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Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development YOUTH & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development YOUTH & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development YOUTH & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT

2 1983A Nation at Risk 1987Workforce 2000 1988The Forgotten Half 1990America’s Choice: High Skills or Low Wages! 1991Report of the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Five Reports Dealing with Youth & Workforce Development

3 Three Categories Defined by the Five Major Reports Skills and the Measurement of Skills Enhancing the Connection between School and Work Enhancing the Transition to Postsecondary and Work

4 Improved academic skills for production workers Strengthened SCANS skills A greater emphasis on standards Skills and the Measurement of Skills

5 Innovative teaching, including the integration of academic and vocational instruction and work-based learning Participation of many institutions, including employers, in education Enhancing the Connection between School and Work

6 Making pathways into particular occupations more transparent (relevant to the entire labor force) Facilitation of the transition of the students not traditionally headed for college to postsecondary education Continued emphasis on second-chance efforts to help young people continue their education or find employment. Enhancing the Transition to Postsecondary and Work

7 Carl Perkins Act 1990 School to Work Opportunities Act 1994 Goals 2000, Educate America Act 1994 Workforce Investment Act 1998 Workforce Development Strategies Incorporated into Federal Legislation

8 Perkins * STWOA * GOALS * WIA * 1234567812345678 Workforce Development Strategies Incorporated into Federal Legislation





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