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The Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network Aim: To improve both fitness and motivation of pupils in learning languages via sporting activities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network Aim: To improve both fitness and motivation of pupils in learning languages via sporting activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network Aim: To improve both fitness and motivation of pupils in learning languages via sporting activities.

2 The Hoddesdon SLN Last year, there were 4 schools in our network: Broxbourne C.E Primary School, Cranbourne Primary School, Forres and the JWS. This year, we managed to attract another primary school: St Cross. Next year, our network will increase to 6 as I have already been contacted by another primary school: Sheredes!

3 To make the best of the London 2012 and incorporate sporting activities in MFL lessons on a regular basis: make them more fun and kinaesthetic – using “On-Track” booklet. To discuss activities done in lessons and share comments/ideas/resources in our meetings. To organise a Mini Olympic event in the summer for pupils to meet and compete To improve the motivation of pupils in languages via sporting activities The plan:

4 Issues we encountered We held after school meetings once every half term. Attendance rates (due to bad weather / lack of communication ) were variable which subsequently affected the sporting activities throughout the year. Lack of time and tight SOW: teachers found it difficult at times to incorporate a sporting activity because it needed to fit in the SOW, which is already tight but also time, effort, organisation, printing extra resources and sometimes an extra person (like a TA) or different venue.

5 Outcome 1 This year, I personally managed to do 5 sporting activities with my lower year 7 – which I share with another teacher so I only see them once/week: –Ping-Pong (to practise numbers) –La Flamme éternelle (to practise days of the week and months) –2 Running Dictations (one to practise “Où habites-tu? and one to practise “Moi et ma famille”) –La journée d’un athlète (to practise daily routine)

6 Pupils’ response Activité “La flamme Eternelle” Comments from my lower set year 7: “It was good because it was a challenge and we got to learn more about days of the week and the months” “I really liked the game” “I loved the game. We got to learn how to spell the months and the days of the week and how to write it. Also, we won so that was really good.” “I liked the game because it was fun and my team got 11 points so we won a fruit pastel.” “It was good fun” “I think it was fun because it was a challenge and we won by one point.” “I liked the game because we could work as teams and make friends.” “I thought the activity was fun and I learnt a lot of things like how to spell the months and the days of the week.”

7 Pupils’ response Activité “La journée d’un athlète” Out of 15 pupils, only 2 did not enjoy the activity – one actually said that it was not the activity itself he did not like but the fact that his team lost! Everyone else really enjoyed it. WHY? “it was fun” “we won it” “we enjoyed popping the balloons”

8 Teacher’s response Doing such activities always takes some thinking and planning ahead but I found them very rewarding and worth doing! I was happily surprised to see most pupils really involved in the activity and so competitive I have also been amazed by the attainment of the pupils (who are in the lowest set) when doing the running dictation – they had to retain phrases about « Moi et ma famille » but also spellings! The winning team got and the other team got 34/45 31/45

9 Outcome 2 We have organised a Mini Olympic event, which happened on the 11 th July. There were 4 teams (10 pupils of Years 4/5 from each primary school as well as a buddy from my lower set Year 7) – they came and competed against each other in a carousel of 4 activities:  Le saut en hauteur  La natation synchronisée  Loto italiano  C’est à qui

10 Mini Olympic event Loto italiano Natation synchronisée C’est à qui

11 Mini Olympic event Breaktime - Que voulez-vous? - Je voudrais un croissant et un jus d’orange, s’il vous plaît.

12 Mini Olympic event Reward ceremony Assessing the impact Certificates and medals for all Best school prize

13 Assessing the impact I gave some qestionnaires to both pupils and members of staff to be filled in before AND after the event to measure the impact of our Mini-Olympic event. Here are the results:

14 Pupils 1/3 of the pupils graded their knowledge of French as “very good/excellent” both before and after the event. 2/3 said that their language skills have improved! But ALL of them had a really good day – this came from pupils themselves, their teachers, members of staff from JWS popping in the hall but also … the mini bus drivers!

15 Pupils’ comments The italian Bingo: “it was a lot of actions and it was fun! “ I enjoyed learning Italian!” “I enjoyed all the activities but I enjoyed the synchronised swimming the most because you had to listen really hard!” “It was like a PE session and I love sports.” Activity: Le saut en hauteur – “I love animals but in French it’s better!” “I enjoyed everything because it was a chance to learn new things and have fun!” “It made me more confident with my French!” “I enjoyed all the activities because they were enjoyable, fun and good to do!” “It’s been so fun! I wish we could do it again!” “That was the best day ever!”

16 Teachers Only one teacher (out of 5 ) did not manage to incorporate some sporting activities throughout the year but it did not matter as she was extremely motivated. Among these activities, mainly taken from “On track”, the favourites ones were: - synchronised swimming (very good to reinforce listening skills and body parts, also very active) - javelin - olympic torch - running dictation

17 Teachers Although it took time to prepare, photocopy and laminate resources, ALL agreed to say that it was very positive. The pupils were motivated and lots of fun. The CD resources was very useful and fabulous!

18 Teachers’ comments Regarding the Mini Olympic event “It was a fantastic event!” “I loved the French café!” “It was enjoyable for both the children and staff.” “The Italian and French snack café was also a great success!” “To be honest, I was a bit anxious to organise such an event as you never know what could happen but I am SO pleased that everything ran smoothly and everyone had so much fun! I would definitely do it again!” “I really enjoyed it. Very well organised! Nice range of activities! Perfect location! Adequate amount of time for each activity!”

19 Long term impact Nice to hear that everyone enjoyed the activities and the Mini Olympic event but what will teachers do next? “I definitely use some of the activities in future lessons!” “I now have a lot more good ideas to use in class!” “It made me realise that I need to use more kinaesthetic activities!” “I am more confident and want to use kinaesthetic activities on a more regular basis”

20 Focus for 2012-13 After motivating students via cooking (last year) and sporting activities (this year), we would like to develop pupils’ confidence and accuracy in speaking a language via the use of phonics!

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