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Published bySage Boyd Modified over 10 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 1 All of our lives we have heard that everyone is connected and that we are all part of a universal
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 2 consciousness - kind of like pieces in a puzzle. The Philosophy of Exotischism embraces the idea that shortly after a child is born, they start picking up subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings from
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 3 other people. This information travels between our soul and the souls of other people in a manner similar to the way that radio, television, and cell phone signals are sent. Because our thoughts and feelings are
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 4 constantly being exchanged with those of other people, it can sometimes become very difficult for us to gain control over our own thoughts and feelings.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 5 Most people are constantly exchanging their subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with people who are similar to
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 6 themselves (the people who act as their conscience). Every person is a part of the people who they are connected to spiritually. Try to picture in your mind a main computer with incredible speed and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 7 incredible storage capacity that is connected to a number of smaller computers. When the individual computers send data to the main computer, it is analyzed and compared to the data that has been received from the other
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 8 computers. Each computer is immediately sent a report that summarizes the data that has been received from all of the computers. In the same way each person who is spiritually connected to other people is a small part of those people's
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 9 thoughts and feelings (each person is part of a collective subconscious). The people who they are spiritually connected to "pick up" their thoughts and feelings and they "pick up" the thoughts
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 10 and feelings of the people who they are spiritually connected to.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 11 Group Member #3 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #2 Group Member #1
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 12 As the 20th Century came to a close it was starting to become clear that a new class of people was beginning to develop. The seeds that helped to create this new
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 13 class of people (who in later years were to behave in many ways like the warriors of the past) were being planted as early as the 1930's.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 14 In the years preceding World War II many people began to abandon their religious beliefs because of the conflicts between religious myths and science. During World War II the excesses of the warlords in Asia and the
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 15 white supremacists in Europe also led many people to abandon their faith in men who tried to make themselves into gods. This led to a short period in history where people began to question the
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 16 long-standing notion that cruelty and abuse were necessary components in a civilized society.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 17 In the period following World War II there were many books and articles published that showed how people are capable of putting complexes on other people by doing something unfair to them or saying something unfair
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 18 about them and then tying them in psychological "knots" from which they cannot escape by denying that they have done anything wrong. There were a lot of people at that time who
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 19 believed that by the year 2000 people would no longer want to gain feelings of personal power by taking advantage of other people psychologically. It was thought that once people
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 20 realized the manner in which they were hurting other people, they would want to stop doing it. Over the past few years the new class of warrior that has developed around the world
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 21 has shown that it takes pride in taking advantage of people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. Instead of using the information that has been published on psychological weaknesses to help other
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 22 people become stronger, they have studied that information and they have used that information to purposely abuse people who have been abused enough already.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 23 Due to the fact that the most spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people were probably damaged emotionally early in life and then had to deal with the increased pressure that was put on them by the
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 24 warrior class, we now have a situation where many spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have a type of rage below the surface of their personalities that is hard for them to control. In order to
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 25 try to understand how spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people might learn how to control the rage that they might have below the surface
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 26 of their personalities, it might be useful to examine the concept of spiritual slavery.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 27 Spiritual slavery (where one person is forced to give their spiritual power to another person) appears to exist in many cultures in the world but the mechanics of how
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 28 spiritual slavery works no doubt varies from culture to culture. For this analysis we will look at how a person might become a spiritual slave in one of the developed countries of the western world and how their efforts to
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 29 escape from their spiritual slavery will probably end in failure. Early in life the individual who becomes a spiritual slave in one of the developed countries of the western world is never given an even break. Other kids get
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 30 away with things that they do not get away with. If they question anything or ask for the same things that the other kids ask for they will be put under a lot of pressure. They learn to keep their opinions to themselves
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 31 because whenever they speak up they are punished. By being treated in this manner their spiritual energy is never really allowed to develop. They eventually get into a position where anytime one of the other kids
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 32 feels bad about something they will take advantage of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (the spiritual slave) knowing that no one will protect the more vulnerable person from the spiritual and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 33 psychological attack that is being made on them. Because of this process the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person ends up absorbing the pressure that should be going to the people who have
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 34 attacked them and who have made them into their spiritual slaves. They have to deal with not only the pressure of their own lives but they also have to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the people who have made
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 35 them into spiritual slaves. If they eventually, with insight into the nature of their situation, get some sort of psychological release where they no longer feel the need to absorb the pressure of the people who made them into a
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 36 spiritual slave, they will notice very soon that they will have increased pressure put upon them by people in their group who are upset that the person who made them into a spiritual slave is not happy about the new situation where
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 37 they have to absorb the pressure that was previously absorbed for them by the spiritual slave. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might also be accused of being evil after they break free from their
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 38 spiritual slavery. The ones who have been using them as spiritual slaves might say that they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them and they might claim that the spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 39 psychologically vulnerable person is evil and has put a curse on them and that is why they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them. Actually, they are just feeling the negative spiritual energy that
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 40 the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person has been absorbing for them through the years. But being as the person who made the more vulnerable person into a spiritual slave is going
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 41 through obvious spiritual and psychological pain as a result of what has occurred, it will appear to anyone observing the situation that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person probably has in fact
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 42 put some sort of a curse on the other person. The group will now cast the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person in the role of an evil person and the vulnerable person will be forced to go back into their
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 43 old role where they were being forced to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the person who had made the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person into their spiritual slave.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 44 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). In the following graphic you see what happens if Person B manages to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 45 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. As can be expected, Person C will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person A (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Person B). Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 46 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). For a short time Person B had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person C complained that Person B had put a curse on them that was sending negative spiritual energy into them. The negative spiritual energy was actually coming from Person A, but the group forced Person B to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person A to Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 47 You may have noticed that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people often seem to be "too nice" and often seem to be afraid to do anything that might get them in trouble. On the surface it might appear to
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 48 be silly for a person who lives in a "not so nice" world to always be trying to do the right thing. But as we see in the example above people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable are labeled as being bad or
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 49 evil whenever they try to escape from their spiritual slavery. They know that whenever they manage to (with insight) break free from their spiritual slavery there is a danger that people will view them as being evil as a result
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 50 of what happens to the person who made them into a spiritual slave after the vulnerable person breaks free of their spiritual slavery. Due to the fact that they are often being blamed for evil things that they have not done, they
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 51 feel that they cannot afford to do anything that would make them appear to be evil. They hope that if they can demonstrate that they are not evil people they might be cleared of the charges that have been
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 52 made against them. They hope that if they can break free of those charges maybe they will no longer be forced to serve as a spiritual slave and that they will no longer have to absorb the negative spiritual energy that is being
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 53 directed towards the person who made them into their spiritual slave. Have you heard the old saying that when a warrior takes another's person's life, that person's soul then
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 54 becomes a part of the warrior's soul? In our society today we don't really kill other people like the ancient warriors did, but we sometimes hurt other people emotionally. When we hurt another person emotionally
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 55 (by killing part of their life force), that person's soul then becomes a part of our soul. When one of the members of the warrior class that has developed over the past few years takes advantage of a spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 56 psychologically vulnerable person by stealing their spiritual energy they are often amazed at how much anger and confusion their action seems to create in the soul of the more vulnerable person. They might say that
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 57 the small attack they made on the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person should not bring on such a big reaction. They might even think that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 58 person should be appreciative because now a part of the vulnerable person's soul has merged with the warrior's soul. What they don't understand is that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 59 person was earlier in their life charged with being evil when they tried to break free from their spiritual slavery. They were falsely accused of being evil and they were forced back into spiritual slavery as a result. What the warrior
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 60 does not realize is that every time a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person merges their soul with a member of the warrior class it becomes harder for them to break free from their spiritual slavery. When they
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 61 originally tried to break free from their spiritual slavery and were falsely charged with being evil, some people may have been on their side and defended them because it was clear to those people that the spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 62 psychologically vulnerable person was not evil. But as time goes by and more and more members of the warrior class make an attack on the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, it will become
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 63 increasingly difficult for them to break free from their spiritual slavery because people will sense increasing amounts of evil in the vulnerable person's soul as time goes by and they will
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 64 force them to remain in their role as a spiritual slave. Another reason that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people are afraid of members of the warrior class is that
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 65 due to the complex nature of spiritual forces, the vulnerable person is never really able to figure out the dynamics of what happens when a warrior steals the vulnerable person's spiritual power. The warrior is
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 66 probably just using the spiritual energy that they take from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person to help the warrior cheat somebody out of something to gain some sort of a temporary personal
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 67 gain. By merging their own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy that they have taken from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, they are able to spiritually overpower and
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 68 control the person who they are trying to cheat because their spiritual levels will be higher after taking the vulnerable person's spiritual energy than the spiritual energy levels of the person
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 69 who they are trying to cheat. The warriors know that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people tend to think that things of a spiritual nature must be divine and altruistic so they know that the
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 70 spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will not be able to understand how the warrior is using the spiritual energy that they are stealing from the vulnerable person. Due to the fact that the spiritually
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 71 and psychologically vulnerable person does not know how their spiritual energy is being used by the warrior, it will be hard for them to develop enough insight into the situation to be able to avoid having their
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 72 spiritual energy stolen from them by that warrior (and by other warriors) in the future. Eventually, cultures from throughout the world will probably start to move away from the old fashioned
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 73 practice of using other people as spiritual slaves and eventually spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people should be able to (with insight) finally start to make some progress in breaking free from their spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 74 slavery. In the meantime, it would be good for us to keep trying to learn more about the nature of spiritual slavery. The transition from the old way of doing things to whatever new order that may develop will probably be
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 75 smoother if we can learn to understand more about the dynamics of the old fashioned practice of using other people as spiritual slaves.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 76 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Once before, Person B had gotten out of the line of fire but then Person C complained about the increased pressure they were feeling and the group forced Person B to absorb the pressure once again. This time, with insight into the situation, Person B was able to get out of the line of fire and was able to stay out of the line of fire. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 77 Most of us who were born in the last half of the 20th Century were encouraged very strongly by our teachers and by our families to learn to think as logically and as
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 78 carefully as possible. We were taught to respect science and we were taught to challenge any ideas that were not backed up by cold and hard facts. Our teachers and families were not trying to mislead us. They wanted
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 79 us to be able to successfully navigate our way through life and they sincerely believed that it was dangerous to accept any ideas that were not based on the facts.
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 80 The same respect for the truth that was instilled in all of us as children is causing a lot of people to start questioning the physical laws that in the past have been so important to science. But while a lot of people are
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 81 impressed by the argument that energy is matter (we may be able to exchange spiritual information with other people in the same way that radio, television, and cell phone signals are sent and received), the real reason
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 82 we are starting to once again believe in spiritual forces is that we realize from our experience dealing with other people (and from our strong emotions towards other people) that our spiritual links (both positive and negative)
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 83 with other people have had a large influence on our lives and will continue to have a large influence on our lives in the future. As we learn to better understand the nature of spiritual forces, we should be able to start steering a
The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 84 straighter and a more consistent course as we navigate our way through life. Copyright 2009 Don Bergquist
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