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Statewide Networks and Postsecondary Programs Monday, October 29, 2012 10:30 – 11:45.

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Presentation on theme: "Statewide Networks and Postsecondary Programs Monday, October 29, 2012 10:30 – 11:45."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statewide Networks and Postsecondary Programs Monday, October 29, 2012 10:30 – 11:45

2 College and Career Readiness  Those that find the college access process smooth usually: 1) know exactly where they want to go 2) know how to get there 3) have the resources to pay for it  In which of these categories do homeless students fit?

3 What are Networks?  People and organizations working together to help homeless students access and complete postsecondary programs  People and organizations that understand how to advocate for populations and how to navigate the system

4 Why Are They Needed?  Current college access and success information presumes that students have supporting adults and access to resources.  Navigating the transition process into a postsecondary program is complicated and frightening and steers the most highly educated person into a dimension of ignorance.

5 Postsecondary Institutions  What do they have in common?  Entrance requirements? Y/N?  Financial aid packages?Y/N?  Housing? Y/N?  Understanding of homelessness? Y/N?  On-campus supports? Y/N?  Academic offerings and supports? Y/N?  Supportive off-campus communities? Y/N? Answers: “No” to all.

6 Do We Understand Each Other?  Most likely not  Growing need; dwindling resources  Unclear or nonexistent guidelines that address the issue of homeless education  Bottom of the list of priorities for federal, state, and district policy makers  Mired in bureaucracy, too much work for too few resources, power struggles without focus

7 We Seem Stuck!

8 What Do Networks Do?  Individualize the process  Sort through the current policies and procedures of each campus and identify challenges for homeless students  Address the amount of flexibility a campus will allow to accommodate the needs of homeless students  Inform campus gatekeepers of the needs of homeless students and hope for an understanding

9 How Are Networks Built?  Begins with NAEHCY/NCHE staff and volunteers identifying key stakeholders in each state; or, can begin with you  Connecting the district liaison, statewide coordinator, and postsecondary contacts  Training higher education staff on homeless issues, challenges faced, McKinney-Vento law, and US Department of Education guidelines  Training liaisons on higher education policy and procedures

10 Navigation Tool  Housing; Financial Aid; Academic Supports; Tutoring/Mentoring; Emergency Services: Health/Counseling; Other needs  Understanding of homeless issues:  Strong Some Possibilities None  Is it a good fit?

11 Existing Networks & Resources

12 Colorado Network Consists of stakeholders from:  Colorado Department of Education  K-12 McKinney-Vento Liaisons  Higher Education personnel from Financial Aid, Admissions, and Student Support Services Collaborates to streamline the verification process between K-12 and higher education Has established Single Points of Contact (SPOCS) in all CO colleges/universities to help eliminate barriers to higher education access

13 Colorado Network  Barriers addressed included waiving application fees, deferring housing deposits, and connecting students with community resources  In 2011 the Colorado taskforce along with the nonprofit homeless service provider Family Tree established private funding to assist UHY.  SPOCs apply for funding through Family Tree to provide student IDs, bedding, toiletry items, and other basic needs not covered by other sources

14 North Carolina Network  Includes staff from NCHE, NC Homeless Education Program, K-12, public and private universities, community colleges, RHYA program, NC State Education Assistance Authority, College Foundation of NC, etc.  Began with top-level administrators  More effective after adding members who provide direct services  Established Single Points of Contact (SPOCS) in all NC colleges/universities  Collaborated on products, publications, webinars, and conference presentations

15 North Carolina Network  Started in midst of recession  Budgets for higher ed institutions devastated  Personnel cuts  Institutional barriers within systems  Not in any organization’s scope of work  Legislative change is required to use standard forms in colleges and universities  No champion from higher ed emerged immediately

16 Overcoming Network Barriers  Getting Started  Start time may not be ideal, but keep up progress  Building relationships takes time  It’s worth investing the effort to help everyone understand the issues  Choose manageable amount of work  Keep momentum going  Small steps forward are still progress

17 NCHE Resources  Helpline: 800-308-2145 or  Website: Access to Higher Education for Students Experiencing Homelessness Scholarships Sample Forms and Materials p p

18 NAEHCY Resources National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth: NAEHCY Higher Education Helpline 1 (855) 446-2673 (toll-free) |  FAFSA Tips for Unaccompanied Youth Without Stable Housing  Helping Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Access College Financial Aid Brief Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Toolkits

19 Additional Resources Application and Verification Guide (AVG) Chapter 5 - Special Cases (p. 99-106) VG.pdf VG.pdf Recommendations for Transitioning UHY to Higher Education (Colorado) d/Homeless%20Education%202010/NEW%20CDE%20 WEB%20SITE%202010/6%20Higher%20Education/Best% 20Practices%20in%20Transitioning%20Homeless%20Yo uth%20to%20Higher%20Education%20-%206-18- 09%20JG.docx

20 State Resources  Arizona College Access Network (AZCAN) aspx aspx  Kentucky covenant. covenant  New Hampshire (  Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OK- CAN)  New York Technical Assistance Center

21 Contact Us Marcia E. Weston Membership Support and Program Services Project Manager-College and Career Readiness (E) Cyekeia Lee National Higher Education Liaison for Homeless Youth National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (P) (734)-258-8175 (E)


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