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126th Annual Meeting and Conference December 9, 2011 Discussion of Significant Findings and Aggregate Data Based on the Results of the Endicott College.

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Presentation on theme: "126th Annual Meeting and Conference December 9, 2011 Discussion of Significant Findings and Aggregate Data Based on the Results of the Endicott College."— Presentation transcript:

1 126th Annual Meeting and Conference December 9, 2011 Discussion of Significant Findings and Aggregate Data Based on the Results of the Endicott College Surveys for CPS High Schools 10:30 a.m. Venetian Room 1

2 Peter Hart, Executive Director Endicott College Research Center 2

3 Endicott Research Center CPSS – Commission on Public Secondary Schools CAISA / CIS – Commission on American International Schools Abroad / Council of International Schools (Madrid) Web page: – FAQ’s, Sample Reports, Aggregate data available, this presentation Other ERC work: School Performance Survey, Institutional Research, Custom Surveys, Economic Impact Statement 3

4 Over an eight-year period (2003/04 – 2010/11), we have surveyed: 517 CPSS schools 334,338Students 35,070 Teachers and professional staff 81,327 Parents 4

5 In This Session Brief overview of the CPSS Surveys Demographic data Highs (responses over 85% in agreement) Lows (responses under 50% in agreement) Trends (results moving in the same direction for eight years where applicable) Questions / Remarks / Recommendations – Slide numbers included so we can go back 5

6 Brief Overview - CPSS Surveys ~60 Public Secondary Schools per year Survey questions developed from the CPSS Standards and reviewed each year Administered Online or Paper or Both Dedicated Database Server for data collection Students, Professional Staff and Parents Data analysis, Final Report, Aggregate Report Cost 6

7 CPSS Surveys – 2011 Standards Student Survey – 67 questions Parent Survey – 58 questions Professional Staff – 78 questions – (Teachers, Administration, Non-teaching Professionals) Questions on Paper and Online are identical Some questions worded so that gaps may be revealed Now in the third year 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 In This Session Brief overview of the CPSS Surveys Demographic data Highs (responses over 85% in agreement) Lows (responses under 50% in agreement) Trends (results moving in the same direction for eight years where applicable) Questions / Remarks / Recommendations – Slide numbers included so we can go back 11

12 Student Demographic Data Grade Level 2007/082009/102010/11 Grade 9 26.0%25.5%26.2% Grade 10 25.4%24.7%25.7% Grade 11 24.1%25.3%23.1% Grade 12 21.4%22.8%21.4% 12

13 Student Demographic Data Gender 2007/08 2009/102010/11 Male49.3%49.8%48.8% Female50.7%50.2%51.2% 13

14 Professional Staff Demographic Data Years Teaching # of Years 2003/042004/052005/062006/072007/08 <1-527.3%24.7%25.9%24.9%25.5% 6-1527.4%29.5%32.7%34.9%38.7% 16+45.3%45.8%41.4%40.2%35.8% 14 # of Years 2008/09 2009/102010/11 <1-523.2%37.0%20.2% 6-1539.0%31.9%43.3% 16+37.8%31.1%36.5%

15 Professional Staff Demographic Data Highest Degree Highest Degree 2003/042009/102010/11 Bachelor30.4%29.3%24.4% Master25.5%24.8%28.1% Master+41.5%43.4%45.3% Doctorate2.6%2.4%2.2% 15

16 Professional Staff Demographic Data Gender 2003/042009/102010/11 Male41.1%38.8%36.4% Female58.9%61.2%63.6% 16

17 Parents Demographic Data Number of Children in School # of children2003/042009/102010/11 1 45.1%51.7%52.0% 2 37.3%33.4%32.6% 3 13.0%10.4%11.4% 4 3.4%3.0% >4 1.2%1.5%1.0% 17

18 Parents Demographic Data Highest Level of Education Highest Degree 2003/042009/102010/11 High School35.8%32.5%24.5% Associate14.9%12.5%11.1% Bachelor27.8%30.5%29.7% Master17.3%19.2%22.1% Doctorate4.2%5.3%7.3% 18

19 In This Session Brief overview of the CPSS Surveys Demographic data Highs (responses over 85% in agreement) Lows (responses under 50% in agreement) Trends (results moving in the same direction for eight years where applicable) Questions / Remarks / Recommendations – Slide numbers included so we can go back 19

20 “Teachers examine student work to improve their instructional practices.” Standard 3: Instruction 2009/102010/11 Staff85.4%61.3% 20 “Teachers have formal opportunities to examine student work to improve their instructional practices.” Changed in 2010

21 “Teachers maintain expertise in their content area and in content-specific instructional practices.” Standard 3: Instruction 2009/102010/11 Staff 89.2%91.1% 21 “My son’s/daughter’s teachers maintain expertise in their subject areas. 2009/102010/11 Parents 69.8%73.0%

22 “Teachers support students in assuming responsibility for their learning.” Standard 5: School Culture and Leadership 2009/102010/11 Staff 89.3%90.7% 22 “The school encourages students to take responsibility for their learning.” 2009/102010/11 Parents 84.5%89.9%

23 Highs - Recap Staff: 3 Parents: 0 Students: 0 23

24 In This Session Brief overview of the CPSS Surveys Demographic data Highs (responses over 85% in agreement) Lows (responses under 50% in agreement) Trends (results moving in the same direction for eight years where applicable) Questions / Remarks / Recommendations – Slide numbers included so we can go back 24

25 “My teachers include topics from other subject areas in my courses.” Standard 2: Curriculum 2009/102010/2011 Students 49.9%51.0% 25

26 “My school provides opportunities for learning off-campus (e.g. field trips, internships, job shadowing, college courses, etc.)” Standard 2: Curriculum 2009/102010/2011 Students 46.2%45.0% 26

27 “The curriculum emphasizes cross- disciplinary learning.” Standard 2: Curriculum 2009/102010/2011 Staff 46.5%44.2% 27

28 “Co-curricular programs are adequately funded.” Standard 2: Curriculum 2009/102010/2011 Staff 34.0%33.1% 28 2009/102010/2011 Parents 40.1%38.4%

29 “Teachers have sufficient time to be engaged in formal curriculum evaluation, review and revision work.” Standard 2: Curriculum 2009/102010/2011 Staff 33.3%38.8% 29

30 “My teachers personalize my instruction.” Standard 3: Instruction 2009/102010/2011 Students 37.7%39.2% 30 2009/102010/2011 Staff 79.4%81.6% “Teachers personalize instruction to support the achievement of the school’s learning expectations.”

31 “My teachers spend one-on-one time with me.” Standard 3: Instruction 2009/102010/2011 Students 41.8%44.4% 31

32 “My teachers ask for my ideas/opinions to improve how they teach.” Standard 3: Instruction 2009/102010/2011 Students 38.5%39.7% 32 2009/102010/2011 Parents 19.1%21.8% “My son’s/daughter’s teachers have asked me for feedback about their instructional practices.

33 “I use the school-wide analytic rubrics when assessing student work.” Standard 4: Assessment Of and For Student Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 38.2%35.0% 33

34 “Students respect teachers.” Standard 5: School Culture and Leadership 2009/102010/2011 Students 45.1%49.0% 34

35 “Students respect one another.” Standard 5: School Culture and Leadership 2009/102010/2011 Students 37.0%40.3% 35

36 “My school has a program which provides me with an adult in school, in addition to my guidance counselor, with whom I meet regularly and who knows me well.” Standard 5: School Culture and Leadership 2009/102010/2011 Students 36.3%45.5% 36

37 “Students have input in important decisions made at my school.” Standard 5: School Culture and Leadership 2009/102010/2011 Students 42.2%42.0% 37

38 “The school has timely and coordinated intervention strategies for all students, including at-risk students.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Parents 48.9%53.5% 38

39 “I meet with my school counselor regularly.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Students 25.6%26.1% 39 2009/102010/2011 Parents 43.1%45.6% “The school counseling personnel meet regularly with my son/daughter to discuss personal, academic, career and college topics/planning.”

40 “We use the library often during classes.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Students 28.7%31.6% 40

41 “The library/information services program has an adequate number of certified/licensed personnel and support staff.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Parents 48.2%52.3% 41

42 “My son/daughter uses the library/media center’s resources on a regular basis.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Parents 46.1%50.4% 42

43 “The support services program has an adequate number of certified/licensed personnel and support staff for identified students, including special education, 504 and English language learners.” Standard 6: School Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Parents 45.8%47.9% 43

44 “The community and the district’s governing body provide dependable funding for a wide range of programs and services.” Standard 7: Community Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 41.5%39.6% 44 2009/102010/2011 Parents 48.4%45.5% “My community provides dependable funding for programs and services.”

45 “The community and the district’s governing body provide dependable funding for professional and support staff.” Standard 7: Community Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 41.4%39.2% 45 2009/102010/2011 Parents 51.1%48.6% “My community provides dependable funding for staffing (building administrators, teachers and support staff).

46 “The community and the district’s governing body provide dependable funding for instructional materials and supplies.” Standard 7: Community Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 43.2%42.4% 46

47 “I have input into the development of the school budget.” Standard 7: Community Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 27.0%26.2% 47

48 “The school has a long-range plan to address facilities, future programs, services, staffing levels, and capital improvements.” Standard 7: Community Resources for Learning 2009/102010/2011 Staff 43.6%42.2% 48

49 Low’s Recap Staff: 10 Parents: 9 Students: 11 49

50 In This Session Brief overview of the CPSS Surveys Demographic data Highs (responses over 85% in agreement) Lows (responses under 50% in agreement) Trends (results moving in the same direction for eight years where applicable) Questions / Remarks / Recommendations – Slide numbers included so we can go back 50

51 “The school’s Mission Statement embodies what the community values and believes about student learning.” Old Standard 1: Mission 51 “The school’s core values and beliefs represent what the community values about student learning.” 2009/10: 68.1%, 2010/11: 72.7%

52 “I know the civic expectations that the school has for my child.” Standard 1: Mission 52 “The school’s learning expectations (academic, social and civic) are challenging.” 2009-10: 71.1%, 2010/11: 75.3%

53 “I use school-wide rubrics in assessing student work.” Standard 1: Mission 53 I use the school-wide analytic rubrics when assessing student work.” 2009-10: 38.2%, 2010/11: 35.0%

54 “My teachers spend one on one time with me if I need it.” Standard 5: Leadership & Organization 54 “My teachers spend one on one time with me.” 2009/10: 42%, 2010/11: 44.4%

55 “I feel safe at school.” 55

56 “Teachers respect students.” 56

57 “Students respect teachers.” 57

58 “Students respect one another.” 58

59 “I think bullying is a problem at school.” 59

60 “I am proud of my school.” 60

61 “At school, I know who to ask for help if I have a personal problem.” 61

62 “We use the library often during classes.” 62

63 “The library has the materials I need.” 63

64 “My parents participate in school programs.” 64

65 “Furniture and equipment in my classrooms are in good condition.” 65

66 “The school building is clean and well maintained.” 66

67 “My teachers use a variety of methods to assess my learning.” “Teachers use a variety of methods to assess my child’s learning.” 67

68 68

69 69

70 Thank you 70

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