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Roses. Classification of roses  Modern garden roses  Old garden roses  Species roses.

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Presentation on theme: "Roses. Classification of roses  Modern garden roses  Old garden roses  Species roses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roses

2 Classification of roses  Modern garden roses  Old garden roses  Species roses

3 Types of modern roses  Hybrid teas  Grandifloras  Floribundas  Shrub  Climbing  Rambling  Patio  Miniatures

4 Grandiflora (large- flowered bush)

5 Floribunda (cluster- flowered bush)

6 Shrub roses  David Austin (English)  Dr. Griffith Buck  Knockout  Belinda’s Dream Belinda’s Dream

7 Old (European) garden roses  Alba  Bourbon  Centifolia  China  Damask  Gallicas  Hybrid musk  Moss  Noisette  Portland  Tea

8 Alba roses

9 Centifolia roses

10 Damask roses

11 Species Roses  Wild  Wild hybrids  Rugosas

12 Buying roses  Bareroot  Potted


14 Planting roses




18 Rose maintenance  Fertilization –Once per month during growing season

19 Rose maintenance  Sanitation –To limit disease  Remove leaf litter, pruning waste –Do not compost!  Sanitize pruners –10% clorox, 3-5 minutes (but corrosive over time) –Rubbing alcohol

20 Pruning

21  Deadheading

22 Yearly pruning  Prune when dormant (between leaf fall and spring bud break; not in winter)  Remove dead/dying canes  Remove pencil-thin canes  Tear off suckers on grafted roses



25 Rose insect pests  Japanese beetles  Spider mites  Thrips  Aphids


27 Rose pests- japanese beetles

28 Japanese beetle control

29 Japanese beetle grub control

30 Rose pests - aphids

31 Rose pests - thrips

32 Rose diseases  Black spot  Powdery mildew  Botrytis blight (gray mold)

33 Blackspot- a fungal disease

34 Viral disorders  Rose yellow mosaic (RYMV)  Rose (common) mosaic (RMV)

35 Disease management  Good sanitation (planting bed, tools)  Fungicides –Daconil, thiomyl (systemic), baking sodabaking soda


37 Rose Class ResistantIntermediateSusceptible Floribundas7% 36% 57% Grandifloras 0% 75%25% Hybrid teas 10%35%55% Shrub roses 63%26%11% Rugosa hybrids100%0% Species/hybrids 96%0%4% Basye roses 100% 0% 120 rose cultivars, breeding lines, and species were planted in field trials at two sites (College Station and Overton with Dr. Brent Pemberton) in Texas in 1993 and 1994 to evaluate their resistance to the blackspot fungus. The plants were set on 3 foot centers with 4 replications in a randomized block design. Rating were done 3 to 4 times per year for percent of the leaflets with blackspot and leaf defoliation Plant disease resistant cultivarsdisease resistant cultivars

38 “Easy going”

39 Pest control

40 Biological pest control  Wheel bugs

41 Biological control link

42 Propagating roses  Seed propagation –Requires 3-4 weeks stratification  Hardwood cuttings  Semi-ripe cuttings  Bud grafting  Layering


44 Hardwood cuttings  3 months old

45 Rose Information  American Rose Society American Rose Society

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