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 Welcome from ADA and Committee Chairs  Training Information  Greeters & Ambassadors  Registration  Route Marshals  Rest Stops  Closing Questions.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome from ADA and Committee Chairs  Training Information  Greeters & Ambassadors  Registration  Route Marshals  Rest Stops  Closing Questions."— Presentation transcript:


2  Welcome from ADA and Committee Chairs  Training Information  Greeters & Ambassadors  Registration  Route Marshals  Rest Stops  Closing Questions are always welcome!


4  Stationed in parking lot and near park entrance  Equipped with maps and FAQ cheat sheets  Welcome riders and thank them for being there, greet as many of them as possible  Ask if they are a registered rider  Direct to the registration table –or-  If they already have checked in, ask if they need assistance. They will likely be interested in breakfast!  Ask if they are a Red Rider, direct to RR table

5  Information table near park entrance throughout the morning  Roving Ambassadors moving throughout the park assisting riders and guests as needed. Watch for people who appear to be looking for some thing  Will have maps and FAQ cheat sheets

6 [ begin audio now ]


8  Greet the registrant  Ask if they are a Red Rider, if so direct to Red Rider tables  If they ask “What is a Red Rider?" tell them "A Red Rider is a person with diabetes who wants to recognized" Do not ask if they are a diabetic.  Red Rider registration is separate from general registration.  Look for their name on the spread sheet, check them off the list

9  Make sure they sign waiver  Find their bib number from the box  IMPORTANT: Make sure bib number is written on the left side margin.  Collect their envelope if they are turning in $$ (need not to count, make sure envelope is sealed & name is on the front)  Give them the wrist band that corresponds to their route, explain they should wear it during the ride  Direct them to t-shirt & goodie bag area

10  If questions you can't answer or if they haven't raised the $200 minimum, call for ADA staff to assist. Kathryn Holabird is ADA lead.  The registration spreadsheet will indicate appx funds raised, congratulate them on their efforts—especially the Champions For Diabetes —those who have raised at least $1000  Remember to SMILE  Thank them for riding!



13  Motion with your hand to help the cyclists in the correct direction.  If you have an arrow sign make sure it points the correct direction.  Know the distance to the next rest stop. This will be on your location map. Riders may ask you this.  Keep the HQ number handy - 720-467-7980  If there is a life-threatening emergency, CALL 911!  …then call HQ

14  Wave, clap & cheer for the riders!  Watch for Red Rider jerseys and call out “GO RED RIDER!”

15  Please bring with you…  Water bottle  Snacks  Comfortable shoes  Hat/sunglasses  Sunscreen  Dress for the Colorado weather  We ride rain or shine!  Lawn chair to sit between waves of riders



18  General Guidelines:  Ask your volunteers to carpool to minimize the number of vehicles at the Rest Stop.  Remind the volunteers to dress for Colorado weather including rain gear, hats, sunscreen, work gloves, etc.  We ride rain or shine!  Some chairs will be provided to your rest stop.  We recommend you bring your own favorite lawn chair.

19  General Guidelines continued…  Make sure your staff drinks plenty of water during the day. Feel free to bring extra volunteer refreshments  No alcohol is permitted at rest stops for volunteers or riders  Please leave your pets at home  All volunteers must sign an event waiver when they arrive, these will be emailed as well as included in your rest stop supplies.  There will be a HAM Radio Operator and many Rest Stops will have a Medical Volunteer and some a Bicycle Mechanic.

20  Your supplies will be delivered to you!  Your “Rest Stop Drop” contains some or all of the following: duct tape, paper towels, route maps, safety tape for marking hazards, trash bags, trash box, recycle box, recycle bag, ice, food, sports drink, tents, tables, 5 gal. coolers, water, cups, wet wipes, and first aid kits  You will receive a full manifest with your delivery  If you are missing items, please let your HAM operator know and we will deliver the items to you.

21  Your stop must be ready for riders at the assigned time. It usually takes ½ to 1 hour to be ready for riders  You are encouraged to have a theme and music at your location. Feel free to advertise your business or organization.  There will be (2) sport drink coolers - fill one with ice and water and one with ice and Gatorade. Mix the Gatorade according to package directions. Do not dilute it

22  Cut bananas and sandwiches in half.  Quarter the oranges so the riders can eat them easier.  Take care to keep the GLUTEN-FREE sandwiches separated from the regular! More on this later!  Do not open every jar, bag, and box of everything. Unopened product will be sent to Camp Colorado – a very special camp for kids with diabetes.  Notify your HAM Radio Operator when you have (4) jugs of water left so that more can be delivered to you.

23  Designate at least 1 or 2 persons to be Greeters at the Rest Stop. They will greet riders as they arrive.  Make sure all riders are ushered off of the road when they stop.  Make these riders feel welcome.  Watch for Red Riders and Top Fund Raiser Bibs.  GO RED RIDER! YAY TOP FUNDRAISER!  A little cheering and encouragement for the riders will go a long way in making your rest stop feel like the BEST REST STOP!

24  This is SUPER IMPORTANT!  If possible, designate 1 or 2 persons to only do the Gluten-Free prep.  Use only COLORED spreaders, knifes & cutting boards for the Gluten-Free items.  Use a separate jar of jelly for the Gluten-Free  Use the WHITE or BLACK knives & spreaders for the regular (contains gluten) products.  Gluten-Free handling instruction cards will be in each rest stop kit.

25  Remember…  COLORED equipment and utensils are for Gluten- Free prep!  WHITE or BLACK equipment and utensils are for regular (contains gluten) prep!  Please DO NOT cross-contaminate…help those Gluten-Free folks stay healthy and happy!

26  If an injured rider needs medical assistance at your stop, please work with the Medical Volunteer and HAM Radio Operator  Report any major incidents to your HAM Radio Operator to communicate back to the HQ area For severe emergencies CALL 911! The HQ Emergency number is: 720-467-7980

27  The Rest Stop can be closed only by official word from ADA staff  However, near the end of the ride, you can break down your stop to a minimum amount of supplies, collapse tent, etc  Pick up all trash, signs, peels, water bottles, etc and place the trash in bags.  Put trash bags inside porta potty.  Breakdown tent, tables, etc. Someone will be by to collect later in the day.

28  PLEASE…  Note the time the FIRST rider came to your Rest Stop  Note the time you CLOSED your Rest Stop  These times help us plan for next year  Make sure your Rest Stop property is in clean condition when you leave it.  Be enthusiastic and cheer riders on! Your energy can keep them going the extra mile!  Call out “GO RED RIDER!” to anyone with a Red Rider Jersey or Bib.  Come to HQ / Finish Line after your Rest Stop is closed to help cheer the riders as they cross the finish line! The more the merrier!



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