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A Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar Peter B. Phillipson George E. Schatz Porter P. Lowry II Missouri Botanical Garden A 5-year collaborative project.

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Presentation on theme: "A Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar Peter B. Phillipson George E. Schatz Porter P. Lowry II Missouri Botanical Garden A 5-year collaborative project."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar Peter B. Phillipson George E. Schatz Porter P. Lowry II Missouri Botanical Garden A 5-year collaborative project to catalogue the vascular plants of Madagascar

2 Madagascar: Global Hotspot Centre of diversity (12,000? species) Centre of endemism (80, 90, 90+? species endemism) Critical human pressure on ecosystems/biodiversity From: Myers et al. 2000

3 Why a Catalogue? Provide set of “names in current use” Provide statistics – the “numbers game” –How many endemics? –Where are they located? –Prioritise areas for conservation. Collate dispersed literature, and other information Stimulate research –highlight gaps –encourage more detailed studies as necessary (Systematics, Ecology, etc.) Framework for present and future efforts to document the flora Address targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) Why now? –many new treatments –many new collections –Urgently needed by end-users in Madagascar

4 What will the Catalogue cover? Vascular Plants Madagascar only (not Comoros) Native species Naturalized species Modern Family alignments

5 What will the Catalogue contain? Nomenclature and Types Synonymy Habit Habitat Distribution (Bioclimatic, Provincial, Protected Areas) Conservation Status and Rarity

6 What will the Catalogue look like? Printed version Web-based database –text –maps –images (Types, vouchers) –link to TROPICOS data –phylogeny Images on CD? + Associated series of published articles

7 The Printed Version FAMILY: Asteropeiaceae 1 endemic genus, 8 endemic species. GENUS: Asteropeia Thouars Syn.: Rhodoclada Baker 8 endemic species. Ref.: Schatz et al., 1999.

8 The Printed Version ACCEPTED SPECIES: Asteropeia amblyocarpa Tul. Syn.: Asteropeia amblyocarpa Tul. var. longifolia H. Perrier, nomen inval.; Asteropeia rhopaloides (Baker) Baill. var. angustata H. Perrier, nomen inval., pro parte. Endemic. Shrub or tree. Subhumid and Dry, Forest and Woodland. 0-2000 m. Prov.: ANTA, ANTS, FIAN, MAHA, TOLI PA: Andohahela, Andringitra, Ankarafantsika Cons. Stat.: LC Type: Bernier 281 (HT: P; IT: P) Voucher: C. Birkinshaw et al. 725 (MO, P, TAN). SYNONYMS: Asteropeia amblyocarpa Tul. var. longifolia H. Perrier, nomen inval. = Asteropeia amblyocarpa Tul.

9 The Printed Version PRESENTATION: File Bound to enable easy replacement of out-of-date pages – available through web- site

10 The Web Version …….

11 Click here Browse for specific data in database Search for specific data in database


13 Click here

14 Accepted name in bold Synonym not bold Generate replacement text for printed version Click here for more details

15 Voucher Type Full information = printed version Maps clickable for area-based information Links to TROPICOS – specimen based- map etc. Fianarantsoa Toliara Subhumid Dry Andringitra Isalo

16 Click here

17 Peter Steven’s Angiosperm Phylogeny Web-site: Ordinal level: Malagasy Clades and Orders in red Click on Clade or Order for next level detail here

18 Click on clade to get further expansion (if available) Click family name to get Catalogue record Caryophyllales Family level: Malagasy clades and orders in red

19 Click here for data subset (species list) for selected Bioclimatic Region Click here for data subset (species list) for selected Province Click here for data subset (species list) for selected Conservation Status category Click here for data subset (species list) for selected Protected Area

20 How will we produce the catalogue? 1.Review existing taxonomic treatments – assess Taxon Recent Flora or Monograph Old Flora or Revision – new material available –substantial revision required –minor amendments required No revision available –Revision currently in progress –Worldwide Monograph –African / Mascarene revision(s) available –literature of individual species descriptions.

21 How will we produce the catalogue? 2.Capture existing “good” treatments 3.Undertake minor revisionary work Produce synoptic revisions (see examples of Mimusops and Desmostachys) Describe individual new species Nomenclature, (Nomenclatural Notes) 4.“Find” contributors currently working on groups 5.Mentor students

22 Flore de Madagascar – a basis What has been done? 178 families out of 222 (80%) treated in full Some treatments over 50 years old of the remaining 44 non-treated families, some modern treatments are available, notably Fabaceae other non-treated families, some flora treatment /revisions are in advanced stages of preparation/publication, including parts of some large families e.g. –Apiaceae – Euphorbiaceae (in part) –Araliaceae – Rubiaceae (in part) –Asclepiadaceae Some older flora volumes replaced by new revisions, e.g. –most endemic families –Arecaceae –Iridaceae

23 Flore de Madagascar What remains largely “untouched”? small families, e.g. –Rosaceae –Geraniaceae large/medium-sized families, e.g. –Ericaceae –Poaceae parts of some large families, notably –Euphorbiaceae –Rubiaceae –Acanthaceae

24 What have we done so far? 1.Review of: LAMIACEAE (Fl Mad 1998) CONVOLVULACEAE (Fl Mad 2002)  minor changes 2.Synoptic Revisions completed Endemic families, e.g. SARCOLAENACEAE Other out-dated flora treatments, e.g. Buxus 3.Synoptic Revisions in progress Endemic families, e.g. DIDYMELACEAE Other out-dated flora treatments, e.g. Brexia, Desmostachys, Mimusops, Tacca, Xerophyta, 4.Revision / Flora treatment of small families in progress GERANIACEAE ROSACEAE

25 Progress since Flore de Madagascar Net decrease Is this figure representative?

26 Reflections 12,000 spp. may still be an underestimate for the total vascular plant flora of Madagascar In 1959 the number of species recorded from Madagascar was estimated at 7,900 (Humbert) By 1992 the increase was estimated at 1445 (18%), giving a total of 9345 (Phillipson) The rate of adding species seems to have increased, are we now adding 74% to 1959 levels across the board? If so, available figures suggests a total flora of 13,700 species! Species endemism still looks to be over 90% in many taxa Hopefully we will have a more reliable estimate in 5 years time! The first edition of the Catalogue will be a starting point Later editions may include other data: what?

27 The End Thilachium pouponii

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