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Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision - fish identification 2.0900: Fish sizing (lecture room) 3.0930: Brief/dive - Fish identification 4.1200: Lunch 5.1330-1700:

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision - fish identification 2.0900: Fish sizing (lecture room) 3.0930: Brief/dive - Fish identification 4.1200: Lunch 5.1330-1700:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision - fish identification 2.0900: Fish sizing (lecture room) 3.0930: Brief/dive - Fish identification 4.1200: Lunch 5.1330-1700: Brief/dive - fish sizing

2 Gopher rockfish Sebastes carnatus SCAR

3 Blue rockfish Sebastes mystinus SMYS

4 Kelp rockfish Sebastes atrovirens SATR

5 Olive rockfish Sebastes serranoides SSER

6 Black rockfish Sebastes melanops SMEL

7 Pile surfperch Damalichthys vacca DVAC

8 Striped surfperch Embiotoca lateralis ELAT

9 Rubberlip surfperch Rhacochilus toxotes RTOX

10 Copper rockfish Sebastes caurinus SCAU

11 Black and Yellow rockfish Sebastes chrysomelas SCHR

12 Black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni EJAC

13 Kelp surfperch Brachyistius frenatus BFRE

14 Rainbow surfperch Hypsurus caryi HCAR

15 Painted greenling Oxylebius pictus OPIC

16 Sizing fish underwater 1. Total length 2. Aids to sizing fish 3. Factors that contribute to over or underestimation 4. Exercises: Dive schedule

17 1. Total length Total length Target accuracy ± 10%

18 2. Aids to sizing fish 1. Slate marks 2. Transect tape marks 3. Hand measurements 4. Bracketing 5. Comparative approach 6. Recalibration during dive

19 3. Factors that contribute to under and overestimation of size 1. Low light 2. Dull body color 3. Poor visibility 4. Objects in foreground 5. Deep-bodied fish Underestimation Overestimation 1. Bright light 2. Bright body color 3. Good visibility 4. Objects in background 5. Elongate fish

20 Questions?

21 Today’s dive program Morning - Fish identification - Materials: Slate, fish cheat sheet, YOY flowchart - Work in groups (to be allocated) - Swim to Paragon - Dive: identify all species on cheat sheet list - 1 Tank only Afternoon - Fish sizing - Materials: Slate, data sheet, fish cheat sheet - Work in pairs (to be allocated), within 2 streams - Swim to Paragon - Dive: Carry out 2 fish sizing exercises - 2 Tanks - change at Paragon Timings: Dive to be terminated by set time

22 Fish sizing exercises 1. Sizing fish models - Work in pairs - Swim to Paragon - Descend anchor line - Locate transect lines - Swim transect lines, sizing fish from 2-3 m away, record size, move closer, measure fish, record actual size - Carry out this exercise for all 4 transects

23 Exercise 1 layout Paragon Beach Rocks Kelp bed North 4 transects

24 Fish sizing exercises 1. Sizing fish models 2. Sizing live fish - Work in pairs - Swim to Paragon - Descend anchor line - Identify and size fish encountered (and anything else that gets in your way) - Compare notes

25 Dive safety brief 1. Dive log - sign out and in 2. Dive procedures - ascent rate 10m/min - deep-shallow - maintain dive team 3. Communications: pay phone (lab), cell phone & VHF Ch 16 (Paragon) 4. First Aid & Oxygen - Shore and Paragon 5. Evacuation plan: Lighthouse - left on Forest - Highway 68 - few miles on Pacific Grove, CHOMP

26 Questions?

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