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Central Southern Tier RAEN July 17, 2012.  Goal Setting Targets are removed from Report Card and Program Evaluation Reports 10 points.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Southern Tier RAEN July 17, 2012.  Goal Setting Targets are removed from Report Card and Program Evaluation Reports 10 points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Southern Tier RAEN July 17, 2012

2  Goal Setting Targets are removed from Report Card and Program Evaluation Reports 10 points

3  Intake process will be a critical element in determining a student’s demographic data and subsequently the student’s goals  Employment status ◦ Employed ◦ Unemployed and Available ◦ Not in the Labor Force **


5  Completed for every student  Form is added to student’s folder  Programs may add more fields or more information to the back side of the ISRF

6  Information from ISRF is entered into ASISTS  Goals will be set automatically in ASISTS  Data Check Reports will identify students with employment goals ◦ Obtain a Job ◦ Retain Employment




10  Students who are Unemployed and Available for Work ◦ Goal: Obtain a Job  Students who are Employed at time of entry ◦ Goal: Retain Employment  Students who are Not In the Labor Force ◦ Goal: NO Employment Goals

11  In 2008 ◦ Not in Labor Force = 17%  In 2011 ◦ Not in Labor Force = 40%  Programs that increase more than 10% from FY11/12 to FY12/13 will be identified


13  Students who are enrolled in GED® preparation classes (will be coded accordingly)  Goal: Obtain the GED®

14  Programs too small to afford separate level classrooms

15 Class Meets at Same Time Same Students Same Teacher Code as ABECode as GEDTwo Rosters

16  Programs will need to code a class specifically to enroll ESL students who are preparing to take the Spanish GED®

17 Class Meets at Same Time Same Students Same Teacher Code as ESLCode as GEDTwo Rosters

18  Students who take and pass the current GED®  Goal: Enter Postsecondary Education or Training

19  Students who are enrolled in college transition classes or “bridge” classes  Goal: Enter Postsecondary Education or Training

20  Students who have: ◦ Earned a secondary credential while enrolled ◦ Hold a secondary credential at entry (US or foreign) ◦ Enrolled in a class specifically designed for transitioning to community college  Goal: Enter Postsecondary Education or Training

21  Students with a secondary credential from a foreign country (e.g., an ESL student)  Goal: Must be included in the tracking cohort for entrance into postsecondary education or training  Q: Is a student with a secondary credential from a foreign country (e.g., an ESL student) included in the cohort for postsecondary education?  A: Yes, students with secondary credentials earned in other countries must be included in the tracking cohort for entrance into postsecondary education.

22 NOTE:  ESL Students will no longer have the option of choosing the goal of “Enter Training”  All “Enter Training” Goals and Outcomes are Postsecondary  ESL Students with High School Credential will automatically be in cohort with goal of “Enter Postsecondary Education or Training”

23 Changes & Implications

24  Employment (Goal of “Obtain a Job”)  Data for employment outcomes in FY12/13  Mixed reporting of cohorts ◦ Some when goals were selected by program/student ◦ Based on when they exit ◦ Some with automatic goals

25 Quarter 2 FY12 Quarter 3 FY12 Quarter 4 FY12 Quarter 1 FY13 1 st Year Under New Rules FY12/13 Employment Outcomes

26  Retention  Data for Retention outcomes in FY12/13  None of the data in Year 1 of the NRS changes for Retention of Employment will be from automatic goal cohorts

27 Quarter 4 FY11 Quarter 1 FY12 Quarter 2 FY12 Quarter 3 FY12 1 st Full Year Under New Rules FY12/13 Retain Employment Outcomes

28  Reporting will be on the new cohort of students with goals set automatically in ASISTS  OVAE has agreed that we may choose to Randomly Sample our state data  Programs will follow up on less students than they do currently  ASISTS will generate Quarterly Reports with the names of students to be surveyed

29  The design of a Random Sample:  New York will be responsible for reporting the outcomes on 1085 students in each employment cohort  1085 students with the goal of Obtain a Job who have exited  1085 students with the goal of Retain Employment

30 Sally Sitsalot Joe Smith Amy Brown Sample Program 3 Students 70% Response

31  Exiting students  New Top Priority  When students have not attended for more than 90 days  They MUST be formally Exited out of ASISTS  Should they return, they can be re-activated by enrolling in a class

32  Coding GED Prep Classes  Should include ONLY students who are Eligible to sit for the Current GED®  All students enrolled in these classes will be automatically given the goal of “Obtain the GED®”  OPT score to be recorded for each student in these classes prior to referral to a testing site

33  When Students take the current GED® exam ◦ All 5 content scores must be entered into ASISTS  GED® pass rate will be calculated for the program based on this information

34  ASISTS will be posting the NYSED Quarterly GED® exam results for each agency  Programs must reconcile those reports!

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