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The Final Lap! Vero Beach High School. The Five Focuses Focus 1 - Achievement Focus 2 - Zeros Focus 3 - Clear Expectations Focus 4 - Meeting the Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "The Final Lap! Vero Beach High School. The Five Focuses Focus 1 - Achievement Focus 2 - Zeros Focus 3 - Clear Expectations Focus 4 - Meeting the Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Final Lap! Vero Beach High School

2 The Five Focuses Focus 1 - Achievement Focus 2 - Zeros Focus 3 - Clear Expectations Focus 4 - Meeting the Standards Focus 5 - Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)

3  What is it?  Why does it happen?  What should we do about it?  Prevention  Consequences


5 What is academic dishonesty aka “cheating”?  Departments Brainstorm:.Please place responses in “Focus Five Department Questions” document emailed to Department Chairs along with this presentation.  Please forward completed questions to  Your department’s input is important!

6 SDIRC defines cheating as: The inappropriate and deliberate distribution or use of information, notes, materials, or work of another person in the completion of an academic exam, test, or assignment without specific teacher permission and proper crediting of the source (plagiarism).

7 Why do Students Cheat? (Click on the students for hyperlink to video.)

8 Why do Students Cheat?  Departments Brainstorm: Please place responses in “Focus Five Department Questions” document emailed to Department Chairs along with this presentation.  Please forward completed questions to  Your department’s thoughts are important! Thank you!

9 Consequences for Academic Dishonesty? (Click on the student desk for hyperlink to video.)

10 Current SDIRC Policy  Student/Parent Acknowledgment Form Student/Parent Acknowledgment Form  School Board Policy (5.14, Pupil Personnel) “A student's academic grade shall not be lowered as a disciplinary measure.”

11 SDIRC Matrix of Infractions and Consequences Mandatory: Report to parent/call/referral Optional:  Verbal reprimand  Written or special assignment related to offense  Administrator/parent/teacher/student conference  Behavior agreement  Confiscation of inappropriate item  After school detention  Counseling/PS RTI

12 SDIRC Matrix of Infractions and ConsequencesSDIRC Matrix of Infractions and Consequences (cont.) Optional (cont’d) :  After school detention  Counseling/PS RTI  Revoke parking decal or tow away vehicle  Friday/Saturday detention  In-school suspension  Short-term out-of-school suspension 1-5 day/bus suspension  Long-term out-of-school suspension 16-10 day/bus suspension

13 CONSEQUENCES  Follow Code of Conduct /Must contact parent according to matrix  Zeros are not an option  Consequences must be consistent

14 What measures can we take to prevent academic dishonesty? PREVENTION ~ CONSEQUENCES  Departments Brainstorm:.Please place responses in “Focus Five Department Questions” document emailed to Department Chairs along with this presentation.  Please forward completed questions to  Your input makes a difference! Thank you!

15 Resources  ting.html# ting.html#  Everybody Does It (Article)  Videos: 9JE 9JE  f4 f4  Book: Room 14/28  ml ml

16 Although this is the last “Major Focus”, everything we have learned/discussed will be shared with the District for new Grading Policies!

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