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Secondary Transition: Moving from High School to Post-School Options 2013-2014 The State Education Resource Center & The Connecticut State Department of Education SERC 2013-2014
What is Secondary Transition Planning? Transition Planning assists a student and his/her family in “creating a vision” of what life will look like in the future— SERC 2013-2014
“What do I want to do when I leave high school?” SERC 2013-2014
While the Student is STILL in High School the Parent/Family Can: Help students to understand how their disability impacts them in school, work and social settings Help students to learn how to use and ask for a range of accommodations, effective learning strategies and assistive technology Expose students to a range of opportunities beyond high school Involve students in their PPT meetings Foster independent decision-making and self- advocacy skills SERC 2013-2014
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Guideposts for Success Family involvement and supports – All youth need parents, families, and other caring adults who do the following: Have high expectations Remain involved in their lives Have access to information about employment, further education, community resources Take an active role in transition planning with schools & community partners Have access to medical, professional, and peer support networks SERC 2013-2014
How Can Students Help in Preparing for Transition Record long-term goals and what you need to do to reach them Read your IEP and transition services and decide if the plan is being implemented Tell your teachers & family that you want to lead your own PPT meeting and ask them to help you learn what to do Learn about your civil rights under the law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act SERC 2013-2014
Learn about your disability, how to explain to people your strengths, and how to ask for reasonable accommodations Practice job interviews and/or asking for accommodations Talk to your doctor and parents about your health care needs so you will be ready to take responsibility for them Research career choices Transition Planning: A Team Effort. Sharon H. deFur. A publication of the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities. 1999 SERC 2013-2014
http://www.onetonline. org/
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – IDEA (PL 108-446) Transition Services MUST be: “Coordinated” Set of Activities Results-Oriented Process Movement from School to Post-School Activities (integrated and inclusive) SERC 2013-2014
Transition Services – IDEA §300.320(b) Beginning not later than the first Individualized Education Program (IEP) to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger Updated annually, thereafter IEP must include – Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments Related to postsecondary education or training, employment, and if appropriate, independent living skills (OSEP- Office of Special Education Programs, 2007) Transition services (including courses of study) needed to assist child in reaching postsecondary goals SERC 2013-2014
CT Core Transition Skills A. Assist with the development of his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). B. Attend, participate in and/or facilitate his/her Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting. C. Demonstrate and accept responsibility for his/her independence and activities of daily living. D. Demonstrate skills needed to access appropriate transportation (both public and private). SERC 2013-2014
CT Core Transition Skills E. Explain his/her disability relative to individual strengths, needs, preferences and interests. F. Identify and ask for accommodations necessary to ensure equal access and full participation in post- school education and/or employment settings. G. Describe his/her rights and responsibilities under disability legislation (e.g., IDEA, 504, ADA). H. Demonstrate skills to access appropriate healthcare to meet his/her individual needs. SERC 2013-2014
CT Core Transition Skills I. Demonstrate skills to access community resources and participate in the community with and without support (recognizing the need for interdependence). J. Demonstrate skills to access appropriate employment to meet his/her individual needs. K. Demonstrate skills to access appropriate postsecondary education, training, or lifelong learning opportunities to meet his/her individual needs. L. appropriate social interactions and skills to develop and maintain meaningful relationships. SERC 2013-2014
B. “Attend, participate in and/or facilitate his/her Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting.” How Does/Can your student work on this goal? SERC 2013-2014
To: Former high school students with disabilities When: 1 year after graduation and/or exiting high school What: Post-School Outcomes Survey Please Respond Promptly SERC 2013-2014
Reviewing the CT Individualized Education Program Revised December 2006 February 2009 October 2010 September 2012 January 2013 SERC 2013-2014
IEPs MUST: Be a “student-focused” process SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 1.Student/Parents informed about secondary transition/IEP transition planning (e.g., Building a Bridge, IEP Manual) 2.Reason for Meeting: “Transition Planning” (IEP, Pg. 1, PPT Cover Page) 3.Student/Parent Input and Concerns (Pg. 4/Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) 4.Present Levels of Performance (PLOP): (Pgs. 4 & 5) – All areas should be viewed through a “transition lens” – What are the implications for each of the areas listed on pgs. 4 & 5 of the IEP with regard to a student’s transition planning? Use with Current IEP Manual SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 5.Present Levels of Performance (PLOP): (Pgs. 4 & 5) – MUST be Annual Goal for any area with information under “Needs & Concerns” – Conversely, since there MUST be at least 2 transition Annual Goals, there MUST be information under “Needs & Concerns” for the Vocation/Transition row. 6.PLOP: Vocation/Transition row MUST include transition assessment results and plain-language statement of current performance/skill level in column 1 (Pg. 5). Areas of “Needs and Concerns” Must also be filled in. 7.Age-Appropriate box: (PLOP- Pgs. 4 & 5) – If this box is checked, please elaborate in the IEP regarding what is meant by “age- appropriate” for that category – What is “age-appropriate” to one person may not be “age-appropriate” to another person working with the same student. Please clarify. SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 8.Student is 16 or older and transition planning is required (Pg. 6, #1) – Second box MUST be checked for any IEP in which the student has transition goals/objectives – regardless of age of student. 9.Student invited to PPT (Pg. 6, #2) – Response MUST BE “YES” and invitation documenting that student was invited must be included in student file. 10.Name and date(s) of transition assessment(s) completed prior to PPT, since last annual review: (Pg. 6, #3) _____________RESOURCE: ment_Manual.pdf ment_Manual.pdf 11.Agency Participation (Pg. 6, #4a): Outside/participating agency involvement MUST BE considered. If no agency is invited to PPT: select “No, not appropriate” or “No, written consent not provided.” DO NOT select “No, no outside agency was invited.” SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 12.Attach signed consent forms to IEP: (1) invite outside agency/ exchange information & (2) release records. 13.Agency Participation (Pg. 6, #4a): Adult service agency representative (such as BRS, DDS, BESB) invited to transition PPT (if appropriate) in addition to any other outside/participating agencies or professional. 14.Agency Participation (Pg. 6, #4c): Identify services/linkages (e.g., websites, information) provided by outside agency. 15.Post-School Outcome Goal Statements (PSOGS) (Pg. 6, #5a-c): Written in terms of what student will be doing after graduation. Postsecondary Education/Training and Employment PSOGSs are required. Independent Living Skills PSOGS optional but HIGHLY recommended for MOST students. RESOURCES: Topic Brief on frequently asked questions & Topic Brief on Examples of Post- School Outcome Goals SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 16.Post-School Outcome Goal Statements (PSOGS) (Pg. 6, #5a - c): Postsecondary Education/Training PSOGS must address education, training or life-long learning. Employment PSOGS must address employment or career path. If appropriate, Independent Living Skills PSOGS must address independent living skills. Combination PSOGS Statements that address multiple areas are also appropriate but must be written for each PSOGS area. 17.Course of Study (Pg. 6, #6): Identify courses/activities related to PSOGSs in which student is participating. 18.Transfer of rights (Pg. 6, #7): Options discussed at annual review PPT for students age 17+ (i.e., signed written consent from student for parent to participate, Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Conservatorship). At age 18, transfer of rights documentation MUST BE included in student’s IEP file. SERC 2013-2014
Secondary Transition Planning IEP Checklist 19.Summary of Performance (SOP) (Pg. 6, #8): Specify date anticipated to provide SOP to student. 20.Annual Goals/Objectives (Pg. 7): Transition goals and objectives aligned with PSOGSs. One page 7 MUST address Postsecondary Education/Training and one page 7 MUST address Employment/Career. And if there is a PSOGS in Independent Living Skills, one page 7 MUST address that area as well. 21.Annual Goals/Objectives (Pg. 7): Check appropriate box at top of page 7. More than one box may be checked at the top of page 7, but only ONE transition box may be checked per page (i.e., Postsecondary Education/Training or Employment or Independent Living Skills). Employment and Communication may be checked, for example, but not Employment and Postsecondary Education/Training. SERC 2013-2014
Transition Planning Career/Employment Recreation and Leisure Self-Determination Self-Advocacy Postsecondary Education/Training Health Daily Living Community Participation Communication Interpersonal Relationships SERC 2013-2014
Additional Transition Considerations Transition assessment and career planning for a student with an IEP, whenever possible, should occur in the community and must include activities and services that go beyond what any student would receive through general education (e.g., career interest inventory or college selection information provided via school counselor or career center). Programming for students 18-21 years-old, receiving transition/vocational services should be community based. SERC 2013-2014
2006 Final IDEA Regulations A public agency must provide a summary of student’s academic achievement and functional performance. This summary should include recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his/her postsecondary goals. Summary of Performance – (SOP) SERC 2013-2014
Purpose of the SOP Assist the student in the transition from high school to higher education, training, and/or employment Determine the current impact of the disability Help establish a student’s eligibility for reasonable accommodations and supports in postsecondary settings Enhance student’s self-knowledge and self- advocacy skills SERC 2013-2014
Student Perspective “When I was asked to help my IEP Team write my own SOP, I was amazed at how much I knew about myself and how much I didn’t... I had to be brutally honest with myself when critiquing my strengths and weaknesses, because this would be the document that would help or hinder me from receiving adequate technology in the future... I found myself really thinking about what I, as a future student without the advocacy of my high school teachers, would need to be independent.” Olivia Walter Kochhar-Bryant & Izzo (2006) SERC 2013-2014
IDEA - CT IEP Forms Transition Planning Agency participation IEP Team / PPT – §300.321(b)(3) With the consent of the parents or a child who has reached the age of majority,... the public agency must invite a representative of any participating agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services. SERC 2013-2014
Entitlement vs. Eligibility SERC 2013-2014
CT State Agencies – The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) BRS is committed to assisting students to facilitate the transition from school to work. It is important for school personnel, students and families to understand the role BRS counselors can play during the student’s school career: Determining student eligibility, initiating and completing the referral process prior to graduation; Getting to know the student and family so they are comfortable in maintaining a relationship with the BRS counselor after graduation; Participating in the IEP Team meeting during the last several years of high school to assist in developing appropriate transition goals and objectives; Consulting with staff, families and the students on approaches that promote employment experiences while the student is still in school; SERC 2013-2014
CT State Agencies – BRS Consulting on curricula that will assist the student to prepare for employment, postsecondary education or training and independent living; Assisting the student and family to become familiar with, plan for and access needed adult service programs; Referring the student and family to advocacy organizations which can assist them to effectively advocate for needed services; and Developing an Employment Plan that specifies what services and supports BRS will provide directly upon graduation from high school and in some instances in conjunction with the school system prior to graduation. SERC 2013-2014
CT State Agencies – Department of Developmental Services (DDS) : In order to ensure a smooth and successful transition, DDS must have a clear understanding of the student’s needs, at least two years prior to the end of their educational program. Eligibility Requirements: Be a resident of Connecticut Demonstrate Intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits concurrently, which are present & occurred prior to the age of 18 Score 69 or lower on IQ tests or Provide a medical diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome Be enrolled in the adult “Fee-for-Service/Straight” Title 19 Medicaid ***. This will also qualify them for DDS case management services SERC 2013-2014
CT State Agencies – Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) Their mission is to provide quality educational and rehabilitative services to all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired at no cost to our clients or their families. Braille instruction, Independent living and social development training, Provision of adaptive technology and textbooks, Transition from school to work services, Mentoring programs, and Consultation services to local school districts. SERC 2013-2014
CT State Agencies-Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) –Young Adult Services (YAS) DMHAS promotes and administers comprehensive, recovery- oriented services in the areas of mental health treatment and substance abuse prevention and treatment throughout Connecticut. YAS provides specialized age and developmentally appropriate supports for young people, many of whom are transitioning out of the DCF system of care, and are diagnosed with a major mental illness. Referred between the Ages 18 – 21 (may be referred at 16) Services: Assist clients to develop viable and durable social support systems. Assist clients in the early phases of employment. Foster independent living and social skills. Providing continuity of care by not unilaterally rejecting or ejecting clients from our programs. SERC 2013-2014
Other Outside/Participating Agencies Postsecondary education Vocational education Integrated competitive employment (including supported employment) Independent living Community participation Advocacy Organization Representative Assistive Technology Representative Employer Religious Community Member Therapists SERC 2013-2014
Connecticut Initiatives Student Success Plan (SSP) – Alignment with individualized plans for students with disabilities Common Core State Standards – Evolving transition standards SERC 2013-2014
The SSP Tool Kit 334064 Mission & Overview Individualized student-centered plan that engages every student based on their unique interests and strengths helping them to understand the relevancy of education to achieve postsecondary educational and career goals
Alignment of SSP with Other Individualized Plans SSP can not replace other individualized plans (e.g., IEP, 504, IHP) Other plans are legal documents Students with disabilities/medical conditions must be included in the general education SSP process Integrated process between all students and adults SERC 2013-2014
Alignment of SSP with Other Individualized Plans SSP and individual plans can inform the development of each other SSP must be aligned with individualized plans All plans should be student driven and include ongoing input from parents and professionals SERC 2013-2014
A Portrait of College and Career Ready Students They demonstrate independence. They comprehend as well as critique. They value evidence. They respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They build strong content knowledge. They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. They come to understand other perspectives and cultures. Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, 2010 SERC 2013-2014
Transition Resources Publications Building a Bridge Transition Resource Manual Transition Assessment Resource Manual Web-based Resources Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center - State Department of Education http://www.ctserc.org - SERC State Education Resource Center NSTTAC – National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center Indicator #13 -- PACER CENTER: Champions for Children with Disabilities SERC 2013-2014
Parent/Student resources SERC LIBRARY, Offers more than 10,000 resources, Special Education
For Additional Information Please Contact: Patricia L. Anderson, Ph.D., CT State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, (860) 713-6923 Sally Esposito, (860) 632-1485 ext. Veronica Marion, CT Parent Information and Resource Center,, (860) 632-1485 ext. 391 Beth Reel, CT Parent Advocacy Center, Missy Wrigley, (860) 632-1485 ext. Lois Eldridge, 860-434-4800 ext. SERC 2013-2014
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