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By: Ryan Freeman & Harrison Newhard Ex: Depression/ anger leads to drunk driving and other bad decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ryan Freeman & Harrison Newhard Ex: Depression/ anger leads to drunk driving and other bad decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ryan Freeman & Harrison Newhard Ex: Depression/ anger leads to drunk driving and other bad decisions

2 Born: Feb 5 th, 1944 in Lisbon Portugal Professor of Neuroscience at USC Former head neurologist at University and Hospital of Iowa An author of % best selling novels Studied medicine and neurology at University of Lisbon 3%B3nio_Dam%C3%A1sio

3  He determined that emotions have a huge affect on our everyday decision making  Most of the time we are unconsciously knowing that our emotions are affecting these decisions  Acknowledges the connection between our mind and nerve cells  Also that emotions are in sync with haemostatic regulation (regulation of internal environment)

4  Concludes that the Insular Cortex ( Links emotion to homeostasis) is the main stepping stone between feelings and decisions  ( io)

5   Video of Antonio Damasio Interview by David Hirschman of

6  Decartes Error: Emotions Reasons of the Human Brain  The Feeling Of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consiousness  Neurobiology of decision making  Neurobiology of Human Actions  Scientific Book Of The American Brain (Daniel C. Dennett’95)

7  To be honest I think that there is a direct link between emotions and decision making because a lot of bad decisions come from people being angry or upset and doing something they will regret later. Or maybe they go on look a “good luck” streak because they are so hyped up that everything just seems to go right (Newhard’11)

8  For example maybe this guy was just fired from his job and when he gets home he finds his wife having an affair. There is a few decisions he could make here but he decides to go to the bar and get completely drunk to make the pain go away but instead it just impairs his decisions even more. Decides to drive crashes and dies. (Freeman’11)

9  Another example would be someone gets a promotion at work and is ecstatic and goes home to his girlfriend and he decides to propose and they get married and just to take this a little further he goes to the casino and wins 10,000$ (Freeman,Newhard’11)

10  Big bussinesses use emotions to promote their products. Like cigarettes they say that they will “calm” you down and make you feel better. Or a coke comercial uses happiness when someones drinking a nice ice cold coke on hot summer day to promote their product (Freeman, Newhard’11)

11  Exercise uses low self confidence and people being self conscious about their weight to get people to try their program. So you trigger their insecureness about their weight to go out and try your product to make themselves lose weight and feel better about themselves (Freeman,Newhard’11)


13  o_Dam%C3%A1sio o_Dam%C3%A1sio   /faculty/profile.php?fid=27 /faculty/profile.php?fid=27

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