag-out corrective actions resulting from the recent ORPS report. Finalize the waste requisitions for the remaining “old chemicals” collected from lab areas. Start the Personal Protective Equipment self-assessment project. EETD Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for 12/5/13. Participate in the Electrical Safety Committee review and update of PUB-3000 Chapter 8. Implement a new electronic lab inspection form for easier monthly lab area inspection documentation.

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