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National Association of Career and Technical Information Pre-Conference Workshop—Perkins 101 Accountability Jim Schoelkopf Perkins.

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Presentation on theme: "National Association of Career and Technical Information Pre-Conference Workshop—Perkins 101 Accountability Jim Schoelkopf Perkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Association of Career and Technical Information Pre-Conference Workshop—Perkins 101 Accountability Jim Schoelkopf Perkins 101: Accountability

2 2 Session overview This session is intended primarily for new state staff to enhance their understanding of Perkins IV accountability basics. The session will include: Collecting CTE student performance data Perkins Title I accountability requirements, and Reporting CTE student performance data

3 3 Perkins 101: Accountability Things I might need to know: Where can I get accountability information if I forget? What kinds of data do I need? Perkins Title I; Section 113 Accountability Perkins Title I; Section 123 Improvement Plans What is non-regulatory guidance? What is the FAUPL? What is the CAR? What is EDEN/EDFacts What is SLDS? What are CEDS?

4 4 Perkins 101: Where do I get information? Perkins Career Resource Network (PCRN) PCRN is a collection of on-line resources for Perkins accountability, program administration, and grant management. The site is maintained by OVAE’s Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE). Resources organized by: Legislation & Policy Guidance State Formula Grants Accountability Discretionary Programs National Initiatives


6 6 Perkins 101: Helpful resources Perkins IV Data Accountability Guide Posted electronically on PCRN This guide fulfills two purposes: Identifying requirements contained in legislation and non- regulatory guidance, and Providing suggestions and effective practices that states may use (but are not required) when managing Perkins IV accountability.

7 7 Perkins IV Data Accountability Guide Common Perkins IV Accountability Terms Student Definitions Secondary CTE Measures Postsecondary/Adult CTE Measures Perkins IV Validity and Reliability Checklists Cross Measure Issues Definitions: Race/Ethnicity, Special Populations and Other Student Categories Crosswalking Nontraditional Occupations and Programs Strategies for Identifying Nontraditional CTE Programs Annotated Resource Directory Accountability Data Guide


9 9 Perkins 101: What kinds of data do I need (ideally)? Data Elements: SLDS data identified by secure student identification (SSID) for record matching Demographic data (for disaggregation by student population) Common participant and concentrator definition Secondary CTE and ESEA performance data Postsecondary CTE performance data Transcript/course enrollment data Local CTE program courses with common course ID such as SCED or CIP code for use with secondary/postsecondary course sequence matching Follow-up/advanced education/employment data

10 10 Perkins 101: What kinds of demographic data do I need? Disaggregated student populations Gender Race and Ethnicity (following 1997 revised standards) Individuals with Disabilities (IDEA and ADA) Economically Disadvantaged, including Foster Children Single Parents Displaced Homemakers Individuals with Limited English Proficiency Migrant Students (secondary only)


12 12 Perkins 101: Title 1; Section 113 Accountability Purpose of Section 113 is to set out the Act’s accountability requirements and core indicators for performance at the secondary and postsecondary levels for all CTE students. A. A.Sub-sections in Section 113 identify the (a) purpose, (b) state performance measures and (c) reporting. B. B.Sub-section 2 Indicators of Performance identifies WHAT indicators you are being held accountable for. HOW you measure the levels of student attainment is not identified (with the exception of the secondary measures tied to ESEA).

13 13 Perkins 101: Accountability Section 113 Core Indicators of Performance SecondaryPostsecondary 1S1: Academic Attainment | Reading/ Language Arts 1P1: Technical Skill Attainment 1S2: Academic Attainment | Mathematics2P1: Credential, Certificate, or Diploma 2S1: Technical Skill Attainment3P1: Student Retention or Transfer 3S1: Secondary School Completion4P1: Student Placement 4S1: Student Graduation Rates5P1: Nontraditional Participation 5S1: Secondary Placement5P2: Nontraditional Completion 6S1: Nontraditional Participation 6S2: Nontraditional Completion

14 14 Perkins 101: What is the non-regulatory guidance? Non-regulatory Guidance (NRG) provides a suggested structure and consistency to the Perkins core indicators and accountability efforts in light of no federal regulations on the Act. On PCRN, select “Legislation & Policy Guidance” to find a link to the “Program Memorandum and Non-regulatory Guidance.”

15 15 Perkins 101: What is the FAUPL? Final Agreed-Upon Performance Level (FAUPL) The FAUPL is an agreement between the Department and the state on the student and performance definitions, measurement approaches, and performance targets for each of the core indicators. State FAUPLs are attached to your state’s July 1 grant award. State FAUPLs are also posted on PCRN. In using the FAUPL, consider: How you might negotiate CTE performance with local districts and postsecondary programs; and How you might integrate analysis of local performance data to Perkins applications.

16 16 Perkins 101: What is the FAUPL? Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9Column 10 Core Indicator Measurement Definition Measurement Approach Negotiated Baseline Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 7/1/07- 6/30/08 7/1/08- 6/30/09 7/1/09- 6/30/10 7/1/10- 6/30/11 7/1/11- 6/30/12 7/01/12 – 6/30/13 1S1 Academic Attainment in Reading - Language Arts Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who have met the proficient or advanced level on Oregon’s reading/ language arts assessment administered under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in Oregon’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, completed high school. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in reading/language arts whose scores were included in the state ’s computation of AYP and who, in the reporting year, completed high school. Statewide Assessment (Reading) B. 50.00%L. 60.00% A. 61.05% L. 60.00% A. 71.86% L. 60.00% A. L. 70.00% A. TBN Example of a FAUPL page

17 17 Perkins 101: Title 1; Section 123 Improvement Plans (a) State Program Improvement If a State fails to meet at least 90 percent of an agreed upon State adjusted level of performance for any of the core indicators of performance, the eligible agency shall develop and implement a program improvement plan. (b) Local Program Improvement If the eligible agency determines that an eligible recipient failed to meet at least 90 percent of an agreed upon local adjusted level of performance for any of the core indicators of performance, the eligible recipient shall develop and implement a program improvement plan.


19 19 Perkins 101: What is the CAR? Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) The CAR is the data reporting format for states to submit their required data to the Department. The CAR is made up of three parts: 1) program narrative, 2) accountability data—enrollment and performance, and 3) financial status reports. To view CAR narratives, enrollment data, and performance data, go to PCRN, select “Accountability” from the menu, then select “Consolidated Annual Report”. Secondary CTE student performance is reported through EDFacts.

20 20 Perkins 101: What is EDEN/EDFacts? EDEN/EDFacts is the primary student reporting system for ESEA. Secondary CTE student performance data is reported through EDFacts, not the CAR. EDFacts: Monitor consistency between your FAUPL measurement definitions and EDFacts CTE file specifications. Consult with your secondary education agency for your state’s ESEA reporting processes.

21 21 Perkins 101: What is SLDS? State Longitudinal Data Systems Sometimes referred to as P20/W or maybe a local state name Intended to enhance the ability of states to manage, analyze, and use educational data, including individual student records Can facilitate research to increase student achievement and close achievement gaps 41 states and the District of Columbia have received grants

22 22 Perkins 101: What are CEDS? Common Education Data Standards A P20/W initiative to increase consistence of data Provides consistent definitions Adoption of CEDS is voluntary, but gaining in adoption momentum V2 (current version) expands standards for post-secondary education and updates CTE data references V3 will include suggestions for workforce and adult education data standards


24 24 Perkins 101: Helpful resources (continued) Data Quality Institute (DQI) OVAE’s Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE) sponsors annual data quality institutes (DQI's) to help states develop and implement Perkins IV data systems that yield valid, reliable, and complete data on students who enroll in career and technical education programs. June 6–7, 2012: Virtual DQI with a focus on SLDS, CTE and Workforce data. Watch PCRN for V-DQI information. Next Steps Work Group (NSWG) DATE, in collaboration with contractors at MPR Associates, Inc., hosts quarterly NSWG conference calls for state CTE directors, accountability staff, and others to discuss issues related to Perkins IV accountability and program improvement. See PCRN for the schedule of NSWG calls.

25 25 Perkins 101: Helpful resources (continued) Data Quality Campaign (DQC) The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) is a national, collaborative effort to encourage and support state policymakers to improve the availability and use of high-quality education data to improve student achievement. Workforce Data Quality Campaign (WDQC) The National Skills Coalition is collaborating with the DQC to extend the P-20 data continuum to include connections to workforce data and alignment with labor market data. issues/wdqc/wdqc_2011-11.pdf


27 27 Perkins 101: Accountability Jim Schoelkopf MPR Associates, Inc. | 1618 SW First Avenue, #300 Portland OR 97201 | 503-222-5467 x403 Questions?

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