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Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) Training for Test Chairpersons 2012 February 3, 2012 PERT 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) Training for Test Chairpersons 2012 February 3, 2012 PERT 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) Training for Test Chairpersons 2012 February 3, 2012 PERT 2012 1

2 Agenda What is PERT? Who needs to test? Subtests to administer PERT test format Scheduling Accommodations Accessibility Wizard Computer technical requirements Creating usernames and passwords Training proctors Administering a tests Reports PERT resources Who to contact 2

3 What is the PERT? Florida’s new common placement test replacing the CPT as per Florida Statutes 1008.30. Used to determine college ready credit courses in math and English. Comprised of three 25-item, computer adaptive subtests in reading, writing and mathematics. Results are used by high schools to advise students of any identified deficiencies and to provide 12 th grade students appropriate postsecondary preparatory instruction prior to high school graduation. 3

4 PERT Testing Window Scheduled for the Spring of 2012. February 21, 2012- March 30, 2012 PERT testing should not take place during the administration of other high stakes assessments that may impact select 11 th grade students such as: FCAT 2.0 End of Course assessments Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate CELLA Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education Examination 4

5 Who is administered the PERT? All current 11 th grade students who meet the legislative eligibility requirements on the Grade 10 FCAT: Levels 2, or 3 on the Grade 10 FCAT Reading, and/or Levels 2, 3, or 4 on the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics Students who already have ACT, SAT, or CPT scores in ISIS may be exempted from the PERT administration. If scores are not in ISIS, students must provide original score report to school. Retain copy of score report 5

6 Who is administered the PERT? Cont… All 11 th grade students who meet the legislated eligibility requirement and must participate in the administration of a college placement tests are as follows: Department of Juvenile Justice students Charter school students Full time public Virtual School students 6

7 College-Ready Cut Scores AssessmentReadingWritingMath PERT10499113 CPT8383 (Sentence Skills)72 ACT1817 (English)19 SAT440N/A440 7

8 What happens if a student does not meet college-readiness? Students who do not meet the state established college ready cut scores on the PERT or another approved college entrance test in Reading, Writing, and or Mathematics (ACT, SAT, or CPT) must be enrolled in postsecondary preparatory instruction in 12 th grade prior to graduation. Further information regarding course placement will be provided by Curriculum and Instruction. 8

9 Approved Postsecondary Preparatory Courses Reading for College Success (1008350).5 elective credit course Writing for College Success (1009370).5 elective credit course Math for College Success (1200410).5 elective credit course Math for College Readiness (1200700) full credit course English 4: College Prep (1001405) full credit course 9

10 What happens if a student meets college-readiness? Students scoring at or above the college-ready cut scores are exempt from remedial college coursework if they register in a Florida college or university within 2 years. 10

11 Identifying Students Who Need to Test Pre-Grid upload to McCann Associates provided Friday, January 27, 2012 School list printed as of January 27, 2012 Identifies students who meet the criteria. Identifies which subtests they must be administered. Identifies students who have an SAT or ACT score on file. ACCUPLACER/CPT scores are not available. Will be forwarded to schools the week of February 6th 11

12 Subtests to Administer Grade 10 FCAT LevelsSubtest (s) to Administer Grade 10 FCAT Reading, Levels 2 or 3 Must take the Reading and Writing subtests Grade 10 FCAT Math, Levels 2, 3, or 4 Must take the Mathematics subtest Grade 10 FCAT Reading, Levels 2 or 3 and Grade 10 FCAT Math, Levels 2, 3, or 4 Must take all 3 subtests: Reading, Writing and Math 12

13 PERT Test Format PERT is comprised of 30 questions and is computer adaptive. 25 operational questions 5 additional field test questions Students receive different questions based on right/wrong responses. PERT is untimed. The average time to complete each subtests is: Math37 minutes Reading60 minutes Writing 33 minutes 13

14 Scheduling PERT Subtests Recommendations are as follows: Reading/Writing within the same test session Math subtests may be tested separately Schools may test all 3 subtests in one school session if preferred 14

15 PERT Accommodations Who is eligible? ESE students with current IEPs Section 504 students ELL students ESE/504 Students: Paper versions are not available Paper version Large print paper version Braille ELL Students: Heritage language to English dictionaries are allowable. Extended time is not applicable as tests are not timed. However, students may be scheduled to take one test per day if extended time is needed. 15

16 PERT Accessibility Wizard Accommodations Accessibility Wizard May be used with students who test on the computer but have visual impairments. Students will be able to change tests setting Enlarge Font Size Change Font Style Change background color Accommodated forms are available for all three subtests through Accessibility Wizard for reading, writing and math. 16

17 Technical Requirements to Administer the PERT Hardware Requirements Computer TypePentium 500 or greater, Macintosh equivalent Input DevicesKeyboard and Mouse Memory64 MB or greater Display15” SVGA monitor with 1024x768 resolution 17

18 Technical Requirements to Administer the PERT Cont… Software Requirement Browser type and versionInternet Explorer 7.0+ Firefox 3.0 Google Chromes 3.0+ Safari 3.0+ Platform (Operating System)Windows XP, Vista or 7 Mac OS 10.2+ Macromedia FlashMacromedia Flash 9.0+ Adobe AcrobatAdobe Acrobat 6.0+ PopupsPopups are not blocked Screen Resolution1021 x 768 Schools must test their computers by going to and clicking “Check My Computer” 18

19 Student Practice Tests Online practice tests in all 3 subtests are available on the College Success website login screen at: Students may take the practice tests at anytime or place PRIOR to the actual test(s). No login information is needed to access. PERT Study Guide may be accessed at: 19

20 Sample Parent Letters A sample parent letter in English is provided by the FLDOE. Spanish and Creole versions will be forwarded when available The letter notifies parents of the following: Electronic Devices are prohibited Academic Honesty is expected Students will be required to read the Privacy Policy online prior to testing The parent letter will be posted to our Test Chairperson website for school use. 20

21 Training for the PERT Test Security Agreement Must be signed prior to test units being assigned to your school. Test Security Agreement must be sign by all test administrators trained at your school. Please maintain these forms at your school location for your records. Only certified teachers may administer a test, and proctors are strongly encouraged in rooms with more than 25 students. Seating Charts must be maintained for all testing rooms. 21

22 Administration of PERT Computer set up Student workstation set up in ‘Kiosk’ mode M-DCPS microsystem technicians will set up Charter schools will be provided with procedures. Required Materials Scratch paper for math subtest No hand-held calculators may be provided Read Script Monitor to ensure students remain on website Verify students have completed the subtests and logged off 22

23 Terms to Become Familiar with Institution Administrator = District The Institution Administrator (SAET) will provide the following: Training and support List of students to test Login usernames and passwords Site = School Site Manager = Test Chairperson and/or School Principal Set up proctors for test administration Verify student eligibility and adds new students Access reports Proctor = Test Administrator Only the Site Mangers and Proctors may administer the test to students with login credentials provided by the district. Branching Profile = Test (s) to be administered 23

24 Branching Profiles Student AdministrationAccommodated Forms PERT readingPERT reading accessibility PERT writingPERT writing accessibility PERT mathPERT math accessibility PERT reading and writingPERT reading and writing accessibility PERT reading writing and mathPERT reading writing and math accessibility 24

25 Creating User Accounts Step 1: Log in using created username and password Step 2: Create/Update Users (Proctors) Step 3: Add Users (Proctors) Step 4: Create a New User (Proctor) Step 5: Create/Update Users (Return to pull up list of users) Step 6: Search and Edit Users (Search for individual or list of Proctors) 25








33 How does a Proctor Administer a test? Step 1: Proctor logs in using created username and password Step 2: Administer Test Step 3: Student IDs Search for full student list, or Enter individual student ID Step 4: Login the student Step 5: Enter the access key Step 6: Click on the test Step 7: Exit/Save Step 8: Log out (Proctor must verify) 33

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42 New Students Step 1: log in Step 2: Administer Test Step 3: Select New Test Session Step 4: Select the test from the pull down menu Step 5: Acknowledge the Student Privacy Policy Step 6: Enter student information Step 7: Verify student information New Student to MDCPS:Create New Student Student transfers from other school: Verify and click next 42

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47 Coming Soon… Student tickets are in development Produce student list and create ticket with username and password Students will sign in from the main login screen Webinar training will be provided Updated manuals will be provided ***Do Not us students usernames & password*** Student data and secure test content could be compromised. Full administration window is delayed subject to this development. 47

48 Student Screens Student Privacy Policy Welcome message Administration script (On screen and must be read to the student) 48

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52 Administration Script Student Instructions Message: Welcome! You are here to take a Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.). It is important for you to do your best on this test because it will help to show if you are ready to take college-level coursework and which courses to place you in next year. You will be given 30 test items to answer. The test is not timed; try to answer every question. One question at a time will appear on the computer screen. Take your time to select the answer that you think is correct by clicking on the red star (*) beside that response. Then click “SUBMIT” at the bottom of the screen. Click “OK” to finalize your answer choice. Once a question has been answered, you cannot go back to it later to change your answer, so be certain and careful which item you are choosing. If you are taking the Mathematics subtest, you may use scratch paper and pencil. On certain questions, you will be allowed to use a built-in pop-up calculator. During the test, you must not talk, make any disturbance, ask for help answering a test question, or look at another student’s computer screen. You are not allowed to have any electronic or recording devices in your possession, even if you do not use them. When you have finished this test, click the “save and exit” button and raise your hand to let the proctor know that you have completed this subtest. Turn in your scratch paper to the proctor if you used any and wait for further directions. 52

53 Score Reports 53

54 Types of Reports Standard Reports Individual Score Report Placement Roster Course Roster Score Roster Demographic Information Reports Writing Response Report Custom Reports Test Unit Reports 54

55 Sample Score Report 55

56 PERT Resources Available on Florida Department of Education website http// Summary of PERT P.E.R.T. Cut-Scores Florida Statues State Board Rules in regards to P.E.R.T. PERT Frequently Asked Questions Data & Reports Additional Resources P.E.R.T. Overview Video P.E.R.T. Study Guide College and Career Readiness FAQ 56

57 Who to Contact PERT Administration Test Units Ms. Mayda Cabeza, Director I Student Assessment and Educational Testing 305-995-7520 Technical Issues/supportMcCann Associates Help Desk 1-877-614-6105 Monday 7:30am – 8:oopm Tuesday – Thursday 7:30 – 11:00pm Friday 7:30am – 5:00pm Information Regarding Courses and Placement. Curriculum and Instruction 57

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