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Published byDamon Biddulph Modified over 9 years ago
Lecture 8 Representatives of the Rosidae subclasses (the Rose, Legume and other families) Authors as. – prof. Kernychna I.Z..
The Rose Family - Rosaceae GROWTH FORMS: in family of Rosaceae is large: there are glassy plants, bushes, lianas, trees, shrubs Stems: there are straight (apple tree), creeping (strawberries). Leaves are simple or compound. Flowers are actinomorphous, bisexual, from 5-, rarer by a 4- membership double perianth. A bowl is sometimes with a subbowl (strawberries are forest). Stamens much. Ginecey is differenf The flowers also have 5-4 sepals, usually four nectar glands, and many stamens. Ovary: epigynous or hypogynous FLORAL FORMULA * Ca (5) Co 5,4 A∞ G∞,(2-5), 1 Inflorescences: raceme (European bird cherry), umbrel (hawthorn, cherry), corymb (apple-tree), compound corymb (rowan-tree) and other. Fruit: fleshy fruits, for example, drupe (cherry, apricot, olive), aggregation of drupes (raspberry), pome (apple, hawthorn), pseudocarp (strawberry)
It is the shrub with small thorns. The leavers are pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets. Usually the flowers are white. They have five petals, and mature into an oval red-orange fruit, or hip. The fruit has a five-angle space on the apex Dog rose (Rosa canina)
There is a round hole on the apex of fruit Uses: hip as vitamin, atherosclerosis, hypertensive illness, anemia Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)
Redhaw Hawthorn - Crataegus sanguinea They are shrubs and small trees growing to 5-15 m tall, characterized by their small pome fruit and thorny branches. Uses: leaves, flowers and fruit show cardioactive, desensitizing activity, spasmolytic and sedative effect. shrubstreespomefruitshrubstreespomefruit
Strawberries are forest – Fragá́ria vesca is a herbaceous perennial plants that have compound leaves with three hairy. The flowers are white, bisexual, on long thin peduncles, have for 5 white petals. Fruit is pseudocarp (strawberry). Uses: The leaves and the fruit - diuretic, tonic, cholagogum means.
RASPBERRY – (Rubus idaeus L) It has a perrennial plant which bears biennial stems ("canes") from the perennial root system. Plant has large pinnate leavers with five or seven leaflets. Inflorescence is the сorymb-recame. The fruit is red, or yellow edible, sweet, aggregation of drupes Uses: The fruit – vitamin, diaphoretic means in influenza, high temperature
It is deciduous shrub with simple pinnate leaves. The flowers are borne in corymbs; each flower is white with five petals. The fruit is a small nigra pome Uses: The fruit – hypotension, antisclerotic, vitamin means deciduous shrubflowerscorymbsfruit pomedeciduous shrubflowerscorymbsfruit pome Black chokeberry (ARONIA – Aronia melanocarpa
Rowans or mountain ashes (Sorbus aucuparia ) There is small trees or shrubs with compound pinnate leaves and compound corymbs inflorescens. The fruit is a small red pome. Uses: fruit as vitamin, diuretic and tonic means.
European bird cherry – Padus avium Prunus is a trees and shrurs. Leaves are simple and usually lanceolate. The flowers are usually white to pink, with five petals and five sepals. Inflorescences - racemes. The fruit is a drupe. Uses: fruit as astringent means.
Tormentil cinquefoil - (Potentilla erecta) The grassy perennial with woody rhizome. Most of its flowers have 4 petals. Other Potentilla species have 5. Other features: A low-growing plant. Most leaves have three leaflets plus two large stipules at base looking like leaflets. Uses: Rhizomes as astringent, haemostatic means.
It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 1 m tall with compound pinnate leaves. The fruit is nut. Uses: Rhizomes and roots as astringents, haemostatic haemostatic means. Garden burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
Pear Apple tree – Malus domestica
Legume family GROWTH FORMS: grassy plants, rarer bushes, lianas or trees. Underground organs: The taproot system with bacteriorhiza (large range of other organisms including bacteria also closely associate with roots) (1). Leaves: mainly various compound. Inflorescence: more raceme (6), rarely head or umbrella. Flowers: papillionaceous, bisexual, zygomorphic with a double perianth. A bowl is 5-membership. Androcey (9) consists of 10 stamens: one it is outweighed free, other accrete to the half. Ginecey is monocarpous (10). Fruit: Legume is dry dehiscens pod that splists on two sides on sides (11).
Касія гостролиста (сена) Cassia acutifolia Senna (Casia angustifolia) is a small bush with pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers. Active ingredients: sedasen. USES: Leaves and fruit of plant as a laxative meants.
Spiny restharrow (Ononis arvensis) Spiny restharrow (Ononis arvensis) is a perennial glassy plant or low shrub with a thick rhizome and root. Leaves are tree compound. Flowers are rose, located single in bosoms leaves. Active ingredients: flavonoid-glycosides, essential oils and tannins. flavonoidglycosides essential oilstannins flavonoidglycosides essential oilstannins USES: root are diuretic, cholagogum, desinticiues means.
Termopsis lanceolate (Thermopsis lanceolata) is a perennial grassy plant with a long rhizome and tree compound leaves. Flowers are yellow. Active ingredients: alkaloid USES: herb as expectorant means and seed use for poisonings, shock states. Termopsis lanceolate (Thermopsis lanceolata)
Liqurice or sweet root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Liqurice or sweet root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a grassy perennial with pinnately compound leaves, covered by grandular hairs. Has the well developed rhizome and roots. Flowers are violet, collected in raceme. The fruit is an oblong pod, 2–3 centimetres (about 1 inch) long, containing several seeds fruit pod seedsfruit pod seeds Active ingredients: root and rhizome contain flavonoid, saponine. flavonoid USES: root and rhizome as a expectorans, spasmolyticum mean.
Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) – is biennial glassy plant with tree compound leaves. Flowers are yellow, shallow, collected in a raceme. The above-ground organs (grass) of melilot apply as a coughing up, sedative mean. Active ingredients: coumarin, protein, organic acid. Active ingredients: coumarin, protein, organic acid. coumarin USES: herb – expectorants, anticoagulans, sedativum, analgeticum means. Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis)
C ommon bean - Phaseolus vulgaris Plant contain protein, vitamin B6, folic acad and etc.
The Crassulaceae family Snowdon rose (Rhodiola rosea) is the grassy perennial plant brought to the “Red book of Ukraine”. Active ingredients: flavonoids, tannins, essential oils. Uses: The underground organs of plant called a “gold root” and used as tonicum mean. Other plants subclassis Rosidae
The Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae) Currant black (Ribes nigrum) is small bush with simple 3-5-blade sheets. Flowers are rose-greenish, collected in inflorescence raceme. Fruit - black berry. Active ingredients: contain many vitamins C, organic acids, mineral matters. Uses: fruit and leaves - antiscorbuticum means.
The Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae) Leather bergenia (Bergenia crassifolia) is grassy perennial with the lengthened horizontal rhizome. Leaves are oval, coriaceous, collected, in a rosette. Flowers are whiter-rose. In Ukraine cultivate for the purveyance of rhizome which contains the tannic matters Active ingredients: tannins. Uses: rhizome as astringents means.
Linen family (Linaceae) Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is annual grassy plant with the simple lanceolate leaves located by turns. Flowers are actinomorphic, bisexual, with a blue 5-membership chaplet. A fruit is a small сapsule with brilliant brown seed which accumulate butters and mucus. Active ingredients: mucilage. Uses: seed as protectivum,emollins and laxans means.
Eucalіptus (Eucalіptus globulus) is high evergreen tree from family to Myrtaceae. Two types of leaves: 1 – older lanceolate or falcate, 2 – young egg-shaped. Active ingredients: essential oils. Uses: leaf – gesinficiens, expectorans, antiphlogisticum.
KROK - 1 The studying of five herbarium samples of medicinal plants has been determined that one of them belongs to the family Fabaceae, namely... A * Melilotus officinalis B Atropa belladonna C Hyoscyamus niger D Datura stramonium E Solanum dulcamara
Morphological analysis of an inflorescence of Crataegus sanguinea revealed that its flowers were attached to the same axis at different levels but due to different length of peduncle they grew in the same plane. Such inflorescence is called: *Corymb Umbel Spike Glomus (head) Anthodium (capitupum)
Which of the following investigated plants from Rose family have fruit an apple? A * European rowan-tree (Sorbus domestica) B. Plum-tree (Prunus domestica) C Almond (Amygdalus communis) D Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis) E Bird cherry (Padus avium)
The medicinal plants Astragalus dasianthos and Trifolium pratense (red clover) have unstalked flowers which are arranged on a round thick axis. This is... A. * Head B. Corymb C. Raceme D. Panicle (raceme compound) E. Spike
When tested five herbarium specimens of medicinal plants has been identified as one of one belongs to the legume family, namely: A * Glycyrhiza glabra B Atropa belladonna C Hyoscyamus niger D Datura stramonium E Solanum dulcamara
We collected compound leaves of the plant, the flowers of zygomorfic such as the fruit of the bean.Most likely it belongs to the family... A *Fabaceae B Scrophulariaceae C Ranunculaceae D Lamiaceae E Asteraceae
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