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Creating Career Pathways Kate Daly & Teri Barnett NCTN, Rhode Island November, 2014.

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1 Creating Career Pathways Kate Daly & Teri Barnett NCTN, Rhode Island November, 2014

2 What is PluggedInVA? PluggedInVA is a career pathways program that prepares adult learners with the knowledge, skills, and credentials they need to succeed in postsecondary education, training, and high-demand, high-wage careers in the 21st century.

3 The Beginning A challenge from Aneesh Chopra An innovative plan to streamline education and training to prepare low-skilled adults to succeed in entry-level jobs in information technology From an idea to fruition in 12 months

4 A Very Brief History of PluggedInVA 2008: PluggedInVA development at VCU’s Literacy Institute 2009: First PluggedInVA pilot began in Feb. in Southwest Virginia in Information Technology 2011-12: Expansion to 2 additional sites 2014: Line item in the VA Governor’s budget – 12 locations across VA 2013: Development of models to expand to lower skill levels: – PluggedInVA Workforce (5 th – 8 th grade) – PluggedInVA Pathways (literacy – 4 th grade)

5 Key Elements 1.Industry-specific contextualized curriculum 2.Co-enrollment at a postsecondary institution 3.Industry-recognized credentials or certificates 4.Career Coaching 5.Active Business Participation 6.Capstone project

6 College & Career Readiness Outcomes GEDBasic Skills Transferrable Postsecondary Credits Digital Literacy Certification Career Readiness Certificate Industry Certifications

7 How does PIVA fill the gaps in education and workforce readiness?

8 Postsecondary education: skills gap “Remediation: Higher Education’s Bridge to Nowhere”. 2012.

9 Remedial students much less likely to graduate 62% Complete Remediation 22.3% Complete Remediation and associated college- level courses in two years 9.5% Graduate within 3 years “Remediation: Higher Education’s Bridge to Nowhere”. 2012.

10 Workforce readiness skills gap: American Manager’s Association, Critical Skills Survey, 2010 Ranking of 5 most important skills/knowledge for employment 1.Critical Thinking / Problem- Solving 2.Information Technology Application 3.Teamwork / Collaboration 4.Creativity / Innovation 5.Diversity

11 PluggedInVA as an Organizing Program Has all the elements Business driven and sector based Partner-based development, funding, and delivery Outcomes – caveat: jobs Data and evaluation Flexible, expandable, sustainable Total product from soup to nuts Attention and cache The right people

12 Partnerships Make it Work! Adult Education Postsecondary Institutions Employers Workforce Development

13 Adult Education Local and state level support Contextualized basic skills Curriculum frameworks Teacher training Technical assistance Resources

14 Postsecondary Co-enrollment Instructor collaboration Career coaches Financial aid Customized courses and certificate programs

15 Workforce partners – Workforce Investment Boards, One-Stops, VEC Referrals Eligibility Wrap around services Funding Employers Curriculum design Job experience opportunities Employment

16 Overall Framework

17 PluggedInVA Curriculum Aligns with – Secondary completion – College readiness – Workplace readiness – Assessments

18 PluggedInVA Curriculum, cont’d Assessments – VPT (Virginia Placement Test) – CRC (Career Readiness Certificate) – GED2014 – Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate – Industry-recognized credentials


20 IC3NCCERHIPAA CEHRSOSHA SafetyCPR & First Aid CNAMedication AdministrationPharmacy Technology Refrigeration RecoveryOSHA 10Welding PhlebotomyHVACMachining Electronic Medical RecordsElectricity Dental Assisting/X-ray Information Technology Manufacturing Technician Construction/WeatherizationEntrepreneurship Electrician HelperCustomer Care Software Quality AssuranceElectronic Medical Records PhlebotomyHVAC CNC (machining)Welding Customer CarePhlebotomy Industrial Maintenance

21 Outcomes Number2009-122012-132013-14Totals Cohorts Completed16131443 Students Completing Cohorts211144120475 Percentage2009-122012-132013-14 GED Attainment90% 100%97.5% Industry-recognized credentials/career studies certificates 100% Career Readiness Certificates88%96%90%92% Digital Literacy Certificates100% 98%99.3%

22 Outcomes Through FY2012-13, 70% of completers continued with at least one additional semester at the community college level—4 times the rate of general adult education students. 47% of students enrolled in 2012-13 gained or retained employment by September 1, 2013. State funding in 2012-13 more than doubled enrollment from the previous year. PluggedInVA cohorts are operating in 12 adult education regions in Virginia.


24 PluggedInVA Success Stories “ No one had ever taken interest in me before…PluggedInVA gave me the opportunity to become something I wasn’t; it gave me a life and a reason to live.” Patricia Sirles

25 “I have been out of school for over thirty-one years, and I am amazed at how much fun I am having learning new skills. I always wanted to return to school but was afraid I couldn’t handle it. PluggedInVA has given me a chance to see that I can do whatever I want in life. One little phone call has made a lifetime of difference for me.”- Debi Matney

26 Expanding the Pipeline from Literacy to Careers Pathways Workforce Careers

27 PluggedInVA Pathways Goals and outcomes – Increased Educational Functioning Levels (EFL) – Digital Literacy Certificate (North Star) – Badges for Professional Soft Skills & Workplace Skills – Employment or entrance into job training Targeted to literacy through 4 th grade Focus on basic skills in workplace contexts Computer literacy instruction Job search techniques Professional soft skills Critical skills instruction (i.e., ethics, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving, and communication) One-on-one tutoring

28 PluggedInVa Workforce Goals and outcomes – Pre-GED© Preparation – CRC Preparation – Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate – Completion of Professional Soft Skills training – Industry-recognized credential (s) – Job experience Targeted to the 5 th to 8 th grade basic skill level Focus on basic skills in workplace contexts, job readiness, and career exploration – May be adapted to be industry-specific with employer partners Intensive instruction (12+ hours/week + occupational)

29 PluggedInVA Careers Targeted to 9 th through 12 th grade basic skill levels Industry-specific contextualized instruction Co-enrollment at the adult education center and the postsecondary institution Explicit professional soft skills training ~20 hours / week instruction Goals and outcomes – GED© credential – Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) – Microsoft Digital Literacy certificate – Industry-recognized credential (s) – Job experience – Transferable college credits

30 Questions

31 Creating Career Pathways TAACCCT Rounds 2 & 3 Convening November, 2014

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